Part 99

3602 Words

~~10~~ Colin's POV Stab speed walks down the backstairs and heads for the cells, making a bee-line straight to Julia and Misty who for some reason are still in Caly's cell. Why didn't I move them? Julia is wrapped tighter than a burrito in the thin blanket and Misty is uncovered and spooning her niece protectively even in her sleep. They take up the whole cot, it's not even as wide as a twin bed. Stab unlocks the door and Misty's eyes pop open as she scans her surroundings. "Please wake the little one up, we need to speak to her." Stab calmly tells the Aunt. Misty gently shakes her niece's shoulder and mind-links her as well. She sits up and rubs her eyes. When she sees the three of us, instead of fear of so many wolves with powerful auras together, she smiles brightly and bobs her he

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