Part 33

3455 Words

Stavros' POV I cannot handle another day of her hanging around the office.  I had only intended to scare her a little, and make it so unpleasant she wouldn't want to be working with us, but when the lights turned off in her eyes, I really worried that no one was home.  She wouldn't slip back into oblivion like that time she was in the hospital, would she?  She has a wolf now to protect her, but my wolf paced and howled, having a temper tantrum. I hurriedly got ready, it seems Colin had the same idea. His lack of trust was seriously pissing me off. If he wanted to protect her so damn badly, I had no problem letting him, so I grabbed her by the arm, but I had forgotten about the sparks and I just shoved her away. I swear she has a coordination problem because she half-tripped and she would

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