Chapter Two-2

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“Laurie? Hello there. What a surprise to see you,” he said as casually as he could. She looked up from her laptop. “Err...I’m sorry I know we met at that London kick-off meeting a couple of months ago,” she said, looking embarrassed. “You work in Chad’s team, but I’m so sorry I don’t remember your name,” “Karl Peterssen,” he said, holding out his hand. Laurie shook hands with a pleasant smile and invited him to join her. He quickly explained that he was replacing Chad at the meeting. “Gosh, his third kid,” Laurie chuckled. “He has two girls already I think. So I suppose he’s hoping for a boy.” “Can I get you a refill?” Karl asked, gesturing at the empty glass on the table. “Oh God, yes!” Laurie said, laughing. “I’m drinking the Zinfandel, and it’s not bad. What are you on?” “The Chilean Cabernet,” he replied. “Maybe I should switch. It’s OK, but nothing special…a bit too much tannin.” Karl fetched the drinks and they chatted for about twenty minutes. He was careful to steer clear of the budget issues for the moment. He also decided to skip the food as it would cramp his style a bit in talking to Laurie. An hour or so later they boarded the flight. It wasn’t particularly full so they managed to swap seats and sit in a row together. When the stewardess came around Laurie ordered more wine. “Did Chad ask you to talk to me about the Nordic Region budget?” she asked, slurring her words slightly. Karl was surprised by the question but hid it well. “Actually he did, yes,” he admitted. “Were you hoping to raise it when I was even more smashed?” she chuckled. “Actually I haven’t a clue how to bring it up,” he told her. “I’m an engineer…I’m not political; I was just sort of enjoying talking to you.” Laurie took another sip of her wine. “OK then,” she said. “If you’re such a good engineer why don’t you explain to me why the Nordic operations team is only able to make sixteen per cent cuts in spares holding; while Germany, Benelux and UK are cutting by over twenty five per cent?” Karl met her gaze with a smile. “Well I’m not involved in the spares aspect directly,” he said thoughtfully, “but I suspect it’s a combination of distance and national borders. UK, Benelux and Germany are all EC territories, so spare parts can move across borders freely. Half the countries in the Nordic region are outside the EC, so we probably need spares in every country to avoid incurring export duty, or breaching Service Level Agreements.” “Hmm,” Laurie said. “Actually that makes sense…what was your point about distance?” For the next half hour they discussed the specific issues involved in operating a mobile network infrastructure in the Nordic countries, and Karl was pleasantly surprised how interested Laurie was in helping to solve the operational issues. Before he knew it they’d been asked to prepare for the landing in Prague. They shared a cab to the hotel and Karl allowed Laurie to check in first. “See you later at the dinner,” he told her as he took his place at the desk. “I’ll be surrounded by a bunch of other operations heads trying to make similar points to yours I expect,” she chuckled. “But you got yours in first, you lucky boy! I’ll call Chad later and see how his wife is. I can tell him I’m granting a special dispensation for Nordic Region spares holding at the same time. I’ll make sure he knows you twisted my arm viciously until I gave in.” “Wow! Thanks, Laurie,” he said, genuinely delighted. “No need to thank me,” she told him. “I wouldn’t make that decision if you hadn’t made a good case for the business.” Karl checked in and decided to head to the gym before the dinner. After a run on the treadmill, a sauna and a long hot shower he felt refreshed and ready to face the evening. He called Chad to see if anything had happened baby-wise. “Nothing yet,” Chad told him, obviously keeping his voice down. “I’m not really supposed to be using a cell phone in the hospital, but they said it’s OK in this section…there’s no complicated equipment. Ellen’s still in labour and the docs are pretty happy with everything. Hey – Laurie left me a voicemail. She said you persuaded her to give us a full dispensation on the spares holding. Jesus Christ, dude, I would have been happy with half that! You didn’t even have to f**k her then?” “No, Chad, I didn’t even have to f**k her. She was happy with the business case; it’s as simple as that.” “Well I suspect there’s some magic you’re not telling me about. But who gives a crap how you did just did it! Great job, buddy. Look, I have to scoot…you go have a good time. Get hammered for me.” “Will do – love to Ellen,” Karl chuckled. The dinner was pretty boring. Most of the people there were above Karl’s “pay grade”. He could sense the air of political manoeuvring that was going on, even though it was supposed to be a social occasion. There were only about thirty people in the room, and as Laurie had predicted she was surrounded by a layer of people trying to plead their cases for reduced budget cuts. He’d been so lucky to bump into her in the lounge. Since all of the operations types were busy wooing Laurie, Karl drifted over to talk to a group of sales guys who were playing Texas Hold’em at a table in the corner. He was too late to join in the first game, but that was no bad thing as they looked like they were pretty serious. At least the conversation was good, and they included him in the discussions. When one of the guys bailed out Karl sat in and they showed him the basics of the game – although it cost him about fifty pounds in losses! At midnight he thought he’d better get to bed. It was going to be a long and boring day of presentations the next day. As he drifted off to sleep Asha’s face appeared again in his dreams. This time he was almost relieved that they weren’t in the chess club. In fact they were outside…it was a beautiful summer’s day. Asha was wearing a white, cotton dress that flowed around her body. She was laughing and running through a field of grass…gosh, she seemed to look so young without her formal makeup. Karl loved the way her hair framed her face. He walked toward her – confident now; not like in the Chess Club dream. Asha held out her hand for him…her skin was soft and cool. She smiled at him…her eyes were so beautiful…deep brown pools of wonder. Her lips were outlined in a deep red lipstick…but Karl couldn’t forget the sight of her mouth sucking all those c***s…the spunk dripping down over her chin. He also couldn’t forget the sight of the huge throbbing c**k between her legs. “What’s wrong, darling?” she asked him. He wasn’t able to reply…the words seemed frozen in his throat. There was a huge flicker of light…then a bang as lightning struck a tree in the clearing. The rain began to fall…big, fat drops of warm water. They quickly began to soak the material of Asha’s dress. Her n*****s soon showed through the soaking wet fabric…they were erect and clearly outlined. Karl found himself licking his lips and lowering his mouth toward Asha’s breasts…she laughed and spun away from him. “That’s naughty!” she chuckled. The scene suddenly shifted to Karl’s bedroom at home. Asha was naked now…drying her body on a towel. Her skin was almost glowing; it was so delicious…and best of all there was no sign of a c**k this time! “I’m really turned on, Karl!” she whispered. “Take me!” Karl needed no other urging – he took Asha in his arms and gently eased her onto the bed. “Oh darling!” she whispered. Her breath was hot on his cheek…and her skin was so soft and warm. “You’re so strong! Don’t waste time kissing my p***y – just take me!” she repeated. Karl moved his hands to his groin ready to guide his c**k inside her…but what was wrong? His c**k was tiny! It was smaller even than when he’d go swimming in the sea! “Does it get bigger than that?” Asha asked, giggling. “Of course!” he heard himself say indignantly. “I thought a big, strong man like you would have something more substantial between his legs,” Asha told him, sounding disappointed. “But…but I am bigger!” he protested. “Really…I don’t know what’s wrong!” “Oh dear…they all say that!” she sighed. “But I really do get bigger!” Karl protested. What the f**k was wrong with him? “Perhaps I should ask somebody else…” Asha said, rather sadly. “No!” Karl gasped. But Asha had risen up from the bed…there was another man there…fucking hell, it was Peter Schmitt…one of the guys Karl studied with at university. He’d always been able to get girls so easily. f*****g handsome bastard! “No!” Karl gasped. But Peter was holding Asha now…stroking her naked flesh with his hands. “Gosh…you’re so big!” Asha said dreamily as she stroked Peter’s huge c**k with both hands. She spun around and knelt on the floor, leaning on the side of the bed. Karl found himself looking directly into her eyes. She closed them and smiled as Peter entered her. “Kiss me, Karl,” she whispered. “I love it when you kiss me.” Karl felt hot tears flowing down his cheeks as he pressed his lips to Asha’s. She opened her mouth and allowed him to explore her; but he could feel the rhythmic force of Peter f*****g her as they kissed. “Oh God!” Asha whispered. “Karl, darling, I wish you could take me like this!” “B-but I can!” he sobbed. “What…with that pathetic little sausage?” she chuckled. “I need a real man! But you kiss so nicely. Don’t stop. Please, my darling…don’t stop!” His eyes flickered open and he sighed with relief as he saw the Prague hotel room come into focus around him…another f*****g dream! At least he hadn’t shot his load in the bed this time! He flopped over to check the time on his mobile phone…almost six o’clock in the morning, local time. He noticed there was a message from Chad; his wife had given birth to another girl – seven pounds four ounces; baby and mother doing great. The name they were favouring was Petra. Karl groaned…time for a cold shower! At the start of the meeting Karl made the announcement about the new baby to much cheering from the assembled crowd; and they all resolved to drink to the new baby’s health that evening. Somehow he managed to survive the boredom of the internal presentations – although it was mainly by doing some discrete work on his laptop – while trying to drive thoughts of Asha from his mind. It was really difficult not to think about her…why was he having these weird dreams about her anyway? Since he’d moved to the UK Karl had never had a problem getting a girl into bed. There’d never been any question of his c**k not working – or being too small. More importantly he’d never felt as passive or important around girls as he did when he was around Asha. And the weird thing was that she wasn’t being a b***h – or not really. She was as nice as pie to him in the cafeteria, or the Chess Club. It was only since he’d made a pass at her that things had changed. There was another dinner that evening, and this time his new friends in sales invited him into the beginning of their poker game. He managed to only lose about another fifty pounds before they let him quit! Thankfully that night he seemed to fall asleep without another dream! The next day was Saturday – and time for the team building event. To his surprise they were taken to a go-kart track and the day turned out to be really good fun. He ended up on the same team as Laurie, and he thanked her again for her kind words about him to Chad. While they were waiting for their second turn in the karts, Karl collected some bottles of water to take to his team members. When he got back he found Laurie and Franck Leclerc, the French sales director, deep in discussion about “positive discrimination”. It seemed that Laurie was keen to get more women into the sales team that dealt with business accounts. “Franck, look at it this way,” she said patiently. “Most of the people who buy our business services are men. Are you telling me that a female salesperson won’t have an edge? I know I’m not supposed to talk like that, but I’m realistic enough to know it’s true.” “But, Laurie,” Franck said carefully…he had a debonair French accent. “The business sale is pretty technical, as well as commercial. It is incredibly difficult to find a female candidate who understands both issues. It would cost a fortune to train them…so do you want me to pay for that training from my operating budget?”
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