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After exploring the campus for a little Ripley felt a lot better about the school's layout, but before she was able to explore the library, the bell rang. She looked down at her phone and searched for her schedule and saw that she still had two more classes left she straightened up and went off to find her room.             When Ripley entered the room, she saw Elias sitting in the back with his hood up and his headphones on. She perked up and went off to sit next to him. She tapped him on the shoulders, and when he looked up, she was meet with an unmoving gaze.             "I never got your name," Ripley said. Elias removed his headphones and said, "Huh?" Ripley cleared her throat and said, "I never got your name." It was Elias turn to clear his throat "Oh, I'm Elias." he said awkwardly. "That's a very nice name," She said shyly.              It was at this point Jason Presson came through the doors and when he did a quick scan through the room, he saw Elias and as he referred to Ripley as 'That chick from his English class' sitting together.              "Awe, how cute! You know you too would make a nice couple." Jason said slumping down next to Ripley before saying "Although if I were you I'd be careful about this one." Jason said pointing at Elias as he chuckled.             Elias would have preferred the floor to swallow him whole. But it was only a matter of time before she found out. "What are you doing?" She asked Jason. "What?" Jason said looking at her. "I said, what are you doing? Does this make you feel cool?" Ripley said, challenging him. "What do you mean?" Jason asked, confused. "Dude look around no one is laughing with you… They're all laughing at you." Jason then felt a cold prick of self-consciousness at the back of his neck. When he looked around, a few of the students sitting around them were either glaring at him or noticeably laughing at him. Jason then began to tense up. "Pff, whatever man," Jason said quickly, getting up and moving to the opposite side of the room. "You're going to regret that," said Elias coldly. "People only have as much power as you give them," She said then turned her head and looked up at him.              Elias didn't know what to say he wanted to say thank you but he hesitated in fear of sounding like an asshole again. "Also, I wanted to say that I appreciate you calling out your friend most people would rather pretend it didn't happen". "Well, It shouldn't have happened in the first place," he said seriously.             Ripley looked at him for a moment before smiling and saying, "You know you're a really serious guy has anyone ever told you that?" she said giggling.  "Once or twice," he responded firmly. ________ Elias POV:             Once class started Ripley turned away from me and started to pay attention in class. I turned back around and pretended to do the same although to b frank my mind was somewhere else.              I'd admit , she's a pretty girl she's short, charming and her figure wasn't too bad either; she was curvey and firm and she smelled like that flowery perfume his mom likes to put on at the department store but never ended up getting.              However, I'm not going to pretend that her standing up to Jason didn't leave me giddy she was sweet, sure but there was an edge to her that I've already seen a couple of times today. The old me would already have at least gotten her to follow him of one of his profiles but since the accident, my confidence hasn't exactly been the greatest besides that all too familiar sinking thought of dread began to form at the pit of my chest. I wondered if she would still talk to me after the end of this week or will she distance herself as everyone else has in the past. I couldn't help but sneak glances at her, I wanted to say something witty or charming like how I used to do but decided to go against it.               When I looked around I noticed Jason staring at her from across the room. Jason had that look in his eyes that same look that he would do all those other years when we were friends. I even remember how he would my shoulder and tell me his favorite phrase "Watch and learn boyyyyy".             But before I got jealous I gave my head a good shake. Was I crazy!? I had no right to "claim" anyone, she was a human being and I wasn't going to start now by acting like some dumb f*****g "bro". It was only the first day, so t do is try to just be her friend... for as long as she would have me.   End of POV: ____________             The bell rang once again, and Ripley shoved her things into her bag. As she walked out she heard a voice call out to her             "Hey, where's you're next class?"melled that familiar scent once again and looked at the person sitting beside him. Ripley sat down and said, "Hey, long time no see Budy. How long has it been?"  He fought the urge to smile and said "Oh, it's been all but a fourth night," 'What the f**k!?' he thought to himself, where did that stupid s**t come from?! A million insults ran through his head before hearing Ripley's laugh.  "Okay, Shakespear," she laughed some more and went on "You know if you keep blasting those headphones your eardrums are going to go by the time your 20,". "Well then, I guess I still got a few more years left in me," Elias said without blinking. Ripley rolled her eyes and said, "I'm telling you you're going to regret it and then how else are you supposed to hear my beautiful voice," She said placing a hand onto her chest while fluttering her eyelashes with exaggeration. "Oh, I'm sure ill manage". I said with as much of a straight face I could control. I then leaned a bit to the side so that I could look at the cover of her book, "What are you reading?" "Oh," she looked down and said, "It's an autobiography on Frida Kahlo,". "Hm," was the only thing I could say "I've seen the movie she seemed like quite a woman,". Ripley nodded with enthusiasm, "She lived an exceptional life and did the one thing she always loved regardless of life's trials" Ripley said looking up at him. Elias's breath caught, but he refused to look away from her gaze. "Which was?" Elias asked. "Painting, not for anyone else but for herself". Elias nodded for a moment, saying nothing;   _______     When Ripley looked up, a tall Jason was looking down at her.     "Hey, I just wanted to say I'm sorry about before," He said smiling down at her. Ripley felt suspicious of his intentions but humored his efforts and said; "I don't think it really matters what I think, but you said something incredibly rude to Elias and I figured you just might have forgotten,". "Forgotten? Forgotten what?" Jason asked, confused. "Your manners" she smiled mischievously at him. ____________ Elias POV:     I got my backpack and slung it over one shoulder; I wanted to see If Ripley wanted me to help her get to her next class, but when I turned she had already left. I scanned the room only to see Jason catching up to Ripley outside in the halls. I gripped the straps of my bag and walked my way outside. My back was killing me, and I regret every second of not taking my cane to school today.      I made it into the school's elevator where I was granted an access key because going up and down the stairs was far too painful for me to do every day. But before the elevator closed, a few students hurried in and pressed the floors they needed to go to. 'Great!' I thought at least someone saw me useful in this school.       When I walked into homeroom, I couldn't help but have an excited flutter skitter across my chest, Ripley was here and that means that I shared another class with her. She was seated alone reading a bulky book. I wanted to join her, but then I worried that maybe she would start getting annoyed by me. So I choose to sit down two rows opposite her I then took out my headphones and went back to listening to music.  Not too soon after, a familiar perfume swept across my nose once and when I looked up I fought a smile as she took a seat next to me. Ripley sat down and said, "Hey, long time no see Budy. How long has it been?"      Without hesitation, I said "Oh, it's been all but a fourth night," 'What the f**k!?' Where did that stupid s**t come from?!' A million insults ran through my head before hearing Ripley's laugh.  "Okay, Shakespear," she laughed some more and, said, "You know if you keep blasting those headphones your eardrums are going to go by the time your 20,". "Well then, I guess I still got a few more years left in me," I said in my most stern voice.      Ripley rolled her eyes and said, "I'm telling you you're going to regret it and then how else are you supposed to hear my beautiful voice," She said placing a hand onto her chest while fluttering her eyelashes with exaggeration. "Oh, I'm sure ill manage". I said with as much of a straight face I could control. I then leaned a bit to the side so that I could look at the cover of her book, "What are you reading?" "Oh," she looked down and said, "It's an autobiography on Frida Kahlo,". "Hm," was the only thing I could say "I've seen the movie she seemed like quite a woman,". Ripley nodded with enthusiasm, "She lived an exceptional life and did the one thing she always loved regardless of life's trials" I could feel my breath catch and then asked; "Which was?"  "Painting, not for anyone else but for herself". All I could do was give her a silent nod. "So far I've found out; Where you were born, where you've moved to, You're creepy obsession with Anime-"       Ripley's eyes widened and picked at his sweater, "You're one to talk," but I continued; "and that you're passionate about a feminist artist from Latin America."     Ripley crossed her arms, seemingly impressed "You're observant". "And you're transparent,". I said smugly she's quick, I'll give her that.   Ripley took a deep breath with a hint of displeasure.      'Why does she make me so nervous? I was just trying to flirt with her, but here I've gone and said another rude thing to the poor girl. The one time someone is trying to get to know me in a long time and I go ahead and insults her. This is probably why-   "Touche," She replied with a grin.
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