Chapter Two-1

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Chapter Two Karl Gets Asha a New Job Karl couldn’t get Asha out of his head all that day. When he got home he felt mentally exhausted…and was glad of a long workout in the gym to take his mind off this woman. After his shower he took a cappuccino in the gym café. He knew the milky drink would help him sleep – especially since he remembered to order a decaf. When he sat in one of the comfortable armchairs he noticed there was a magazine already opened on the table in front of him. There was an article on how corsets were coming back into fashion. The woman in the photo was a blonde and looked nothing like Asha…but her figure was full and voluptuous. She wore a black, silky corset that seemed to be very tightly laced around her waist. Was that how Asha made her body fit into those dresses? How could a woman wear a corset like that all day? Karl felt confused. He knew he was pretty good looking, and that women seemed to react pretty positively to his boyish charm. So why was Asha so different? He looked at the tight corset in the picture as he sipped his coffee. It was a very sexy garment…but wearing it must mean a woman wants to be tied up. It was almost like being in bondage. Asha’s personality didn’t seem to be like that at all; she was very…assertive. In the conversation that day Karl had felt like Asha was driving it. She hadn’t been rude…but he felt like she had led Karl exactly where she wanted him to be. Later that evening Karl drifted off to sleep almost right away. He’d tired himself out in the gym and he welcomed the chance to slip away into blissful rest. In his dream he saw Asha…they were playing chess in a huge room – just the two of them. She took Karl’s Queen’s bishop and held it in her fingers…gently teasing the tip of the wooden chess piece. Karl could imagine that it was his c**k she was teasing…touching the very tip of it. She was wearing a simple black dress that seemed to be sprayed to her body. It glistened as she moved…was it made of leather? It was obvious she could see the effect she was having on Karl. Suddenly the rest of the room changed. They weren’t alone anymore; they were in the Chess Club. Asha stood up and walked to another chess table…the tight black leather dress showed off every curve perfectly as she moved. There were seams running down the back of her stockings. Karl felt he wanted to stroke those legs with his fingertips. She slipped her arms around one of the guys playing there; was it Tom Holland? He turned and Asha kissed him passionately…then she slid her hands down onto his crotch – there was an obvious bulge in his pants. Karl saw her ease down Tom’s fly and take out his c**k…it looked enormous; red and throbbing. Asha lowered her mouth onto the c**k and Karl groaned as he saw her head moving up and down. Tom was grinning like a fool…clearly enjoying the blow job; and in a few seconds he came…pressing Asha’s head down and he thrust more deeply into her throat. Karl thought he saw her choking…but she recovered and greedily swallowed all of Tom’s spunk. She looked back at Karl with a smile and moved to the next table. To Karl’s amazement she repeated the process – this time on Mike Smith, who must be old enough to be her father. As Karl watched, Asha gave a blow job to every man in the room. When she was finished she walked back to the table where Karl was sitting. Her face was covered in trails of spunk, but she was smiling happily. Karl could see the bulge in his own trousers…was it his turn now? “Your move, Karl,” Asha said in a sultry voice. “Your move.” Karl shot up bolt upright in bed, conscious that his body was drenched in sweat. Jesus that had been so vivid! He took a long pull from the bottle of water by the bed. s**t! He was so exhausted. He lay back down and drifted off to sleep almost right away. This time in his dream Asha was next to him in bed…her complexion was a perfect contrast to the snowy whiteness of the sheets. God; she looked so lovely as she slept. Karl leaned over and gently kissed her lips. She smiled, but kept her eyes closed. “That’s nice,” she whispered. Karl kissed her chin, and then down her neck – her skin was like butter – and all at once he was kissing her gorgeous breasts. Her n*****s were hard already, and her flesh tasted like cocoa butter – it was like the body lotion he’d used on one of the girls from the call centre and maybe he’d massaged Asha with it earlier. He felt her hands slip around the back of his head – guiding him downwards. “Oh darling!” she whispered. “Kiss me there!” Karl took his time; kissing her tummy and then her thighs. She opened her legs and Karl thought it was odd that her p***y smelled of flowers. Freesias – like the ones that his ex-wife always loved him to bring her. Tiny flowers, but with an intense, sweet aroma. “Oh yes!” Asha gasped as his tongue began to massage her clit gently. Karl felt his c**k throbbing with anticipation as he gently brought Asha to a climax. The scent of the flowers was almost overpowering now! There was a flash – like a camera going off. Asha shrieked with pleasure, and then pushed Karl onto his back. He smiled as he waited for her to mount him – but then he looked between her legs. Asha had a huge, erect p***s hanging there! f**k! “This won’t hurt,” she whispered. Karl was puzzled, but then he looked between his own legs…and saw that he had a hairy p***y! Before he could react he felt Asha’s c**k slide into him. “Take it all!” she told him. “Take it! Next is your arse!” “No!” he gasped. “Come on you f*****g teasing b***h!” she hissed at him. “You know you want it!” Karl whimpered as Asha penetrated him. Then he felt a delicious sense of pleasure blossoming in his groin. Asha was leering at him…at the breasts that now seemed to have appeared on his chest! “f*****g slag!” she whispered. “You love it, don’t you?” “Yes!” he sobbed. “f**k me…fuck me, Asha!” She laughed wickedly and began to pump him harder. The pleasure was almost too much now…building inside him until… Karl shuddered awake as he hit the floor. He’d spun around and fallen out of the f*****g bed! He pulled himself upright and passed a shaking hand over his face. He felt the stickiness between his legs. What the f**k? There was so much of it…much more than when he m*********d. s**t…he’d only changed the sheets the night before! He’d have to do something about this situation before he went totally crazy! Was Asha just teasing him? Did she want to punish him for the borderline racist thing he’d said to her? He was mortified at that idea…it was fine if she wouldn’t go out with him, but he wanted to know the real reason at the very least. The next day, Thursday, would be Chess Club in the evening, and maybe he’d have a chance to talk with her sensibly. At ten o’clock the next morning Karl’s plans went south when he got a call from his boss, Chad. Chad was an American who’d been brought in to “kick-start the dynamism of the operations team”. Karl actually got on exceptionally well with Chad, and thought he’d been a very positive influence on everyone, as well as a great manager. “How soon can you be in Prague?” Chad asked him without preamble. Karl knew most of the European flight schedules by heart now; ought to because he did a lot of travelling. They normally flew with budget airlines to keep costs down, but those flights all left early in the morning or the late afternoon. It was just after ten now and he would have missed the early flights. There was another option, he knew. “If you’ll approve the extra cost I can be on the British Airways flight that arrives just after four this afternoon. What’s the hurry, boss?” he asked. “Ellen’s gone into labour ten days early, so I can’t get to the regional meeting, and there’s a group dinner tonight.” Ellen was Chad’s wife. “I wanted to ask Laurie about the funding cuts to the Nordic region in an informal setting,” he continued. “I’d have liked to put the operational requirements to her before she makes a final decision next month. You’re up to speed on the business case, and she’ll be delighted to have a handsome guy like you paying her some attention instead of a fat, bald American. I’m sorry to drop it on you, buddy, but can you cover for me?” “No problem, Chad, I’ve got my emergency travel bag in the car, it’s not formal, is it?” Karl checked. “No, it’s business casual for the whole meeting,” he confirmed. “I owe you big time, Karl. There’s a team building thing over the weekend too, so if you don’t have plans...” “I’ll go and build bridges out of poles and barrels, right?” Karl laughed. “Give Ellen a hug from me; I hope everything goes well.” “Thanks, buddy!” Chad bellowed. “This is number three, so we’re getting used to it by now. I’ll forward you the email with all the meeting details right now. You can use my hotel reservation; I’ll send them an email to let them know about the name change.” Karl hurried through the flight booking procedure on the web. He’d be OK for time as long as the M25 was clear, which it should be at this time of day. It should be a twenty minute drive to Heathrow airport from here, but traffic here was always the wild card. As he hurried out of reception he saw Asha standing in the smoking shelter outside the main entrance. She looked very smart today; black, riding trousers that seemed to be sprayed onto her legs, with a pale gold, silky blouse that was loose, but still draped sensually over her breasts. God, she was so gorgeous! He paused for a split second, and then jogged over to her. “I thought you only smoked three a day?” he asked, smiling to take the edge off his remark. “Don’t you start! I’m stressed out at the moment,” she replied, blowing a stream of smoke. “Team b***h is being particularly nasty today. I think they’ve set me back a year in my crusade to quit smoking. Anyway, where are you off to? You haven’t forgotten it’s Chess Club, have you?” “Sorry,” he sighed. “My boss called and he’s sending me to Prague for the next few days to cover for him in a meeting. His wife is pregnant and she just went into labour.” Asha smiled seductively. “My goodness, sunny Prague - what a jet set life you lead!” She took another drag on her cigarette, looking him in the eyes as she blew the smoke over his head. “I-I have to dash,” he said. “I don’t know what the M25 will be like...” “Well don’t let me hold you up,” she purred. Then as he turned to go she added, “I’ll miss you tonight, Karl – for chess I mean.” He paused, looking at her with confusion all over his face. “I’ll miss you too...see you next week?” he asked awkwardly. “I’ll be waiting,” she answered, smiling. The bad news was that the M25 was a mess; the usual twenty minute journey stretched to more than double that. Luckily everything else went smoothly; the bus from Long Term Parking to the terminal arrived right away; Terminal 5 was deserted, and he wafted through security without a problem. Then he saw that the flight had been delayed thirty minutes! As he repacked his laptop after the X-ray scan he realised he now had almost an hour and a half before the flight was due to leave. He hated airline food but the British Airways Executive Lounge usually had a good curry in their free buffet. He was a Silver Card holder so he could get into the lounge even though he was flying economy. As he put down his computer bag in the lounge he noticed a lady sitting on the sofa by the window. It was Laurie Marshall – the very person that Chad had asked him to sweet talk this evening! Of course she’d be flying out to Prague too. He poured a glass of red wine for himself, and then strolled over to where she was sitting.
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