Book 1 Chapter Seven - Stalker much?

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Alesha’s P.O.V My first day had reached its end. It had been a good day and went well, no mishaps or mistakes. I was in a really good mood and decided to celebrate with a late dinner with my friends which I arranged on my lunch break. I headed down to the parking lot to get my car. I had my own parking space which is something I have never had which was cool. I have never had a personal parking space. I was whistling away to myself, part of the good mood I was in it soon disappeared when I see a figure stand next to my car, a familiar one…a familiar one that I never wanted to see. “You have to be f*****g joking me right now? I am seriously beginning to think you are stalking me.” I said beyond pissed off “Persisted. There is one way to solve this problem Alesha…go for a Drink with Me,” he smirked “Or you get the hint and leave me alone that would solve the problem too. I think my idea is better. Now move and let me get into my car.” I huffed, folding my arms over my chest glaring at him. He stood still, not moving a single inch. He only gave me a shake of his head. Can I please slap the smug look right off his face? “Come on Alesha one drink?” he asked “No. We already had a drink at your club. I don’t need to have another one.” I said, “Plus I do not drink on work nights…sorry.” I added smugly He stepped forward, closing the distance between our bodies and placed his hands on my hips. “Stop making excuses Alesha. Well if you don’t drink how about dinner?” he asked Dinner? Yes, cause I am sure he does just dinner. I know the only thing he eats when it comes to being with a woman. Eww, why am I even thinking about him doing that at all? I pushed him away from me, going to walk by him to get into my car. He stopped me before I had a chance. “I will make you a deal you go out for dinner with me and if you don’t fall for my charm and smooth-talking by the end of the night I will let you be.” He said As much as I wish that would be true I had a feeling he was lying. He seemed the type of guy to me that would lie to get what he wanted just cause he can. I am sure plenty of women fall it. I would probably fall for it if he tried hard enough, something I cannot let him see. He was standing there, waiting patiently for my answer. “Somehow I do not believe that. I know your type. I have heard all about you. You are the type that lies to get what you want.” I said He never denied, telling me everything I needed to know about him. I shook my head at him and rolled my eyes. He shrugged, not bothered with the look of disgust that was probably on my face right now. “Come on Alesha, you were with the same guy for six years and now you should enjoy being single. Live a little, have fun and get around a little. And I am the perfect guy to help you with all that.” He said confidently. Maybe he was right…maybe I should have a little fun. Enjoy the single life and get more experience because I have only ever been with my ex and one other guy before him. A guy I was in a relationship with before my ex that I just broke up with. But I sure as hell was not gonna do that with a guy like him. I wanna have fun not get used as a f**k buddy. I have more respect for myself than that. “Trust me if I wanna have some fun it will not be with you.” I laughed He moved into me, trapping me between my car door and him. This is getting too familiar, me getting trapped between his body and something else. He stood only inches away from me, running his fingers over my neck and shoulders. I closed my eyes over, biting on my lower lip blocking a moan from falling from them. “And how not? You wanna have some fun with no strings attached. I am the best type of guy for you to have fun with. You wouldn’t need to worry about me falling for you or you falling for me. It is a win, win. I get what I want…you and you get to have hot, amazing unattached sex.” He said his lips brushing mine. I shivered, feeling my lip quiver slightly. A soft moan eventually escaping from my lips. He slowly slid his hand down my arm, down to my sides before gripping my hips tightly in his hands, pulling my body against his. A whine slipping from my lips as he did. “Come on Alesha, live a little.” He said, drawing circles on my hips with his fingers And with that something changed in me. A wave of desire swept through me with the way his eyes were staring into mine. The way his touch felt against me. I did something I knew I would regret. I placed my hand on the back of his neck, pulling his lips towards mine. Jacob not protesting against it. Our lips met in a passionate kiss. He wrapped his arm around my body, holding me tightly against him. I tugged at his hair, forcing my tongue into his mouth. He did not refuse me and our tongues were soon dancing together. He pushed my back hard against my car, his body pressing into mine. The kiss we were sharing was hot, lustful and full of s****l tension. I could feel the hard-on in jeans pressing straight against my core…my core that was beginning to throb with the intimacy. It has been a few months and even more than that. All I was getting was more of wham bam thank you, mam, from my ex…no passion…no pleasure…no love, just emotionless s*x so right now there was desire burning through me in a way I do not think I have ever felt. He and I hesitantly pull apart, both needing to catch our breaths after what had just gone down. I opened my eyes, looking at him to find him staring straight back at me. A lustful look in his eyes and a smirk on his swollen lips that smirk making me snap back into reality. “What the f**k am I doing?” I said quickly pushing him away from me “What you really want too. Now come on, at least let me take you for a drink or dinner? We can continued this somewhere a little more private.” He said “Go f**k yourself.” I said, patting his cheek before climbing into my car. I giggled as I started my car and drove away from him, making him want more…making him want me. I had a feeling I would be hearing for him soon.
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