Chapter One

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“I just arrived here in Bangkok. Still at the airport.” I even showed them my surroundings and pointed at the signage in front of me. “Do we have an emergency?” I added. “Nothing. We just wanted to ask how are you,” Amara mumbled with a sleepy tone. “And here I thought it was an emergency. Do you have to call thrice in a row?” I exhaled and laughed a little bit. “What’s wrong? My phone’s been ringing. Can’t focus on my work.” That’s Ivy and she just joined the call. “Amara is probably just bored. Today’s her day off,” I muttered. “I was wondering if we could go clubbing tonight? Like, BGC maybe? Or anywhere around Manila,” she invited. “See? She’s just bored,” I added. She just rolled her eyes and jumped towards her bed. “Ugh. Nevermind! I’ll drop by your office later, Cora.” “Yeah. And don’t forget to bring pizza,” Cora answered. She’s busy reading and signing some paperwork. “The conference will be this afternoon, right?” Ivy turned her camera on before asking. I gave them a nod. “Yeah. I’m just waiting for Mr. Jones to fetch me here.” “Cool! A chauffeur for Ms. Congeniality!” Amara teased. “Stop! He’s just going to drop me off at my hotel because I don’t know anything about Bangkok. It’s my first time here,” I explained. “You going home after the conference?” It was Cora who shot the question this time. “Nope. I’m taking a short vacation here.” And besides, I already booked a reservation at Railay Beach. “I should've just tagged along with you. I’m so bored here,” Amara complained about her day doing absolutely nothing but watching on Netflix. “You didn’t ask,” I told her. “Nevermind. Just enjoy your short vacay,” she muttered while having breakfast. “Hold on. I think I have to go.” Someone approached me and he’s holding a card with my name on it. It would be rude to keep the call going while he’s standing in front of me. “Alright. Good luck, Architect Imperial!” Ivy cheered for me. “Bye! Don’t forget to grab something for us before going home,” Amara reminded me. “Thanks, Ivy. I’ll buy you some before going home. Bye!” I ended the call and politely smiled at the man in front of me. “Ms. Shayla Nadia Imperial?” he formally asked me. He must be Mr. Erick Jones. “Good morning! Yes, sir that’s me. You must be Mr. Jones, right?” I asked him too. “Good day, Ms. Imperial. Yes, I’m Erick Jones and Mr. Siriwong sent me to pick you up and bring you to the hotel,” he answered respectfully. I was shocked when I noticed his Filipino accent. It’s not that I’m criticizing him for having it, it was just a thing that I noticed. I think I should ask him if he’s a Filipino. “I hope you wouldn’t mind me asking, are you a Filipino?” “I’m half-Filipino, Ms. Imperial. My mother is from Aklan,” he answered. “Oh, that’s brilliant!” I’m relieved. I was worried because I couldn’t speak Thai but I’m fine now because I’m with Mr. Jones. “Mr. Siriwong knew you couldn't speak Thai so he sent me to help you,” Mr. Jones said nicely. “Really? Mr. Siriwong must be a good man.” And Mr. Jones is working for him that’s why I assumed he is nice. “He is praiseworthy that’s why I worked for him for too long. It’s been six years since I started working for him,” he muttered with a proud smile. Mr. Jones and I talked until we arrived at the hotel. He even helped me with my luggage before he left. I was alone again and my head feels heavy because of the flight but I didn’t have enough time to rest. I had to prepare for the conference. Twenty minutes before the summit started, I arrived at the venue and patiently waited for the others to come. “Good day, everyone! This is Ms. Shayla Nadia Imperial, the new ambassador of Hope Foundation.” Mr. Jones introduced me to the board of directors from different countries. I can feel my heart racing like it could break my ribcage at any moment. Everyone is staring at me, waiting for me to speak. Here we go. I practiced my speech countless times. This is it! “Thank you for choosing me as the new ambassador of Hope Foundation. It is rest assured that I will work hard with the purest intention to help the children and give them a brighter future,” I said like I was giving an oath. I gave my speech with a sincere promise that I would not do anything to tarnish the name of the foundation. The conference went well, we just planned the annual outreach programs including the outstanding budget . I was grateful that the board accepted me and didn’t treat me harshly for being the youngest ambassador. Once the conference ended, I excused myself and rushed back to the hotel. I still have to get to the airport and fly to Krabi. The flight will take more than an hour so I might arrive at Railay by evening. When we arrived at Krabi, I rushed outside the airport with my pieces of luggage to grab a taxi. I needed to move quickly or I might arrive there late at night. “I have to take a taxi from here to Ao Nang Pier and then after that, I will ride a boat to Railay Beach.” I was trying to recall the things I read when I searched how to get to Railay Beach from Bangkok. I saw a taxi heading in my direction so I waved my hand. Luckily, I was the only one looking for a ride so it was easier to grab one. “Take me Ao Nang Pier, please,” I told the driver after he put all of my luggage inside the compartment. The driver answered politely and although I didn't understand what he said, he sounded kind. Since both of us couldn't converse, I just opened Google Maps on my phone to check how many minutes do we have to travel before we get to the pier. “Bound to Railay.” I pressed send after typing my message because Cora was asking where I was right now. Everyone in the Chat Room saw my message and replied in haste. Amara: Are you okay? We’re worried because you can’t even speak Thai. Ivy: And you don’t understand their language. Cora: Open your Google Map. I replied and told them I already opened Google Map. My friends are probably worried I might get conned here. Well, that’s because I’m the easiest to fool and they know it. Nadia: We’re heading the right way. We will be at the pier after thirty minutes. I even sent a screenshot of my location to let them know I’m safe. The driver looked nice that he didn’t let me carry my things, he did it all by himself. Cora: Take care. Nadia: Yup. I will. I’m saving up my battery so I have to go offline. Amara: Is your Gmap offline? Nadia: Yes, ma’am! Ivy: Good. Take care. Nadia: I will. I went offline after that and watched the beautiful sunset outside. I was so busy that I didn’t have much time to go out and enjoy things like this. “Ao Nang Pier,” the driver announced after he stopped the car. I looked outside and saw the boats on the pier. The driver called me so I went outside and helped him with my luggage. “No. Keep it.” I stopped him when he handed my change. Although giving tip is not common here in Thailand, it’s not a taboo so it’s not bad to give one. “Thank you,” he replied politely with his hands held together. I just smiled at him and waved when he maneuvered the car away from the pier. I was left alone and even scared when I talked to the boat owners. They told me no one’s expected to ride the boat aside from me hence the trip would be in the morning. “Goodness! What should I do?” I bit my nails because I was getting anxious. I kept looking around until I spotted a yacht at the farthest part of the pier. The lights are on so I know someone’s there. It was hard but I forced myself to carry all my luggage until I got in front of the yacht. “Hello? Is anybody here?!” I yelled hoping the owner would hear me. “Hello?!” I shouted again. It took a minute or two until I heard footsteps so I looked up and saw someone standing at the sundeck. “What is it, Disney Princess?” It was a baritone voice but I couldn't see him because it was dark. British accent. I could listen to him all day long! “Can you help me, please?” I asked instead of admiring his exquisite accent. He might say no because I’m a stranger but still, I can cling on to pure luck. Also, I’m so desperate to get to Railay. “How can I help you?” he shot a question. “Can you take me to Railay Beach? The boat owners said they won’t go there right now,” I explained. “Nope. Can’t take you there either,” he replied, rejecting my request. Well, I expected that. My friends say my doe eyes can do magic so let me give this one a shot. “But… But I can’t sleep here and wait until morning,” I mumbled and my voice almost broke. There’s no way I would sleep here because I’m not familiar with the place. The first trip will be tomorrow and I can’t wait until then. Other than that, I have nowhere to go! “Ah, damn it! Fine, I’ll take you there so stop looking at me like a wounded pup and get inside.” He finally agreed to help me! I was about to jog inside the yacht when I remembered I did have three huge pieces of luggage with me. “Can you help me with these? They’re quite heavy,” I asked him, embarrassed that I might be a nuisance by this time. I heard him let out a heavy sigh. “I’ll load your luggage inside.” I clapped my hands happily. “Thank you, sir!” He assisted me inside the yacht though I think it wasn't necessary but I let him anyway. I was having second thoughts peeking at his face because he was so close to me that I could even smell his cologne. “I bet he’s handsome,” I whispered watching him carry my things. He wouldn't mind if I help myself, right? I’m a passenger after all. I couldn't wait for him so I sat on the couch and stretched my tired feet. “A nap would be fine, right?” I murmured with my sleepy eyes. I felt the yacht move so I made myself comfortable. The wind was becoming so cruel that I had to hug myself to feel a little bit better. My eyelids are getting heavier as we go on and since I was planning to take a nap, I fell into a deep slumber. “Time to wake up, Sleeping Beauty!” I quickly opened my eyes and looked everywhere when I heard a man’s voice waking me up. I spotted someone leaning on the doorframe and that someone was hot! I can tell who he is although I didn't have a clear picture of his chiseled face last night. “Why are you here?” I asked, feeling a little bit drowsy from my sleep. “Excuse me, Princess but you’re still in my yacht,” he corrected me. I quickly scanned the surroundings and nearly jumped back to sleep when I realized he was right. This is his cabin, I’m sure of it because the blanket smells like him. “I’m sorry. You should have woke me up last night,” I apologized without meeting his gaze. This is embarrassing! “I don’t know where to drop you off. You didn’t tell me because you dozed off right after sitting on the couch.” He was drinking Heineken early in the morning. “I was tired that’s why. Did you carry me here? Where did you sleep last night?” I asked timidly. “You don’t remember walking, do you? I Slept on the couch. What you you expect? Lay beside you?” he answered with sarcasm. “Of course not! I was just worried because I caused you too much trouble already,” I explained with my reddened face. Why did he even say that? It makes the situation awkward! He was staring at me so I returned his gaze and noticed something. He has this unusual gray eyes that perfectly fit his jet-black hair. I knew he would be handsome but not this drop-dead gorgeous and hot. “You should go,” he marveled. “Uh, yeah. How much should I pay you?” I have to pay him more because I shamelessly slept here. “No, thanks. I don’t need it,” he answered casually. I raised my brow. “Is he like, rich… rich like the son of a president or something?” I whispered. I heard him scoff. “No, I’m not.” Looking away, I murmured something in Tagalog because I knew he wouldn't understand my language. “Did you just call me conceited?” he asked with his brows almost forming a straight line. “You can understand Tagalog?!” I was dumbstruck. “Even fluent with the language,” he countered with a shrug. “How? Did you learn the language or something? You’re not a Filipino, are you?” Of course, I had to question him. “But I do have Filipino blood coursing through my veins, Cinderella.” He even smirked after saying that. Wow. I probably looked stupid just now.
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