9. Unknowns.

1585 Words

9. Unknowns. Katarina. Killian drives like a maniac in the middle of the night while I can't get the smiling face of the poor old lady who met her death tonight because of us out of my head. Jesus, I want to puke. And I want to scream. I also want to turn back time so I would never have entered her house. "You need to calm down, Katarina, it was just one more life." "That poor woman..." "She was probably going to die of old age soon." I almost suffer from torticollis from how hard I turn my neck to look at him. It is in these moments that I envy his indifference. Killian is still driving like a deranged maniac, every few seconds glancing in the rearview mirror. I look behind us, thinking maybe someone is following us... but nothing. There's no one. He doesn't stop, he speeds

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