Prophesy of the Child

1086 Words
Moonbin I left Eunwoo simply because I was jealous. Those two bitches! I wanted to rip their hearts out! Owww. That hurts. Seems my baby doesn't like it too. My tummy is having a mild seizure. I sighed. I am dreaming of this to happen before. Having my own kid who will play around while calling me daddy but, I never thought that I will be the one to literally carry it. I should ask my mom about my condition. I didn't know that I am a submissive wolf! "You know what? No matter what it takes, I will be the best mom/dad for you." I rubbed my abdomen. "I love you so much" I cried. I have this weird feeling inside me. Is this what they call "mother's love"? If it is, then I do like it. Enough of this drama lol. I am in the orchidarium by the way. Clarendon has an almost half a hectare full of different varieties of ornaments and orchids blooming in different colors, sizes, and scents. They do have different kinds of flowers in pots too. Damn... I so love this place. Is it weird for a guy to be obsessed with flowers? Because, I am, captivated by them every time so, botanical gardens or orchidariums like this are one of my safe havens although the wildflowers were still the best. I inhaled the awesome scents of different orchids mixing in the air. Ah...this is life. I looked at my watch to see how many minutes left. Hmm...I still have an hour and a half so I think I'll stay here for the meantime. I walked around the corners and it never fails to amaze me. I was touching some daffodils when I heard some familiar voices nearby. So familiar that I can't help myself but to look for it and there, standing in between the Rosal trees, was my elf friend and the dragon prince. They were arguing something but what happened next shocked me out of my trance. They kissed!!!!!!! They were arguing before and now this? Ohhh...Jinjin, we're going to have some serious talk later on but now, I will leave these two in their sparring moments. I walked in the opposite direction away from them. I was thinking if there were moments that Jinjin was showing signs of being submissive when we're together but Nah, I didn't remember a thing. I was deep in my thoughts when I felt something is not right. My wolf can sense it too. Suddenly, my tummy hurts. It seems that my kid feels the same way too. I need to get out of here. I tried to look for the exit while striding my way out but I can't find it. None at all. It's like I'm lost in paradise. The surrounding darkened and the wind blows too strong. My guts were eating me. This feeling, it was strange. I never felt this way before. Come to me, my child. I want to show you something. "Who's there?" I nervously asked. Shit, I'm talking to a voice. I am Lunox. Oracle from the descendants of the old religion. Priestess of the temple of the moon. Come I will show you the light and darkness. I listened to the voice and my feet lead me to a grotto with a shining white wolf standing above the altar. Winds, leaves, and dust were circling below it. Come to me The voice speaks again. I walk near the wolf and suddenly, it transformed into a beautiful woman wearing a robe divided into two different colors. Light and darkness. Her hair was the same as well. Don't be afraid. You had with you right now the greatest gift to the lycanthropes. "I can't understand. What do you mean? And...why did you show up?" I don't have much time so listen carefully: A bead of life; We're spawning thy three; Melody of magic, Flames of nature, And the howler of the moon; The world thy tremble; Thy cause shall reap; The time shall come; Those three will end; "What? I don't understand. Your talking in riddles" I exclaimed. You need to be careful, my child. Your fruit of love shall free us all. "Wait. Please stop! I don't understand a thing!!!" I shouted and shouted but she's slowly disappearing like smoke in the air. I tried to hold her hand but she was no more. What does she mean by that? The wind blows even stronger and suddenly I felt so weak. The thing I heard was the loud thud before the darkness eats me. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Binnie wake up!" Nothing, there is nothing but darkness. I don't know what to do. " happened? Please wake up" Wait, its Eunwoo. He's calling me but I can't see him anywhere. "I'm here. Please wake up!" He's crying but where? It's like I'm standing alone in the dark. Suddenly, I felt something on my forehead. I smiled. Slowly, I opened my eyes. I was lying on a bed with Eunwoo's face wet with tears. "Binnie!!! God.. I was worried about you and my Pup" he exclaimed before hugging me so tight. "What happened?" "That's what I'm gonna ask you about. Rocky and His mate found you in the orchidarium unconscious. Did something happened?" He worriedly asks while wiping my hair off my face. Is it just a dream? "Uhm did they saw an altar near me?" "I don't know, they didn't say that much. Is something wrong babe?" " Nah I think it's just a dream." "Okay..." He sighed before he kissed me on the forehead. "I was so afraid Moonbin. I don't want to lose both of you. Not now." "I'm so sorry if I made you feel that way too." "'s fine now. You were safe." He stood up. "By the way, are you hungry?" I nodded. "What does mommy wolf wants?" "Hmm... Can I have a sizzling plate of Daddy Eunwoo?" I teasingly said while doing a lip bite. Gosh, I didn't know why I answered that way. Oh no. I look at him and my eyes widened. His eyes were now blue again. Damn you Moonbin, try to stop your mouth sometimes. "Ah, I mean...eggs and sausages in sour cream..hehe" wait why the hell that didn't sound right either. "Binnie, are you seducing me? Because if you do, I'm captivated." "Yah..of course not!..hurry up I'm starving already!" He groaned. "You're gonna be the death of me" He said before he walks out of the room. I smiled. Silly me. "Are you sure?" The hell! He's back! "Of course!!!!!" I shouted before throwing my pillows towards the door but the bastard was able to close it before it hits. "Binnie? Daddy Eunwoo's sausage is way better and bigger." "f**k off Eunwoo! Not today!" He just laughed. God, I regret the words I said. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Do hope it's okay. Have you enjoyed reading?
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