Take care of you're own s**t

780 Words
Elias sat at homeroom twiddling his thumbs together.  When Ripley walked in his heart began to thump painfully into his chest. He waited for her but Instead of taking her usual seat next to him, she sat at the opposite side of the room. The classroom filled up with eight more people and then the teacher walked in and told everyone, "Take this time for reading or homework but just remember you have to stay quiet" Then she sat down and started typing away at her laptop.   Elias didn't know where to begin, so he got up and approached her. He wasn't sure how this was going to work out but he hoped for the best.   Ripley looked up as he neared, and her eyes remained cold. There were no smiles, no greeting, just cold eyes.   "Hey, I-" but before he could continue Ripley opened the folder in front of her and took out three printed sheets of paper. "I finished my report, and I started the google slides which I shared with your email the only thing missing is your part." "Oh, um, I thought we still had one more month to finish the project?"   "Well, turns out I'm going to be buissy so I just finished my more heavier work loads first; but If that's it? Then I have to go and do my retake, bye".  Ripley got up, flashed her hall pass to her homeroom advisor, and walked out. If that wasn't the biggest f**k you Elias has ever heard that he didn't know what was. So he nodded his thanks and walked away. ____________ Ripley was steaming and regretted not taking her brother's advice to just leave early today, but she had to stay for a test. After knocking Jason down, they called her into the office during lunch. It took her brother threatening to file a s****l harassment lawsuit on Jason and the school to keep them from suspending her after she had to defend herself against him.   Yadiel was furious and wanted to take the next few days off work but she knew that wouldn't be smart since he just started his job so she reassured him they could just talk tonight when he came home. He agreed and said nothing more of it. Ripley attempted to focus as much she could and finished her test by the time she was done, however, there were just ten more minutes before school finished. So she packed her bags and headed out. As she made her way through the parking lot, she heard someone running behind her calling her name. Ripley glanced passed her shoulder to see Sarah catching up.  "Are you okay?" Ripley sighed and held her backpack straps higher. "Yeah, I'll be fine". "It was because of him, you know". "What?" Ripley asked, confused. "Elias, Jason saw the both of you walk out togetehr on Friday and he got jealous but I didn't know he would take it that far". Ripley began to seethe with anger. 'First Elias then Jason and now Sarah!' "You know what I don't know what bullshit you guys are playing with each other but I want none of it. Do not put me in between your drama and do not look for me to take sides, you're all terrible people and I don't appreciate you're manipulation". "What!? I came here to check on you". "No, you didn't you came here to see If I hated Elias as much as you did and let me tell you, Sarah, I don't. I don't hate any of you... well, maybe Jason but he's a creep, But the only thing the two of you are doing is pissing me off".  Ripley said firmly "Whatever unfinished business you two have. You BOOTH have to go and discuss it, because being around the two of you is giving me whiplash." Ripley then opened the door to her car and drove off.  Sarah stood there in the parking lot watching her drive off she began feeling bad about what she said. Was Ripley righ? But that revelation was cut short when she heard a man call out to her. When she turned around she saw a campus security guard on a golf cart pull up right beside her asking her to show him her late release form.     "s**t" she whispered under her breath. ______________ 'I'm done with all of them. There all awefull and I hate feeling like this!'Ripley said to herself. Instead of going home Ripley turned the corner and decided that today she was going to treat herself to a milkshake... and a pack of twenty tenders... it was just that kind of day. 
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