Chapter 6

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Waking up to school was something she looked forward to. She really did unlike so many people her age. But she should have not stayed up late. Her eyes itched, not happy to adjust to the bright lighting of the room. Anna shifted and noticed that Violet was still sleeping, dead to the world. Her arm must have been numb because she was sleeping on it the entire time. She should have slept early but it was Violet's fault. They had to watch that new Netflix. Violet is very persistent. And no Anna is not a push over but Violet's eyes does the trick. She still remembers their conversation from last night. It went something like this. "But I need to sleep Vi." "I can't believe you are not helping me in this." She had groaned while looking at her with wide eyes. "How is me watching House on a haunting hill any helpful?" Anna protested, bewildered. Seriously how is that helpful? "It's for my series analysis. I can't believe you don't remember?" Violet twisted her mouth. "A what now?" "I told you I was talking a film class online. And this is my assignment. We have to select a popular series also something not cliché and write a analysis on it. And I desperately want to know your opinion as well. Cause like you think out of the box." Okay that may have done the trick. Also the eyes okay. It was not Anna's fault. Violet is persistent and too doe eyed to resist. "Vi get up! Vi" Anna croaked her voice all sleep induced. She shook her arm but all she got in return was groan and few cuss words. She sighed. Anna let out a yawn and purred like a kitten and blinked her eyes repeatedly to avoid the irritation. It was not so helpful. As she turned her neck to get rid of the crick her eyes fell on the ice cream tub on her nightstand. She closed her eyes and opened it again as if that would make it disappear. Her room was a mess. There were few m and ms in her bed and she could feel the colour of them on her fingers as well. The chips packet was on the floor. She had to clean this up. Ugh. She hated cleaning up. Yep a normal teenager. "Vi get up or I'll slap you. This room is a mess and we have to clean it up." "What?" Violet rasped. Anna rolled her eyes. They slept at the same time but Violet is such a lazy head. "Get up. We need to clean this shit." Anna squinted her eyes to look closer. "There are m n ms in your hair as well. Did you voluntarily feed them or they got there?" Anna laughed at her own joke. "Don't start in the morning. Go shower. I'll clean this up." "Okay." Anna knew it was just another truck to sleep extra minute but atleast she'll clean up later on. With that thought Anna moves out of her bed and steadies on her feet, with a wobble. After what seems like ages she walks in her wardrobe and picks something. "Anna if you picked another stupid jumper I swear to God." Violet mumbles not even bothering to turn and look at her. "I did not pick another jumper."Anna buffs pushing the jumper she picked back in the wardrobe and searching for something else. She doesn't know why they both don't like her jumpers. They are so snuggly, maybe because they look ugly. But they are cuddly. "I believe you" Anna rolls her eyes and walks inside the shower with a rolling stones tee and white skinny jeans. *** "Good morning dumpling." "Morning dad. Can you lose that name? I am not a child anymore." Anna rolls her eyes while taking out the plate from stand. She hated that name. One time you get a dumpling stuck in your throat and it's your nickname. The creativity. Maybe also because she was a chubby child and had rosy cheeks that even apples rivaled. "Can you lose that attitude please? You are not a child anymore." Acacia snarks at her daughter while cutting fruits. Anna grumbles something under her breath and tries to ignore that comment. It's not new. Her getting scoldings from her mother. If anything she's used to it. "Woke up on the wrong side of bed hon?" Andrew asks looking at his grumpy daughter. She looks at him and gives him a weak smile. "Violet's car is in the driveway. Did she sleepover again?" Her mother mutters looking pointedly at her. Anna nods settling in a chair opposite to her mother, facing her. "Hmm" Anna replies with a mouthful of scrambled eggs. "I cooked some for her as well. And Anna please clean your room. It's not garbage bin. I have told you countless times, your room reflects your soul." Anna refrains from rolling her eyes and instead nods her head. As if. She's tired of hearing the same thing over and over again. Atleast her one parent is not nagging. "So how's your school treating you?" Her dad asked sipping his regular coffee. One sugar, two spoons of coffee. She hates it. "It's good. We are arranging a Teachers Day on 5th. Tylor and I are in charge." She answered. "That Russo kid? He's brilliant. Acacia I told you remember he came to golf course last time. Anna he there with his dad and absolutely smashed it. Good kid. Very humble." Andrew smiled recalling the incident. It was crazy because for him Tylor looked like an amateur but he absolutely smashed it. He had to endure the gloating of Russo Sr the entire time but it was worth it. "Andrew that kid is brilliant but you know him and... Anna." Acacia signalled trying to make him stop. And for the first time Anna was actually thankful for her mother. At least she understood her. Ah well more like she could get her because she had a school rival like her too. Katie Wienfield. Anna still remembers her name because her mother always mumbles about her when she had one two many glasses of wine. Like mother like daughter. "Oh you are still on about that childish rivalry. I thought you both were friends now given that there may be chances of him being co valedictorian." Andrew's voice was muffled around the coffee mug but she could clearly sense his disbelieving tone. If her father was two goody shoes and too kind doesn't mean she has to be like him. Or she should but she's definitely not gonna. And besides she already decided that she wants to be the only one to have that title instead of sharing with anyone. And definitely not with Tylor. He was a i***t who didn't deserve it. Besides her father didn't knew anything about rivalry. He was a social butterfly and friends with all. "Dad he and I are like ground floor and terrace. We will never meet. There's always a floor between us." She explained using his language and continued picking at her breakfast. She sneaked a glance at her mother who for some reason looked proud at that and continued her work. She knew it cause her mom didn't believe it either. "First of all bravo on the example kid. And secondly I..." "Andrew why don't you just let that go? You know how stubborn she is. Have you packed your lunch?" Acacia asked while packing her fruits. He looked at her and released a sigh. For once he would have loved her to be on his side. "No." He shook his head. "I thought we were having lunch with those clients?" He asked her with his eyebrows raised. Anna tuned out. She was already having enough trouble to digest the fact that her father goes to the same golf course as Tylor's father and not only that he knows Tylor. Great. Not only that knowing him she was sure he was going to get in between them. Not like that. Ew. Like he would play the matchmaker and she's definitely not excited about it. "An?" "Anna?" Their loud voices broke her chain of thoughts. She looked up from her breakfast and questioningly stared at them. "Do you have lunch money? Or are you packing lunch?" "Good morning guys!" "Violet? Wow- Really?" Anna's mother asked punting pointing at her hair. Violet just rushed towards her and gave her a hug. It was so good to see her after a while. "Ugh I missed your breakfasts" Violet grumbled and settled beside Anna's father. They shared a fist bump and Anna rolled her eyes. She was so used to them teaming together against her that she was bored. "I knew you were here for my food." Acacia gasped and shook her head. Drama runs in the family. "Eh are you surprised?" Violet says bored and rubs her palms together looking at the breakfast. "Not really." Acacia sighed. And that was that. "So tell me Andrew what's new in real estate?" She asked with so much interest that Anna would have believed for a while if she didn't knew Violet. Anna looked back at clock and sighed. It was only few minutes till she had to go back school. On the way she has to pick Jade. "Vi hurry up. We have to pick up Jade and then go." Anna mumbled and raised from her seat. She was done with her breakfast. "Such a nerd. We can be late chill. You are the secretary." Violet rolled her eyes as if that is the most obvious thing in the world. Acacia agreed while biting on her apple slice. "I am secretary Vi. I have to be on time." Anna retorted. She hurriedly picked the keys from the stand. "Also nice clothes Violet. I didn't know you owned a black jumper. " Anna asked as she spotted Violet from the corner of her eyes. It was futile attempt at hiding her smile. "I don't. But you do and besides I rock this more than you." Violet smiled. Okay when she thought of picking a good outfit she wasn't sure that she wanted a black jumper. But when she opened Anna's wardrobe that's the first thing she spotted. And besides she wasn't feeling very good and a cozy jumper sounded absolutely brilliant. "I don't even have the patience to fight with you on this. Hurry up now. I'm waiting in the car." Anna said and waved at her. "See you hon. Have a good day." Andrew said as she stormed off. "Bye" She screeched and went out of the house. *** Anna waited in the car and within few minutes Violet came rushing out of the house. "It's about time. I thought you were planning to go on a picnic trip with my parents." Anna sarcastically mumbled. And she gave her a smile while staring the ignition of the car. "Wouldn't you like to know? Anyways call Jade." Violet responded strapping her seat belt. She loved being here. They made her feel like home. More than her parents ever did. "She'll be waiting there already. She's punctual unlike you." Anna whispered the last part. After that Violet decided to ignore her and opened her Twitter app. And that would make her busy for the moment. After a while of driving straight she was met with Jade who was standing at the bus stand. "Good morning." Jade excitedly whispered and settled in the back seat. " And Vi why aren't you at back seat?" Jade asked confused. She then hurriedly took out her make up kit. "I was over at Anna's and she was being impatient. Also Rafe isn't here so this seat's mine." Violet mumbled not looking up from her phone. Jade rolled her eyes. This was so not Violet's seat. Technically it was Jade's. Cause Rafe promised her that but she didn't wanted to hurt Violet's feelings so she settled back with her at their regular seats. Jade applied a perfect coat of mascara and eyeliner and her signature lip stick. She wasn't allowed to apply this at her home. Hell her father would probably throw a fit if he found out. "Why is Anna so quiet? Who pissed in her cereal?" Anna gawked her through rear view mirror. It was like she was not even there. "She didn't have cereal today" Violet answered. "No wonder she's pissed" They both laughed at that. "Violet made me stay up late to watch that House on haunting hill for her film class assignment." Anna gritted. She felt Violet shift beside her. "What assignment? Violet didn't you already complete your assignment of this week?" Jade asked and Anna sneaked a look in Violet's direction and she was shusing Jade. That liar. She was so dead. ***
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