
1072 Words

Ten“Work harder, for God's sake – get your b****y back into it!” Mr. Gardiner was a tough, gnarled man, cruel, unkind and unrelenting in his expectations of what constituted a good day's work. Françoise – known to his employer as Paul – rarely, if ever, opened his mouth to complain. To do so would have resulted in a backhanded cuff across the face. He didn't want that. One, it would cause the anger to rise, and two, if he did react, his cover would be blown. True, Gardiner would be dead, but Françoise was under strict orders. He'd played the servile labourer for two years; a little while longer wouldn't hurt. When his task was complete, he would kill Gardiner, but not before. The thought caused the time to be a lot more bearable. With mouth clamped firmly shut, he put his shoulder agains

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