
2647 Words

ElevenAna knew they were watching her. Searching for a clue, something that would help them realize who she was, what it was all about. The thing in the wall, like an eye, it moved around, tracking her. She had no idea what it might be, but she felt sure that it had the ability to see her. It didn't blink like an eye, but it moved. The iris, that's what it was called. Moving in and out, focusing. So she'd stood and she'd stared it down. When nobody came, even after she had thrust up her fingers as an insult, she sat on the threadbare bed and waited. She waited a long time. Tears listened to Samuels's voice and wondered how anyone could sound so dull. For someone so intelligent, he was a boring individual, with no spark, no sense of purpose. An automaton, going through the motions, a per

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