Part 32

2913 Words

Stavros’s POV "Colin!" The second my Beta walked back into the office, I was wary of that s**t-eating grin plastered on his face.  He was supposed to be checking on her for me. No, scratch that, he said he would be responsible for her, so it's his job to check on her.  When he reached my office door, she boldly walked out from behind him, I almost lost my mind.  Was it not bad enough that the scent of heat was driving my wolf crazy in my own sanctuary? I don't allow any she-wolf in my room, and now this one gets her own place.  It meant Zeus had been fighting for control these past few days, and I loathed it.  He forced me to just continually eye her.  Mostly to point out all her features, how they compare to Angela (which they don't), and any time she needed something he berated me for

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