
1231 Words
*Mariah* I sigh as the last customer of the day leaves. I walk over to the door the minute it closes behind them and flip the sign over that informs everyone that the shop is now closed. It's been a long day and an extraordinarily busy one for being in the middle of the week. Tuesdays aren't usually this busy and are typically one of the slowest days of the week. I'm not quite sure what caused the rush of people, but I know it has been non-stop all day, which has left me completely exhausted. I work in a jewelry shop five days a week, which pays the bills and keeps me financially stable for the most part... if you consider living paycheck to paycheck stable. I'm happy so long as the bills are paid, but I've been writing on the side to create another stream of income. It also provides a great outlet for my endless imagination. I make money, real money, to tell stories that could never possibly come true. Stories full of witches, werewolves, vampires, even angels and devils. It keeps things exciting, I think. I love to read those types of books, as well. After all, who wants to read about boring, normal life? Not me. I want to escape it. I rush around the shop, wiping off all of the glass and putting the trays of jewelry away as I hear my boss preparing to leave, as well. Gia is more than just my boss... she's my best friend and I know she will be rushing out of the door soon, eager to go on a date with her gorgeous new boyfriend. Well, I guess he's not that new. He's been around for a few months, but I stick by my statement that he's gorgeous. A tall, muscular hunk of a man. He kind of reminds me of one of the guys from my books. My leading male characters are always tall, sexy, and muscular on a level that is entirely different then any man I've ever met. Probably because they stem from my imagination, so I simply make them into what I view as the perfect man. I didn't think that men like that really existed until I met Gabe for the first time and the best part... he treats Gia like she walks on water. He literally worships the ground she walks on and makes no effort to hide it. Speaking of which, I've been meaning to ask him if he has any single friends. If I could meet one that has a heart a tenth of the size of his, I'd be in good hands. Who knows if I'll ever get that lucky though? All I seem to come across are douchebags. Little boys in grown men's bodies. All of whom just view women as toys to play with and manipulate. For all of that, I might as well just buy my own toy and call it a day. At least that involves way less hassle and fewer headaches. I almost bought a lifetime supply of Excedrin the last time I had a boyfriend. I've steered clear of men since I broke up with him and life has been so much easier. "Have a good evening, Mariah." Gia chirps as she comes out of the office and heads for the door. "You, too. Tell that hunky boyfriend of yours that I said Hi." I call after her as she almost runs out of the door. "Will do." she replies, as the door swings shut behind her. I sigh, once again wishing I had someone who made me want to rush to see them... instead of tempting me to run them over with my car, but I guess you can't have everything in life, right? So, for now I'll just be content with working and furthering my writing career... men can come later... or never. Whichever. I sigh, before getting on my phone and playing music as I start sweeping the floor. I like to make sure the shop is properly cleaned up before I leave for the evening. Gia usually helps, if she stays until close, but she's not usually here that late on date nights. I finish the work, and then exit the shop, locking the door, and setting the alarm behind me. I live a few blocks from the shop and usually walk home. I love walking that short distance. It gives me a chance to clear my mind and start plotting the next chapter of my book in my mind, before I get home and put it on paper. That's the best part about writing for me... the ability to be anyone I want to be, to live whatever life I want to live, and to be in control of everything that happens... in a way, I never can be in this thing called real life. It gives me a rush like no other and sometimes it's the only excitement I get in an otherwise mundane life. I let out a giggle, imagining how I'm going to write my next chapter as the characters start coming to life in my mind once more. I reach the door of my apartment, which leads to stairs that go up to the second floor. My place is above another store front, not much different than the jewelry shop. I unlock the door, open it, and step forward until I catch sight of red spots on the ground in front of me. "What is that?" I whisper to myself as I squat down, examining it further as the coppery smell of blood hits my nose. My eyes widen, and I glance down the sidewalk, noticing that the splatters of blood continue down past the shop, before disappearing. I suck in a breath, pulling my door closed, before I hesitantly follow the trail. I stop on the corner, glancing down the side street next to the shop, where the blood continues in a line down toward the dumpster. "Don't be stupid, Mariah..." I urge myself, "Just call the police and let them deal with this crap." But even as I talk to myself, my feet lead me towards the dumpster, almost as though they have a mind of their own. I reach the dumpster, where the blood drops stop, but where a noticeable smear of blood decorates the lid. "Maybe it's just an animal." I muse as my heartbeat picks up and starts thundering in my ears. I'm hoping that's the case, but the sudden rush of anxiety flooding through me isn't going to let me leave until I know for sure. I step closer to the dumpster, reaching out and grabbing the corner of the lid... the corner that isn't covered in blood. I take a deep breath, trying to calm myself, and then lift the lid in one quick motion. I hesitate and then force myself to look down. "Don't be a wimp, Mariah." I start to coach myself, but the words die in my throat as I catch a pair of eyes staring back at mine. Blank, glassy eyes... definitely not those of an animal. I feel a scream rising, but it lodges in my throat as I see the blood smeared across a very human face. I jump back, dropping the lid as my vocal cords unlock. "OH, MY GOD."
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