You're Yelling

1386 Words
"Why what's up?" Elias said with concern on his face "I don't know how I should tell you this?" Elia's face fell before quickly turning hard again. "Just say it". Ripley took a deep breath. She didn't want to hurt him but she was his friend and thought he had the right to know. "Sarah has been telling me some things about you". "Do you believe her?" he said defensively. Ripley paused at him not even asking what she might have told her. That was the second time today. "I thought I should wait to hear what you had to say first?" Elia got up and began to pace; "So what? you wanted to corner me and see if the rumors were true?" He said bitterly. "Elia relax I told her that I had to hear you out first," She said concerned. "Oh, so you think I did it too?" He said getting louder. "Where did you get that from? Elias please just relax and sit back down". Elia felt as though his head was spinning dammit Sarah! he thought to himself. She always had to ruin everything. "Elias I'm not forcing you to tell me anything I'm just telling you that people are talking". "I know what people say, Ripley! I'm not an i***t" He started shouting. Ripley had never heard him raise his voice at her she's never seen him react in anything other than annoyed.   "You're yelling," she said quietly.   "Yeah! I'm yelling because everyone in this school want's something from me! I don't know what else I have to do to get this feeling out of my chest. It feels like Knotts and ropes all twisting together and I hate it! But what's worst is that now you're asking me those same questions" "I'm not asking you anything so please just stop yelling," she said a bit more firmly.   Elias turned his back from her and tried to take deep breathes just like his therapist told him to do. All the anger derived from the bullying and accusation over the last few years were begging to bubble up from a place deep within his core. He felt hurt and betrayed and now the one person he started to feel like was on his side was questioning him as well.  "Elias?" she spoke softly. That was it that was the straw that broke the camels back. Elias turned around and yelled. All the anger that had grown and morphed into a thick shell of a creature possessed Elias to yell louder than he has ever done before. His eyes flared and his face reddened as he bellowed the words "Get the hell out! I can't stand to look at you!"  Elias felt justified. His range began to calm the hot feeling of resentment mixed with frustration began to ease off him and then he saw it. He saw the light dim from her eyes, he saw how her shoulders dropped. He saw the way she averted her eyes and grabbed her things as she left. As she walked away a panic ensued and when he called out to her she kept on walking and proceeded to closed the door and with a soft click there he remained. Alone in the dark with just the glow of the t.v as his only source of companionship. _________ Ripley went home that night and sat in her shower and cried. She hated how she cried for him but her feelings were so hurt. Was she in the wrong? She didn't know but what she did know is that no matter how much he was hurting she couldn't be his emotional punching bag. She refused and no matter what weird grudge Sarah, Jason, and Elias had against one another she wasn't going to be involved. Even if it meant that she had to be alone from now on. She was going to start choosing herself because this situation was beginning to turn volatile.   Elias seethed in his room. He hated himself, he hated how the decisions he made affected his life. He didn't need another reminder of how awful of a person he was because he already knew. ________  When Monday came around Ripley was walking through the halls when she stopped by the bulletin board. She noticed a flyer up for an art club and that they were looking for new members she riped off the bottom piece that had contact information and decided that this was her sign. She then placed the piece of paper in the back pocket and began to head off to the library when she bumped into Jason. "What's the rush?" He said. "Nothing I'm just going somewhere," She said quickly trying to hurry away. "Wait!" he said grabbing her wrist. Ripley paused and then looked down at his grasp. "Let go of me" She growled. Jasons eyes widened and began to laugh, "Wow, you look so serious". Ripley then put her phone in her back pocket and pulled her hand away this had Jason jerk forward. "Yo! what's your problem?" "I said not to touch me" Ripley gritted out a bit firmer and when she did people started to look. "Hey, why you gotta be like that" He drawled trying to hold her waist and she twisted from his grasp but before he knew what was going on he was on the ground. "No! means No Jason!" and with that, she stormed away. By the time he figured out what happened people were staring at him and giving him dirty looks. "Not cool man," A passer-by said as he sat there stunned and embarrassed. _________ Elias felt disappointed when he walked over to the table to see her usual spot empty he was hoping to get a chance to talk to Ripley after there English class but she disappeared into the crowd. Elias sat down and Brandon asked "Yo where Ripley?" he asked looking at Elia.  Suddenly feeling defensive he said, "Why are you asking me?" Brandon gave him a questioning look before adding, "Don't you guys have classes together?" "Yeah, but it doesn't mean I'm her keeper or anything?" He said sharply. Dany's eyes and said, "Someones in a mood". "First Lily now Ripley our group is getting smaller by the day," Steven said. "Maybe she got detention or kicked out," stated Brandon. Elias and the rest of the gang stopped what they were doing and just stared at him. "What do you mean?" asked Elia. "Didn't you hear? Jason straight up fondled her in the middle of the hallway like a total perve and she laid a good one on him. I mean she completely knocked his ass to the ground." "Oh, s**t is she okay? I haven't received any text from her" said Dany before continuing, "Maybe I should send her one". "I don't know, but a few people from the Metal club reported it to the principal and he's facing repercussions".   Elia's stomach dropped. After saying all those awful things to her this happens.   "Well, at least they're doing something! did anyone catch it on video?" "No everything happened so fast but I at least know two people who were there this morning and saw the whole thing." "Dam, I'm gonna text her again," said Dany. "I didn't know you guys talked?" said Brandon. Then Dany lifted her head and said, "oh yeah me, Steven, Lily, and Ripley have a group chat.  Brandon and Elia turned to Steven. You're cheating on us? I thought we were bros?!" said Brandon betrayed. "We are but, me and the girls just have a different vibe," said Steven matter of factly. "Remember that thing we asked you to be in but both of you completely ignored us, Yeah that was it". said Dany.  Brandon opened his mouth to say something before closing it.  Elia felt awful about everything that's been going on he also felt disgusted. He wanted to apologize for how he treated her maybe he'd wait to see if she'd show up to homeroom and then he could try telling her then.   The truth was that Elias felt terrified having to confront his own wrongs and that the person he had to show that vulnerability to already knew far too much about him then he cared to admit. 
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