Meet the Parents

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Eunwoo POV Having a cute kitten as a mate feels like heaven. Ever since the day that I marked him, the mate bond between us has gone even stronger. Too bad, I didn't have the chance to continue the thing that happened that night. (Really Eunwoo? Five rounds are still not enough?) Right now I'm currently at my office doing some alpha works. Mostly about my problems with the rogues. It's a good thing that we already have a link about the mysterious groups whose trolling outside my territory. My beta was correct about them watching us. Apparently, they're planning to mess with me. Well, they need to try harder. Not now that my whole army of pack warriors were trained severely this past month. We focused our attention on it which made me skipped some things like school for example. I already skipped two days of classes because of this and I crave my mate so damn much. I tried to convince him to live with me but he refused. He said that his parents didn't know about us being mates so he can't be with me until then. My pack didn't know about me finding my mate too. I want that day to be special. Besides, my pack is the largest in the entire registry of werewolf packs so he deserves it for becoming its Luna. I look at the wall clock in my office. It's already four in the afternoon and I promised Moonbin that I will give him a ride home by five so I started to clean my desk. It took me a while since I have a lot of documents on my table. Right after dispersed the last one, someone covered my eyes. By the scent of it, I already knew who it was, and being with her was disgusting. "You never went to my apartment again darling." She whispered to my left ear which worsened the feeling of disgust that I had towards her. "I think you need to get off me Soo-Hyang," I said while trying to remove her hand on my waist. Im Soo-Hyang is one of the pack's bitches. I've been with her before like a month ago. She was great but she's nothing compared to Moonbin. My mate is the best. Just thinking anything about him can make me smile. Then a hand went inside my shirt. I cringed because I and my wolf didn't like even the slightest touch coming from her so I stopped it before she could do anything else. "Oh come on sweetheart. It's been a while right?" She said before she turned to face me but what shocked me the most was when she savagely attacked my lips. Just then, a loud thud of something being dropped on the floor stopped her. I looked at my back to see what caused the noise and fear got me. There, standing in front of my office door was Moonbin wearing a face with no emotion at all. On the floor was his backpack which I believe is the thing that I heard earlier. I immediately push So-Hyang off me and went towards my mate but he just pushed me back when I tried to hold him. "Who is she?" God, he's scary when he's acting like this. I think I have something for a mate. "Eunwoo I'm asking you if who is she!" This time he's already shouting which startled me. I mean this is the first time that someone raised his voice against me. "Binnie I can explain please hear me out" I tried to hold his hand once again but all I've got was a punch on my face. Uhg..that hurts though. My mate was indeed a pack warrior. He can kick some a*s and this time, it's my a*s. I heard So-Hyang's shout when Moonbin's fist hit my face which earned a stare from both of us. My mate shook his head before leaving me behind. I called out his name but he just raised his middle finger for a 'f**k you'. I went to follow him. "Hey who was that? He's despicable!!!" So-Hyang shouted with pure annoyance which stopped my tracks. What the hell? He's my mate b***h!! "Get out of my office Im So-Hyang before I'll cut your throat out!!!" No one will talk to my mate that way. Especially when I'm around. "But a-alpha he should be dead..he punched your face" "He's my mate damn you!! Now get out before you'll regret it!!!" She trembled in fear while running off my place. Now I need to follow my love. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Moonbin POV Damn him. I thought he's good for a mate but I was wrong. I laugh with tears flowing down my cheeks. Thank god my class ended earlier because if not, I didn't discover how bullshit he was. God my chest hurts so damn much. My wolf could not handle the betrayal we had to witness awhile ago so I shout out my agony which disturbed the animals in their den. I want to kill that b***h! How dare she touch my mate. His mine and mine alone!!! I kicked the log in front of me to ease my frustration and by then, strong hands hugged me from behind. "Get the hell off me Eunwoo." Yeah... it's my f*****g bastard alpha. "Binnie please hear me out." He begged but it didn't stop me from struggling. I don't wanna talk to him now. I hate him so much. I shouted all the insults I could think of towards him. He broke my trust and it's killing me. "I love you so much Binnie please listen to me" He pleaded once more but my decision of not talking to him is solid as a rock so I continued to free myself from his touch ignoring the mating pull. He hugged me even more which made it hard for me to get off. I planned on hitting him using my head but I stopped when I felt something on my shoulder. He-he's crying. "Binnie, please...I can't lose you. Your my life and I love you so much." He said between his cries. "Okay...explain" "What you saw is not the way you think it is." He started. "I didn't kiss her. She's the one who kissed me. God, you don't know how disgusted I am knowing that it's not your lips." "Then why are you smiling when she touched you?" I faced him wearing the angriest expression I could ever do but deep inside I'm flustered. "Y-you mean you witnessed everything?" His eyes widen in realization. "And what if I did?" I raised my brows. While he gulps several times. Then he scratches the back of his head looking shy. His flushed cheeks show it all. "Well I-I was thinking about you at that time. How great it is when you touch my body" I crossed my arms while holding all my will not to smile. He panicked thinking that I don't believe what he said but I sure do. I know he's telling the truth. "I promise...I didn't cheat" he said while holding my face close to him. "You are my mate Binnie and don't you ever think that I will choose you over somebody else ok?" He then kissed my forehead. I just nod in response. I was so happy. I thought that he didn't like me a bit but I was wrong. "Would you like to meet my parents?" I ask him hoping that he does. "You're ready to accept everything about us?" He's shocked but I can tell that he's happy about it too so I nod again. He will not smile like an i***t if he's not right? "Of course Binnie!!! I love it too!! How about tomorrow?" "Uhm how about tonight?" I said while caressing his hair. I like the smoothness of it. "Uhm. I don't want to." I looked at him..confuse. "And why?" "Because you are mine tonight.," he said while l*****g his lips so I raised my brows once again. I need to stand my will against his seduction. Not when the sticky scent of that b***h is still mixed with his own. "Aww...come on Binnie. It's been two days since I mark you and I missed you so damn much" he says while pouting cutely. Haha...imagine a big bad Alpha wolf looking like a cute puppy...haha..awkward. "Not until her scent is still on you," I said while walking away from him. I know he's following me so I walk even faster. " will once I remove it? I will take a bath immediately once we're back in the packhouse!!" he said sounding so excited. "Can't hear you" "Come on... you already said it" Just keep walking Moonbin. "Hey, Binnie come on! Just one round. Yeah?" "Bye" -------------------------------- At the packhouse.. Moonbin POV True to his word, he indeed took a shower right after we arrived at the packhouse. I called my parents as well so that they're aware of where I am. I lied of course by telling them that it's about the school which is not true as you guys knew it. "Alright baby boy. Please take care of yourself okay?" It's my mom guys. "I'll just inform your Dad so that he'll swap himself with your scheduled hunting." "Sure I will Mom. You're really the best" Damn...the guilty feeling kills me. This mate of mine is really a bad influence sometimes. His teaching me how to lie at its finest haha. "Who is that?" And speaking of the devil. Really dude? As if you didn't listen through your werewolf hearing huh? "Not now dude.. you heard us" I know that annoyance was already evident in my tone. I am facing opposite to him now so he didn't see the rolling of my eyes. I heard him sigh. "Maybe I did Binnie but I want to respect your personal life too." He came closer. I can feel his breath on my nape and the scent of his aftershave mixed with his own. "As long as I can, I don't want to be an overreacting and possessive mate for you." He continued. "You know that we Alphas has a strong sense of possessiveness for what is ours right? That includes our mate too. I want you to focus your everything to me and my wolf alone." "That's ridiculous. I'm talking to my mom." I said putting emphasis on 'MOM'. He chuckled. "Uh-huh..that's why I said that I'm trying not to be possessive right?" I groaned. He's way complicated compared to a five your old pup but I know I somehow overreacted too. Damn its not my style to say sorry but I think he deserves it. I bit my nails while I face him to say my apology but different words came out from my lips when I saw what he was about to do. "Yah.!!!..stay right there puppy, be a good dog" Wanna know why? He is trying to devour me from behind. Damn it. "No Binnie bean..daddy alpha will gonna have you for tonight. Right?" The hell? "Eunwoo!!! I'm warning you..stay put! Do you hear me? STAY PUT!!!" Shit..protect your a*s Moonbin..stop this hell of a horny alpha!!! Remember the last time? You can barely even walk. "That mouth of yours is so loud Binnie." He said while putting his fingers beside his forehead like he's thinking something. "Hmmm..Daddy Eunwoo should punish his stubborn little kitty. Don't you think?" I gulped several times while shaking my head. I'm one of the strongest warriors in the pack but right now, I can't even protect myself. Why do I always submit myself to him? Does this mean that I'm not born to dominate? No. I should man up. "Not a chance pup..back off" I raised my voice to somehow intimidate his wolf but only to yelp in surprise when he picks me up in bridal style towards the bed. All the things battling on my mind was thrown away this instant when I felt his skin touching mine. Even though I am playing like this, I can feel that our mate pull was so strong to the extent that all I see now was the movement of his muscles resisting against my weight. He throws me on top of the bedsheets. It didn't hurt but enough for me to yelp again. Why do I always make such sounds when I'm with him? Ugh..whatever. I don't even know. "Now Binnie-bean, shift" "What?" I was shocked and confused about what he said..No they said rather. His wolf is now surfacing, evident with the glowing of his eyes in blue. Wait a sec, don't tell me that he's gonna do me in wolf form? That's ridiculous! "Binnie...shift now! " Ugh..he's using he's alpha tone on me again. So before I knew it, I'm already on four paws. "God your wolf's dazzling." I know right. I smiled. A wolfy smile when he complimented our physique. My wolf is very satisfied. We bow down our heads to hide that smile but only to be nuzzled by someone. When I diverted my gaze up, I saw the most beautiful wolf I'd ever seen. He's a pure white wolf!!!! The rarest of our kind. "I know that I'm dazzling babe." He said in the mind link. Ugh..his wolf is quite cocky too which made me roll my eyes. Haha, imagine a wolf rolling his eyes... I bet you can only see it in cartoons but I'm hella doing it. "Hmm...Pretty bitchy even in wolf form. I see" Haha... "You hit the spot wolfy but only for you" "Well, I like the sound of that. It makes me wanna punish you more" Before I could react, he already pounded on top of me without even a minute, wolfy growls and moans can be heard all over the room. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ps: sorry for the lame bed I really can't make something daring like other werewolf stories to show how animalistic wolves are. Sorry, I can't imagine my Binnie to be a horny b***h. I hope you guys understand. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I knocked at the door several times. It was a breezy morning and I'm standing in front of our house with Eunwoo on my side. He's actually opposing the idea of meeting my parents this early because I'm still sore from last night. Well, who wouldn't be if he took me all night like a buffalo? Could you? God, I can't believe his stamina. I'm speechless about it. Hands up! "Oh, your home this early?" My thoughts were interrupted when I heard my dad. When he noticed my mate, he smiled. "I see you got a company. Come in" He gestured and give us a way but only to stop when he saw me limping. Uhg...I kinda forget about it and of course, he asked about it, however, before I could answer, he sniffed the air. "I told you..its not a good thing" my mate whispered. "We need to talk!" My father firmly declares before dragging both of us inside. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Silence filled in the air. We are currently in the living room. Both of my parents are facing us and I'm really nervous about how will they react about this. I know that I already prepared myself for the possible outcome but I think this will still take a lot to process. "Uhm...Mom...Dad" I broke the tension that is building up. I look at my mate and he smiles at me caressing my back. I smiled in return. "I would like you to meet Cha Eun Woo. His from Cerulean Moon pack." My mate furrowed on how I introduced him to my parents but I held his hand saying for him to trust me on this. "I see that you bring a friend Moonbin but explain to me if why the hell do you smell like him? Huh? Wait Did you two had mated with each other?" My Dad roared which made me close my eyes. Mom is trying to calm him down but failed. Being the pack's beta was indeed suitable for him. "Dad...Mom...I know this is ridiculous but I want to introduce to mate." I said to them without any hesitation which made them fall off their sit. "Wait are you sure? Maybe you two were just enchanted or something. You two were males" my mom asked. "Actually that's what I thought at first. I even asked help from an elf but it only confirmed that we are indeed mates." My mate answered. My dad sprinted towards my mate holding his neck which made Eunwoo stand up. Maybe because if his anger, he didn't notice that his facing an alpha. I know my dad was bulkier compared to Eunwoo but heck, he can throw him with ease. "My son has a reputation in this pack as a promising pack warrior and soon to be beta once the next-generation alpha will take his place. Now I don't care who you are. Mate or not, you must be worthy enough to ruin my son's name." " This could be-" "Anything to prove myself, sir." But I was interrupted by my mate. Damn their Alpha traits. They don't like being challenged. "Very well its indeed a perfect time." Wait..he doesn't gonna let him spar with Taehyung right? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Mom we need to stop this. Please talk to Dad. My mate's gonna get hurt." I pleaded when I saw Taehyung and Eunwoo inside the sparring arena. Even though the exposed n***d upper part of my mate give me chills, damn that same body tortured me last night-yah..erase the thoughts Binnie-I don't want him to get bruises. Even though I never have seen Eunwoo fight, I should never underestimate Taehyung's ability. He's the next in line to the Alpha position. "There's nothing we can do for now baby. Just watch the fight. Okay?" Ugh...I never thought that it would end up like this. Several minutes later, the fight commences. My mate and his enemy were encircling the arena waiting for the one who's gonna attack first. Taehyung made the first move with a rear hand punch and a double side kick which made Eunwoo fall on the ground. Damn...Taeyhung is undefeated. I'm really worried about my mate. Tae launches another attack to finish Eunwoo but the latter had executed a counter which made Taehyung fall on the ground. They both stood up and continue the fight. My heart was beating so fast that even the yells of my fellow warriors can't surpass. The two warriors were still exchanging attacks with each other but not until my mate's double frontal kick plus straight punch combo hit his enemy. I can see how Taehyung flew outside of the arena because of the impact. Gosh...I should never mess up with my mate from now on. His epic!! Taehyung instantly fell asleep! I literally jump up and down on my seat like a child, clapping my hands while shouting ignoring the pain on my bottom. My mate was declared a victor!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "I can see that you have it Kid" my Dad approached us. I was currently wiping my mate's sweat which he enjoyed so much. Look at the grin on his face. "Thank you, Sir." My mate said which startled me. An alpha bowed down to my father? He really surprised me there. I hide the smile forming my lips. I'm so proud of Eunwoo. "Alpha Eunwoo? What a surprise!!! What are you doing in my pack?" Silence filled the air when Alpha Minho called my mate. My Dad was shocked in horror in front of the person which he disrespect earlier when he realized that it was the Alpha of the biggest pack. My mate's face was filled with awkwardness. "Its okay Dad. I understand." My eyes widened on how he addressed my father. So feeling close? "Excuse me for a moment please," he says while winking at me. However before he could go and talk to our alpha, I lend him my sweatshirt to wear. I'm not allowing the she-wolves to see his body for a long time. Definitely not. He kissed me on the cheeks before he goes. I look back at my parents who look like an i***t trying to process what happened. Ah...this was indeed a great day...
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