
1670 Words
Moonbin Today is Monday and I need to wake up early for college. Yeah..yeah we need to go to school as well so that we could cope up with modern people. Some of us are already working with humans. Especially those who had a human for a mate. "Binnie! Come down now, baby boy. Breakfast is ready!" That's my mom. She is very loud and sometimes very annoying too. My dad is just holding his grin when he saw how mom treats me as a pup instead of a 21-year-old wolf. Yup, I'm already in my senior years taking up chemical science. I want to create drugs that are useful for us wolves. "Mom...please stop calling me baby boy. Look, I'm already old enough and also one of the strongest warriors of our pack but still, you're treating me like a child" I said to her while getting my set of bacon and eggs. Usually, we are eating with the pack but since I need to be early at school, this became an exception. "Oh my God! My cute little Binnie is taking me for granted," she said between her sobs. "I still remember the times when I am changing your diapers and now you're pushing me away?" Here we go again. "Mom it's just that.." "No! I can't hear you!! Don't talk to me!" Her voice echoed in my ears because she shouted at me while making her way to their room. You know, werewolf hearing. "Just let her be. She just can't accept the fact of you leaving us when you find your mate that's why she's acting like that." My dad while forcing himself not to laugh. I just heave a sigh while eating my meal. Once I'm all prepared for school I shouted my goodbyes to both of them but my Mom just answered with: "I hate you..!! Don't talk to me!!!". I smiled. It's just simply because she means I love You when she says that. My mom's weird yeah I know. I am about to enter the gates of Clarendon Academy when I heard someone calling my name. "Oi Moonbin wait up!" It's Jinjin dragging an exhausted Sanha with him. They were my block mates and my only friends at school. You see, Clarendon is a school for humans but there are also a lot of students here who are inhuman in nature. Like me for example. Humans didn't know that the supernatural beings they used to believe as myths are walking, talking, and even eating around with them. My friends are one of those creatures. "Hey, Jin how's the tree of life?" Jinjin here is a moon elf. They specialize in healing and enchantments. Aside from that, they are also the best archers in the supernatural world. Their home is the tree of life which they are bound to protect. He said that it carries the secrets to the balance of life itself. "Still shimmering as usual. Now, how's your vacation? Did you find your mate already?" He asked. Yeah, he also knew my obsession in finding my mate and he supports me all the way. Unlike us wolves, elves don't have a mating bond. They can freely choose who they are gonna spend their life with but once they are both bonded by the tree of life, they can never find another partner forever that's why they need to choose wisely. "Nope. I can't even smell her." Loneliness was evident while I'm saying those. "It's okay Hyung. You'll gonna find her soon. That's for sure." Sanha interrupted us. This friend of mine is the youngest among us three. He is a Mystic. Also known as sorcerers. Bounded with intelligence, he can perform basic, advance, and ultimate spells known to the history of magic. He's still learning it though. He's in the human realm now because he needs to find his partner to conjure a probationary contract inside the merlian circle. (Courtesy to Negima) "I hope so. I can't wait for that day to happen. I'm so excited." They both laugh at my statement while we're heading towards the gate. I'll just give them a shrug while settling my hoody up. At school, my usual outfit was tattered jeans, a pair of rubber shoes, white or sometimes a plaid shirt, a red hoody, and big round glasses. Like I said guys, we werewolves are very good looking both physical and facial that's why I'm hiding my muscles beneath my hoodie while trying myself to be nerdy as possible. I don't want to get some attention, especially from humans. They can easily be attracted to godlike features. I want to experience all my firsts with my mate. In all my years here in Clarendon, there are some instances that some humans would approach me even though I look like a nerdy bookworm. All they said is that I'm so cute to handle. Uhg..stupid hormones.  Well going back, we are now inside the classroom waiting for our professor to come in for the first period. "Hey, Binnie Hyung. Did you know that there are transfer students this semester?" Sanha asked me as if it really bothers him. "Huh? Isn't it too late for them to transfer? I mean we're already in the senior year. What if their units couldn't match the school's requirements?" Jinjin interrupted me. See? They already cope up with the living here in the human realm. I just answer them both with a shrug because honestly, I don't know as well. I was about to ask them if they knew anything about the transfer students when something hit my nostrils. It was an amazing scent ever. "Hey guys, can you smell it?" It really smells so good that I tried all my will not to follow that scent of pine mixed with the morning breeze. "What the f**k are you saying Hyung. We smell nothing" Sanha replied while scratching his forehead. "Huh? You can't smell that? It's so good" I said while sniffing the air. The owner of that smell is really near like few blocks away from here. I can't say that its a food because of its smells like wood. I feel uneasy. Sweat was evident on my face while I keep on scratching my palm alternately. "Uhm...Binnie" Jinjin called my attention so I face him while wiping my sweats with my hanky. "I think you need to go to the comfort room." "What are you talking about?" "You eyes Bin. They're glowing yellow." I was shocked by what Sanha has said. I immediately grab the mirror of my seatmate which is the cheerleader queen. Yeah, my orbs are glowing which means that my wolf is on the surface. This is the first time that my wolf acted this way. I can handle him most of the time but now, my eyes are not changing back to its original color no matter how I tried. "Binnie I think you really need to go. As in now." Jinjin whispered which I followed with a nod. I returned the mirror to Jessica before heading to the comfort room. The assault of that amazing smell didn't help either. Now I know that whoever owns that smell is currently inside the office of the college of sciences. What is happening to me? All I wanted to do is to destroy that wall and look for the one who owns it. Agh!! I need to run inside the comfort room and lock myself up. No one must know who I am. Not now nor ever. ------------------------------------------- Eunwoo I am currently on my way to the new school wherein I'm gonna take up college together with my beta Jungkook. We processed our transfer sheet to the admin office just recently so that we could check the things that are happening outside the pack. We need to know if who are these rogues who are trying to monitor the activities of my pack. After we got all of the necessary documents, identification cards, passes, and schedules from the head office, one of the personnel guided us to the art of sciences building. I'm currently taking Biology as my major. When I was about to enter the room, a unique smell of forest wood and spring flowers bombarded my senses. I close my eyes and savor the moment. I sniff the air heavily like its the last. Jungkook noticed my behavior that's why he called my attention. "Alpha are you okay?" "My mate is here!!" "Great!!! It means that we'll gonna have a luna soon." Jungkook smiled. It's obvious that he's excited to meet his future luna and that includes me as well. While listening to the instruction and welcoming message of the department head, my mind wonders where my mate is. Her scent is attacking me like a bomb and it's getting even stronger. "Mr. Lee Dongmin are you okay?" I tried my best to regain my focus when she calls out my human name. "Ah..yeah..I'm just excited to meet my new class," I said but deep inside I want to dash outside that door and look for my luna. After several minutes, our talk is done and I almost destroy the f*****g door. Good thing I have my beta with me. He told me to relax. Yeah, we can't be discovered here. He even handled his shades to me. "Alpha, you need to cover your eyes. It's glowing blue" I nodded before I stride towards the comfort room where the smell is coming from. I entered the room with force almost destroying the door. I removed my shades and opened each of the cubicles until I came with the last one. The smell was too strong so I knock almost destroying the door in front of me. I even heard a yelp from someone inside. my mate is afraid of me. "Please come out. I wanna see you. I know you can smell me. Please " I can't believe it. The alpha of the strongest pack is begging in front of a woman? Well not literally in front. Suppressing myself to smile, I knock once again. Excitement is rushing in me when the door slowly opened and revealed my mate. Wait..this could be wrong. How could this happen? My mate. The future luna of my pack is a freakingly cute and adorable dude. Yes. My mate is a guy with a d**k!!!!
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