
1696 Words

*Levi* I walk around the Gamma floor for a moment before deciding to head to the Alpha floor. I don't know what else to do right now. What does one do when their mate doesn't want to be in the same room as them?... Or even the same house? "How's Mariah doing?" Abbi asks as I enter the nursery and throw myself down in the rocking chair next to her. "Welllll..." I draw out the word and then take a deep breath. "physically she seems to be doing alright...." "Did you tell her?" she questions, as she reaches into the bassinet closest to her and starts gently rubbing the baby's back. "Yea" I nod, keeping my response short and sweet. I really don't want to elaborate... but of course, I should have known that I'm not going to get off that easy. I never do. "Ok...." Abbi prompts as she t

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