Chapter Two-1

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Chapter Two Two Stars are Born On Saturday morning I met Laura at the bus stop and we took a taxi up to the university because it was pouring with rain. The good thing about the weather was that we weren’t tempted to walk around in public with Laura wanting me to kiss her boots, or drag me on a leash. Then again, given the interest that various people had shown in me because of that “incident” maybe I was missing out! When we arrived at my room the first thing Laura wanted to do was to see my back and bottom – she wanted to check on how the marks from last weekend’s heel scratching and strapping had faded. As I stripped off my clothes, so did she. She stripped down to her underwear – which was rather nice I thought: black silky bra, panties and suspender belt, with sheer black stockings. She actually apologized for not having her thigh boots with her, but her new party dress had taken up too much room in her bag. She slipped on her black court shoes, which had a sexy four inch heel. I was allowed to worship them while she inspected my back. “Gosh, I can still see some of the heel scratches,” she said, sounding surprised. I wasn’t – I’d felt how hard she and Christine had been pressing into me. “Would you like me to give you some more?” she asked. “I’m your slave, Mistress. Please treat me as you wish.” Laura laughed softly, and drew her right heel across my back. I winced as I felt the heel dig in. “Don’t worry,” she said. “I cleaned the heels with antiseptic spray this morning. Don’t want you getting infected, do we, sweetie?” “No Mistress!” I gasped. “That might be tricky to explain in the emergency room!” she laughed again and drew another deep line across my skin. Inspection of my backside followed. All the redness was now gone. Truth be told, it had faded to nothing after three days. There was still some bruising there, but it was fading too. Laura had proudly showed me her pert bottom too. There were no signs of last weekend’s punishment. I wasn’t allowed to touch it, unfortunately. “The marks were pretty well gone by Wednesday,” she said proudly. “Christine says I must heal quickly. She’d like me to take something a bit more severe next time she said. Maybe she’ll let you watch? Would you like to see her beating me? You couldn’t actually see it last time.” She was standing over me – I was in my normal kneeling position, hands on head. Her p***y was level with my face. “Yes Mistress. That would be nice.” “You mean it would be nice to see your girlfriend being spanked or worse by another girl? Is that what you mean?” She pressed her groin into my face. I caught the scent of her and my d**k started to strain against the CB3000. “Yes Mistress.” Laura checked her watch and then walked over to the table and picked up her mobile phone. She pushed a few buttons and put the phone to her ear. “Hi, it’s me. Yes, fine. Just called to say he’s ready for his milking. OK. Sure. Bye.” She turned to me. “Crank up your laptop and get ready to Skype with Christine. She’ll be supervising your milking.” I groaned. The idea of Christine having this on a camera made me worried. She could record it and have it all over YouTube in a few minutes. I opened the PC and waited for Windows to do its thing. Skype came up and I saw Christine’s status go green. Almost right away there was an incoming call from her, and of course, Skype was already configured to automatically answer it. This time the video was enabled at her end also; she was wearing a simple white blouse and I noticed she had on a headset. “Greetings, slave!” she said in a subdued voice. “And how are we today?” “I’m fine, thank you, Mistress Christine. How are you?” “I’m fine, thank you. I’m up in Yorkshire this weekend visiting my family. And it’s raining cats and dogs here. How about there?” Now I realized why she was wearing the headset and speaking quietly; she didn’t want her family to overhear her. “Yes, it’s the same, Mistress.” “OK, time for milking. Assume the position,” Christine said. I quickly took my place on the bed and Laura adjusted the webcam so that Christine could get a good view. “I’m going to take you up the arse now, slave. Do you think you’re going to come in that thing again?” she asked. “I don’t think so, Mistress, it’s not the same this time,” I said. Indeed it wasn’t. Last weekend I’d been deprived for three weeks, and the girls had been teasing me almost constantly for a day and a half. “I hope not. If you do come then believe me we’ll find a way to make you pay, and you won’t like it!” “No, Mistress Laura.” This time Laura used a sandwich bag to hook over the CB3000 to catch my “milk”. She secured it with an elastic band. She stood so I could see the dildo, and carefully slid a fresh condom over it. “We bought a new silicone lubricant for you. It’s supposed to be great for buggering with a dildo. Aren’t we good to you?” she mocked. “Yes, Mistress,” I replied. “Thank you, Mistress.” Laura took her position behind me. Another squeeze of lube directly onto my bottom and then she pressed the dildo into me. This time I was ready for it, and knew what to expect, and I silently thanked her for not using Deep Heat again. Presumably that would be reserved for punishments. I grunted as she slid the dildo all the way in, and almost immediately felt a trickle of juice leaking from my c**k. Laura kept up a slow rhythm, in and out, for about ten minutes, and she also leaned forward so she could press her hand between my scrotum and anus. “Is it nice when I massage you there, John?” she whispered. “Yes, Mistress,” I answered obediently. She continued to gently massage me from the outside, while the dildo did its work on the inside. Christine was completely silent. I wondered if they were trying to make the whole experience as clinical as possible to avoid me having another orgasm. That would make sense, I thought. At the end of the process, Laura pulled out gently. I gasped as the dildo left me – it was still something that felt very strange as far as I was concerned. “There we are! All done. How was that?” she asked gently. “It was very nice, thank you, Mistress,” I replied. “And nothing unexpected happened this time, did it?” Christine piped in from the PC. “No, Mistress Christine.” “Good boy,” Christine said. “Laura, I’m going to go now. Make sure he drinks up all of his milk, won’t you?” “Of course, Mistress Christine, right away. Bye darling!” Christine blew her a kiss and cleared the call, and then Laura unfastened the bag from my groin. “Gosh John, there’s a fair bit here, but nowhere near as much as when you came last week,” she said, holding the bag for me to see. I was allowed to drink the contents, and then to turn the bag inside out to lick it completely clean. Laura supervised the process very carefully, pointing to spots of juice that she thought I’d missed. As I finished she leaned in and kissed me deeply – sliding her tongue around my mouth. “Mmmmm,” she said. “I’m really getting a taste for that. Tony’s was different, but still really nice. Of course, his was proper spunk – not just prostate milk. I think I prefer the real thing. I really want to do that again soon,” she looked me in the eyes as she said it. “Yes Mistress.” I was then allowed to make love to her wearing the strap on. She was already wet with excitement from milking me, and she came pretty quickly. After the first orgasm I licked her p***y and managed to bring her off twice more. Three orgasms, I thought. Not bad considering it’s not even lunchtime! The rain had stopped by this time, and the sky was a light grey overcast – typical for the UK. It was just after one o’clock and we decided to walk up to the Library Bar because they did a nice Ploughman’s Lunch, and had a special “two for one deal” on at the weekends. Laura had brought her leather-look jeans, and this time she teamed them with a white silky blouse and over the top she wore her black raincoat. It was just a plain black gabardine coat, belted at the waist, but she looked like a secret agent to my over active imagination! We chatted about our various problems as we walked to the bar. Laura was at loggerheads with the useless headmaster of the school – the one that had tried to molest Christine after her dad had died. I was deeply confused by the Schrödinger Equation, and wondered if I’d be asked to derive it in an exam. We walked into the bar and an icy chill shot down my spine. Sitting at a table in the corner was Amy – along with Kerry and the other girls, whose names I couldn’t remember – it was the same study group I’d originally met in the library. Amy had her back to me, and I thought I might get away with it, but Kerry spotted me and obviously said something to Amy. She turned as Laura and I walked over towards the bar. It would have been churlish to ignore her so I smiled and waved – trying to make it as obvious as possible that there was nothing underhanded going on. Amy waved back and took a good look at Laura before she slowly turned back to her lunch. Luckily Derek wasn’t on duty – it would have been interesting to see if he’d mention Amy to me in front of Laura. Derek wasn’t renowned for his tact. Laura decided we should eat at the bar. She slid out of her raincoat and I noticed more than one of the men in the room glance over at her tight jeans and boots. She perched up on the barstool and her long legs were all on show. She looked fantastic. We ordered two Cheese Ploughman’s Lunches and I mentioned to Laura that this is where I’d bought the wine she liked so much. “Oh, that wine was delicious, John!” she said. “And I think it would go wonderfully with the cheese. Shall we both have a glass?” she asked. “What about my diet?” I asked. “I think you’ve lost all the weight you needed to, sweetheart. Now you just need to tone up those muscles a bit more, and make sure you keep the weight off. You already look fantastic. Very sexy. Do you feel better for it?” “I do actually,” I admitted. “It was hard work, especially getting the abuse from Dave and the lads for not going out for a pint. But I’m really grateful you pushed me to do it. Thank you, darling.” Laura leaned over and kissed me gently on the lips. As she did so she put her hand on my cheek. At the last second I noticed her glance over my shoulder, towards where Amy was sitting. “Who was that girl you waved to as we came in?” she asked lightly. “She’s an Ergo student – Ergonomics, Annie, no that’s not it. Amy, yes I’m sure it’s Amy. Her group came on a tour of our lab to do a study on usability in work environments and Professor Miller asked me to demonstrate how a fume cupboard worked.” “And you recognized her out of the whole group? You’ve got a good memory for faces although you need to work on your name recall.” Laura took a sip of her wine and looked over the rim of the glass at me. “Well to be honest we don’t see many girls in the Chemistry department, so it was a bit of a treat – most of the Ergos are girls. And now I seem to run into her all over the place. She’s just in the next hall, so I suppose it’s not surprising.” Laura put the wine down and twirled the stem of the glass in her fingers. I hoped I’d got away with it. I’d actually planned the explanation a couple of weeks earlier just in case. “She’s pretty,” Laura said, still looking at the pale liquid in her glass. “No,” I said carefully. “She’s very pretty, and you know it. That’s probably why I remember her, I’ll admit that. I’m just a pig that way. But you, my darling, are totally devastating. Did you know most of the men in this room are staring at you?”
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