Mermaid's Melody, Dragon's Heart and the Werewolf's Bond

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Myungjun It's been a month now since we confirmed that our friend Eunwoo is gonna be a Dad. Currently, He and Moonbin are now taking their classes in their school for humans. The latter's tummy is not that obvious for now and besides, no one would suspect Moonbin being pregnant since he's a dude. Even me, I never knew that werewolves have this kind of male who is born to carry pups but at the same time, I am very happy for him. Eunwoo has been dreaming about this way before we even met. I still remembered the first time he saw me at the camp. I was singing while splashing my tail which is my daily habit. He initiated the talk and we became close. He then told me how much he is longing for his mate and of how many pups would he like to have. Speaking of offsprings, I don't have plans yet. Being the Atlantean crowned prince is a responsibility that I must get prepared. So having a princess is out of my league for now. Besides, I wanted my queen to be cute and adorable which reminds me of someone who lives by the word itself. I can't forget those eyes the moment I laid my sight on it. I was recovering that time in the middle of the lake near Eunwoo's territory. Mermaids can't stay longer on dry land. It will get us weak. We need to soak ourselves at least thrice a week to survive and that bastard Eunwoo literally threw me into the lake for me to regain my strength. Good thing the water is deep because if not, then I would have fractures everywhere. Stupid wolf. Now, let's go back to that kid. As I was saying, I was swimming in the water when I'd decided to sing a song. I positioned myself on a branch of a tree near the riverbank which is dipping on the surface of the water. Each royal blood has a pearl that can give us the ability to have a pair of legs and an irresistible voice that can either lure the listeners or amaze them depending on whatever we sing. Singing is part of our lives so there aren't any mermaid in the entire sea who doesn't know how to sing. Everyone does. Now, as I was about to finish my symphony of happiness, I saw someone flying on a broomstick in the middle of the lake, so, I immediately stopped my singing. How come there's a witch in this place? Hmm..interesting. He is wearing a casual yellow and white plaid shirt paired with washed jumpers. He looks like an adorable kid in his curly blond hair so I became curious about his face. I wanted to see it. He was looking everywhere searching for something which I think was me. I silently dipped myself to the water and swam towards him making sure that I'm unseen. Wait I knew this kid... he's one of Moonbin's friends. Near the tail end of his broom was a basket with several bottles which I think were potions. I continued observing him underwater and he's still looking side by side. He even lowered his broomstick just enough for his slippers to touch the water. I smiled. Prince Myungjun's naughty side, turning on. In a snap, I flapped my tail to push me upward creating a large splash of water. His eyes widened in awe when he saw me mid-air. My long ocean-green tail sparkled with every ray of sunlight hitting my scales. Yeah, I'm dazzling. I know... With a wide grin, I flipped my body and dive back in the lake creating another splash. ( just imagine the dolphins in the ocean parks. I don't know how to put the trick into words lol ) I swam as fast as I could without giving him a chance to recover. I suddenly appeared in front of him, grabbing the head of his broom to keep me on the surface. I looked at his face and was met by a pair of rainbow eyes. The only evidence of him using his magic. I was mesmerized for a couple of seconds which is ironic. It must be him who'll get hook-up by my looks but I was the one who got starstruck. We stayed looking at each other's faces until he pinched my cheeks while pouting his lips. God, I can't breathe. This is cuteness overload on the highest level. " are the alpha's best friend Prince Myungjun right?" He asked while he's childishly poking my face. "Oh my...your eyes. They look different compared to your human form." He said while curiously looking at my body and tail. I don't know but I felt awkward. The heck Myungjun. He's just a kid and why do you feel that way towards him? Uhg..whatever. My plan of getting him startled to death didn't work so I faked a cough to make him stopped on checking me out. (Just imagine Mj as crazy sexy and cool) His eyes widened while his lips were mouthing a silent 'oh' when he realized what he was doing. I chuckled. He looks cute doing that. "M-My apologies, your highness." He said before he let go of my face. I don't know what to reply so I just simply nodded before I swam away from that kid. I keep on asking myself, what happened back there? No Myungjun... let's just say you were just stuck in a moment. You're a prince. You must not feel this way especially towards a guy. Ugh..but damn those cute eyes, I can't take it off my system (What he meant was this eyes)  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Rocky "What are you doing here?" It's my elf. He scolding me nonstop because I keep on following him. After what happened between us in the woods, he never showed up again. The last time I saw him was when we were in the infirmary. "Following you of course" me stating the obvious. We were walking in the hallway going to the school's orchidarium. He stopped in his tracks when we were already inside. "Stop messing with my life!" He shouted when he faced me. I don't know why but every time he does this, his words were like daggers on my chest. Why is he doing this to me? I think it's because he's thinking about the rivalry among our race. I faked a laugh. Silly me, how can I ever forget? Well, since that day that we officially mated, he is clouding my mind day and night. He became my new obsession. He was my new kind of d**g. "I-I can't promise you that," I said after I grab his hands with mine. "We can't be with each other right? You knew that." His words were tinged with sadness. "I know, but, why don't we give it a chance? Maybe we can make a change." I pleaded. For goodness sake, I didn't lower my pride before. Can't he see that? He's my mate and whether he likes it or not, he's mine. "You're really stubborn." He shakes his head. " how did you get in here anyway?" W-wait, is he giving us a chance? "Hey you lizard kid! I'm asking you" he shouted which snap me out of my trance. " many times do I have to tell you not to call me Lizard. I'm a dragon..D-R-A-G-O-N. Got it?" I stomped my feet in annoyance. It's like he's calling me a pup. "and stop calling me a kid too I'm already 20 years old" He snorted. "Trust me I'm way older," he said while flipping his imaginary hair haha. "Hmm, how old are you then?" He raised his brows like a sissy. Damn, he looks cute while doing that. "Do you know that asking someone their age means disrespecting them?" (I know for Koreans it's not but let's just put it this way) "Pssh...for humans, yes, but were not human so come on..chirp chirp." He laughed. "Well, uhm, I'm 23 years old in the elven calendar." He said while scratching the back of his head. "And in the human calendar?" I drank from my bottle of ambrosia. Aside from the meat, it's also one of our favorite consumables. "Uhm...230 years" Pufrrrt "Eww... you're gross" he exclaimed right after I spit what's on my mouth. He was all covered with Ambrosia. "What the heck! You're bringing that kind of drink? Don't you know that it's too dangerous? We could get revealed!" He's still ranting at me but I can't absorb what he was saying because all I see was him dreaded with a sparkling liquid all over his face. You see, ambrosia looks like a liquified diamonds when it sparkles so Jinwoo really looks stunning. My rarest gem. Without further adieu, I kissed him. Hard and wild. Damn, this dragon has been captured by this elf. I think I'm falling and this is my gem of love.  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Eunwoo I am walking in the school's corridor with my mate in front of me. He doesn't want me to get near him because he doesn't like my smell. Like the hell? I'm taking a bath 2 to 3 times a day and he'll say that I smell awful? I tried to change my brand of soap and perfumes but still the same. He even kicks me out of the bed because he doesn't want me near him. It's currently our 2 hours of available time and were heading towards the school cafeteria. I know that his actions were because his pregnant but sometimes it's already annoying. I somehow miss those times wherein he's sweet and caring especially when he's making my meals, every time we're cuddling with each other, and when we're sharing those damn hot nights. If my pup needs mommy wolf, daddy wolf needs mommy wolf too. Ugh...this is so frustrating... "Hey, YiQi how have you been? " I woke up from my thoughts when I heard Moonbin's voice talking to someone. I look at him and he's with that Chinese bastard again. I know that he has a thing for my mate. The way he looks at him? He's checking him out! "What are you doing here?" I sarcastically asked him when I came near Moonbin encircling my arms on his waist, back-hugging him in the process. Possessive much?  I don't care. No one can take my Moon away. "No worries, dude. I'm just passing by." He says without looking to me. Yeah, that's right. Know where you stand. "You already win. He chooses you over me but if you'll hurt him, I'll gonna take him from you" Wait is that a threat? "I would never do-wait how did you know that we're a thing?" "Oh come on. It's obvious. Bye." "Wait you prick! I'm still asking" I shouted but he just continued to walk. "Eunwoo stop it!" "But-" "Didn't I said that you should keep your distance?" Like seriously? Come on. "Didn't hear yah" Let me hug you more Binnie. Please. "Eunwoo!!" "Yes, Binnie?" "Let me go." "Nope. Let me touch your tummy. I wanna feel baby Eunwoo too" "Someone's coming!" He pointed at the end of the lobby. There, giggling like a fangirl, were two ladies in uniform running towards us with bears and chocolates. Ugh...first that Chinese guy and now these two? Damn, I want to claw their hearts out! "Hi, Dongmin. You're so handsome. By the way, I'm Lisa." Said the first one. Binnie looked at me with disgust. "Uhm...Hi Dongmin. Uhm...we just wanna give this to you. Hope you like it. I'm Jisoo for you" They then handed me the stuff toys and the chocolates, without minding that my hands are on Moonbin's waists before running away. Grrrrr..... O-oh... I smell trouble. "Really huh?" "Binnie wait!" "Burn them all Eunwoo. I don't wanna see that with you later on." He said before walking as fast as he could. "Wait can I just keep the chocolates?" "f**k you!" Well, I guess I don't. He's really angry... better not to mess up with the raging pregnant wolf. So dangerous.  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Wahhh. it's so lame sorry. I'll do better next time...
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