
1716 Words
*Levi* "This is your new room." Matthew informs me, as he throws the door open. My room is now on the Gamma floor. Matt gave me a tour of the packhouse and then brought me here after lunch. I nod my head and walk into the room, looking around as I go. This room is bigger then the last one and has a huge bed set up on the one wall, two large dressers, and a small sitting area with two chairs and a table. I walk over to the closet, letting out a low whistle as I walk into an area that's almost a quarter of the size of my actual room. It has numerous rows of clothes already hung up and ready to go. "Abbi ordered a bunch of clothes and stuff when she heard you were coming home and all of your old stuff was brought over, as well." he informs me. "Thank you." I reply. "Thank her, not me." he says, with a chuckle before he turns to leave "The kids should be up soon, so get situated and then head up. We'll be on the Alpha floor." I nod, acknowledging that I heard him as he glances back at me, before swinging the door closed behind him. I dig around for something to wear and then head for the shower. The bathroom is big too with a double sink, huge tub, and a separate glass shower. The bathroom is set up in the same color scheme as the bedroom with shades of tan and teal. It definitely feels like a woman decorated the room... not that I'm complaining. It's nice... but it's not exactly manly, either. It doesn't matter though, considering that I don't plan to be here very long, regardless. I jump in the shower, scrubbing myself down and washing my hair before getting out and throwing my clothes on. I know I don't have to worry about looking presentable for a bunch of babies, but I've been dying to wash the airport stench off since I walked through the door earlier. Plus, it's probably not the best idea to carry around a million germs when I'm going to meet newborn babies. I don't want to risk getting any of them sick. I throw my towel over the bathroom door to dry and then leave my room, taking the steps two at a time until I reach the Alpha floor. I pick up on Matthew's scent, which is still lingering in the hallway, and follow it down to a large playroom. I walk into the room, focusing on the people present. The room is spacious and located towards the middle of the Alpha floor. The babies also have a nursery but this room is set up for them as well, with several rocking chairs, bassinets, and bins of baby toys... which they couldn't possibly be big enough to play with any time soon. The twins must just like to be prepared is all I can figure. "Is this room for 3 kids to play in or 53?" I ask, letting out a low whistle as I catch sight of another overflowing toy box and a large bookshelf full of kid's books. "It looks like you prepared for an army." Matthew throws me a look before reaching down and lifting a small boy into his arms. I see his mate standing beside him, with Abbi and James in rocking chairs and Ava walking around, gently bouncing a baby in her arms. "Shut up, Levi." Matthew says with a grin as he steps forward and points towards me, "Brandon, I want you to meet my younger brother, Levi." I stretch my hand out as the little boy holds out his... he has dark hair and I'm not quite sure who he looks like as I don't really see Amorah in him. At least, not until I get a closer look at his eyes. His big brown eyes, flecked with gold, look up at me with curiosity as he shakes my hand, "Nice to meet you, Mr. Levi." "Nice to meet you too, Brandon." I reply, pulling my hand back after a moment. He smiles up at me, cute little dipples appearing in his cheeks. "Don't call me Mr. Levi though... that makes me sound old." I whisper in his ear after I lean closer to him. He giggles and then looks up at Matthew before glancing at me again. "I'm not allowed to call adults by their names without a handle. My mommy says it's rude." I smile over at Amorah before straightening up. "Your mommy is right. I wasn't allowed to either when I was little... but I think Uncle Levi sounds a lot better, don't you?" He nods his head, smiling up at me again, as I catch Amorah shooting me a grateful look. I wink at her, before stepping away, and heading towards my brother. "She's tiny." I breath, stopping front of him and looking down at the little baby in his arms. "This is Ranessa." he announces as he stands up and attempts to hand her to me. I step back, holding my hands up in front of me while I shake my head. "I can't hold her." I exclaim, nervously. "Why the hell not?" he asks, as he looks at me like I grew a second head. The baby is too small. She looks like a little porcelain doll in James' hands, dainty and fragile. I shake my head again, taking another step back. "She's way too little.... what if I break her or... hold her too hard... or something?" I've never held a baby that little before... or any real babies now that I think about it. He sighs and rolls his eyes before stepping forward and forcing me to take the baby."She's not made of glass, Levi" I look down at her as he arranges my arms to make sure I'm holding her correctly. "Awww, she's a sweet lil thing." I mutter as I watch her burrow her face sideways into my chest. I slowly walk over to the rocking chair and sit down. "Hey, munchkin." I coo, running my fingers through her hair as I start rocking the chair back and forth. "See that's not too bad, is it?" James insists. I don't even bother to answer him though as Abbi scoots forward in her chair and leans the other baby towards me. I look over, noting that babies eyes are open, proudly displaying one blue eye and one green one. "This is Rhea." she says, as I look between the two of them. "They look exactly the same." I reply, slightly in awe. "Yea, Levi." Matthew chuckles. "That's typically how it is with identical twins.... two for one... carbon copies... ya know." "Shut the hell up, Matt." I return, looking over at Rhea again. "Hi mouse, I'm uncle Levi." I coo at her. "The best uncle you could ever ask for." "I heard that, Dickwad." Michael informs me as he walks into the room. "You won't be winning the favorite uncle award from across the world, anyways." "Awww, here comes the guilt trip." I reply, rolling my eyes at him as he walks over and takes Ranessa from me. "Not a guilt trip." he returns, "Just speaking facts. I'll take that award though.... no problem." he nestles the baby in his arms before smiling down at her. Ava walks over, leaning down and laying their baby in my arms. I look him over, noting that he's the perfect blend of the two of them, with Michael's curly dark brown hair and Ava's bright green eyes. "What's his name?" I ask, touching his hand with the tip of my finger. "Haiden." she reveals. "Haiden Patrick." The baby holds his eyes open for a moment, looking up at me lazily, before closing them again. Ava laughs, "All he's been doing is sleeping. It's a struggle just to keep him awake long enough to eat." "Little Hades." I muse, smiling to myself. "Hades." Michael echoes, "As in the devil?... What the f**k?" I nod, smirking at him. "It's a shortened version of his name... and Haiden means fire, so I feel like it fits." I stand up, leaning down and giving the baby a kiss on the forehead, before I hand him back to Ava. I turn to James' and watch as his eyes glaze over. I wait for him to finish mindlinking and then look curiously as he turns towards Abbi. "Gabe and Gia are here." he informs her, "They want to talk to me about something." She nods, leaning back in the chair again before asking, "Do you want me to come?" "No." he shakes his head, "Stay here with the babies. I'll be back when I'm done." "Ok." she replies, as she lifts Rhea up onto her shoulder and starts patting her back. "I want to go." I said, as he turns to leave the room... not that I particularly care about whatever it is he wants to discuss with James, but I've been friends with Gabe for years and I haven't seen him since before I left. "Well, hurry up." he calls over his shoulder as he leaves the room. I start behind him and then stop as I see Brandon sitting on the floor with Matt and Amorah. They are all playing with cars and pushing them along a track. "Hey, Little B." I call out brightly as I squat down beside him. "It was nice to meet you." I hold out my fist, bumping it with his after he does the same. "Maybe I can come get you soon. We can blow this popsicle stand and find some swings." He giggles, nodding his head as he looks up at me, a smile stretched across his face. "I don't know about that, Levi." Matthew starts hesitantly. "Why?" I question, "I think I can figure out how to safely push him on the damn swings, Matthew." I stand up, starting to walk away before stopping and shooting Matthew a wink "What's really wrong, brother? Don't you trust me? Or are you just worried that he's going to like Uncle Levi more?" I laugh, turning and leaving the room before he can respond.
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