Book 1 Chapter Eight - Cocky Jackass

1933 Words
Alesha’s P.O.V I headed home to get ready for dinner with my friends. We were going to check out a new Sushi restaurant that opened in town only last week. We had not had a chance to check it out yet that’s why we decided to go there for dinner. I was meeting them there since we were all taking our own cars, no drink gonna be involved. As I said I do not drink on a work night. I heard my phone go off as I got ready. I had a feeling who it was…good chance it is gonna be Jacob. I grabbed my phone, rolling my eyes when I see I was right. What does he want now? I opened the text. Jacob: Hey sexy ;) you decided to go for dinner or a drink with me yet? I know you secretly wanna…secretly wanna f**k me, the way you kissed me told me that. Cocky jackass much? He really did love himself, didn’t he? He is lucky I don’t get easily offended with the way he talks to me, the way he texts me. I stood with my phone in hand, wondering if I should text him back or not. Then if I don’t he will annoy me and ruin my dinner for me. Alesha: Still no Jacob, not gonna change my mind. And me kissing you? It was a moment of stupidity and a way for you to stop talking. Jacob: Yes you will, I told you I can be very convincing. Bullshit! You kissed me cause you wanted too and you were as turned on as me with it too. Alesha: Believe what you want Jacob. You and I will NEVER happen. Find someone else to harass and leave me alone…find someone who actually wants you. Jacob: Nope! I do not give up that easily. See you around sexy ;) x I left it at that. Why is he being this persistent? He is after s*x, sure he can get that anywhere so why waste time on me…waste time on someone who he isn’t gonna get? Then again I am sure he is not used to be rejected. Not used to not getting what he wants. Maybe that is why he is trying as hard? I pushed him to back of my mind, heading out and heading to the restaurant to meet my friends. I headed inside seeing Lori and Lena already there. I made my way over to them, both of them standing to greet me with a hug before the three of us sat down at the table. “How was your first day?” Lori asked “Really good, went well and everyone is lovely. One thing that was not so good? Jacob showing up at the office.” I said rolling my eyes at the last part “As in Jacob Richmond?” Lori asked shocked “Yes. He has not let me be since that night at his club. He has been texting me, then showed up at the office and if that is not bad enough…he was waiting for me in the parking lot next to my car when I finished. I swear I am beginning to think he is stalking me.” I said “Oh wow! I do not think he is stalking. I just think he is not used to being rejected which makes him want you more.” Lena said “I don’t know. I wish he would leave me alone but I made things worse for myself when I kissed him AGAIN.” I said, still annoyed with myself that I did that. “You are clearly attracted to him. Why not have some fun with him?” Lori asked “Cause he is a jackass that is why. I can’t be doing with men like him.” I said “It is only s*x and as we told you, he is apparently really good at that.” Lena smirked I brushed them off, soon changing the subject Jacob has stolen enough of my time today. I knew they wanted to talk some more about it but that wasn’t gonna happen. Eventually, we did change the subject. The three of us placed our orders with the waiter before getting back to our chat. “s**t!” Lori said panicked suddenly “What is wrong?” I asked She nodded behind me. I turned to see why she was panicking, soon wishing I never when I see my ex sitting across the room with his new girlfriend eating their meal. I never even noticed him when I came in. Why is he even here? He does not like Sushi, then why the f**k is he eating it? Unless that was another lie he told me. I watched them for a moment, her giggling as he spoke to her. The two of them holding hands over the table. He looked happy, happier than when he was with me. I felt my heartbreak all over again seeing them there. I turned away before they felt someone watching them and realised it was me. I do need them to know that I am here. “You OK?” Lena asked “Do you wanna go somewhere else?” she added “Not really, why does he have to be here with her?” I said trying not to get upset, he was not worth it…cried enough over him “But no I am not leaving because of them. I will pretend they are not here.” I added. I was having a good day, why does he have to be here and ruin it? I hated that I was still hurting over him…missing him. I wanted to stop but six years is a long time being with someone. We were talking about getting married, having kids and half of the time he was saying that to me he was with her. How can someone hurt someone like that, that they are meant to love? I don’t get it. I have never understood cheating. I could really do with a drink right now but couldn’t since I was driving. I tried forgetting that he was behind me, trying my best to enjoy the meal that we had now been served. I found myself looking over my shoulder at them every now and again. The last time I did, he happened to look over and saw it was me. I was quick to turn away…shit! He caught me. If he had any decency in him he would stay away. “Could this night get any worse?” I sighed, running my hands through my hair “Why what is wrong?” I heard a voice from behind me, making me jump. I looked over my shoulder and was met with none other than Jacob standing there. Come on!!!!!! Why? Why does he need to show up here? Show up when my ex happens to be here with his new girlfriend? Someone must really hate me if they have made the two of them show up in one night. “None of your business.” I found myself snapping at him, Jacob seeming taken back with me snapping at him. “Whoa! Calm down. I just wanted to see if you were OK?” He asked “Yes, I am f*****g great. I have you annoying the hell out of me and if that isn’t bad enough my ex is over there with his eighteen-year-old girlfriend that he left me for…so yes I am just awesome.” I hissed sarcastically getting to my feet and walked out. I don’t know why I was getting mad at him he only asked if I was alright. I think it was seeing my ex there with her made me mad. I took that out on him. I would head back in, just needed a breather. I leant against the wall outside and took a few deep breaths. “Alesha?” I hear Jacob’s voice “Sorry I snapped at you,” I said looking up at him “It is OK. I understand why.” He said coming to stand next to me “The guy is an i***t Alesha.” He added “I know, that doesn’t make it any easier. I hate that I still miss him…that it still hurts seeing him.” I said, running my hands through my hair. “You were with him for a long time. It isn't something you just over Alesha.” He said He was being nice which I found surprising. I appreciate that he was not being his usual annoying, perverted self right now or I may actually hit him. “I know but I wish I could just get over it.” I sighed “I know. Come back in, your food will be getting cold. Ignore him.” He said I nodded, following Jacob back inside. As we walked in my ex was walking towards us with her, heading out. I couldn’t even avoid him. He was walking right towards me. Great now I am gonna see them both face to face. I found myself stopping, feeling like my body was not letting me move. “Alesha, why did you stop?” Jacob asked “Cause my ex is coming with her,” I whispered out They appeared in front of us before Jacob could say anything else. My ex had the cheek to smile at me and so did she. “Hey Alesha, how are you?” my ex asked nicely “Fine.” Was all I replied? “Who the f**k are you?” Jacob hissed at him “Blaine…um…Alesha’s ex.” He said seeming intimated by Jacob. Jacob was taller than him…more muscular than him and the look on his face would make anyone feel intimated. I was trying not to laugh at how pathetic my ex looked right now. “So you are the f*****g i***t that left her? Why the f**k would you do that?” he said “That is none of your business. Who are you?” Blaine asked glaring at Jacob “Me? I am the man that is showing your ex what a real man is like. She mentioned how boring and s**t you were in bed, but don’t worry I made her forget all about you. Anyway, we aren't wasting any more time on you.” Jacob said smugly before he grabbed my hand, leading me away from Blaine. I looked over my shoulder, seeing Blaine standing there watching us go, looking pissed off and annoyed. I think Jacob got under his skin. I laughed as we walked away. “Thank You,” I said smiling up at him “You are welcome. The man is an i***t. Well, I will let you get back to your friend and I will get back to mine. See you around gorgeous.” He winked, looking to make sure Blaine was gone, which he was before he walked away. I made my way back to my friend, who were both looking at me and smiling. I am guessing they seen and heard what just happened? I laughed, sitting back down to get my meal. “I think you can at least go for a drink with him now.” Lena laughed “Yes maybe.” I smiled Maybe she was right. A drink is the least I can do after the way he stuck up for and made Blaine mad.I appreciated that. I would text him later and say.
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