Chapter One-3

388 Words
“Thinking of what we can do to each other actually,” she said coyly, “when I let you out of that chastity device.” She giggled sexily down the phone. Suddenly I thought my ear had exploded. “That’s it!” she cried. “Owww!” “Sorry, John, but I just thought of a plan for Laura,” she said, laughing again. “What is it?” I asked, intrigued. “Best that I don’t say anything yet. It’s only an idea at the moment. Actually it’s a long way from being a plan. And also, if you’re seeing Laura alone this weekend I don’t know how good you are at keeping secrets. It’s absolutely vital that she doesn’t suspect anything.” “You really are devious, aren’t you?” I chuckled. “You don’t know the half of it.” “Oh, by the way,” I said casually, “while we’re chatting like normal people, just what is it that you pour into me at night? It’s driving me crazy not knowing.” “Oh, that? Yes, it’s vile, isn’t it? Well I take…” she stopped. “What?” I asked, too quickly. “You take what?” “Do you really think I’m going to tell you? Oh, that’s so sweet and so naïve of you to think I’d tell you because we’re bonding like this! Poor slave! Does the nasty medicine make you feel queasy?” I began to breathe more deeply as soon as she used the word ‘slave’. “Yes, Mistress, it’s really horrible.” “Oh dear, that’s a shame. But it is your medicine, isn’t it? It’s for your own good, isn’t it?” “Yes Mistress.” “And sometimes medicine has to taste nasty even if it’s doing us good.” “Yes Mistress.” “It’s a pity you’re so far away, isn’t it? I can’t make sure you’re getting your medicine.” “No Mistress.” “Perhaps I can give some to Laura to give you this weekend? That’s a good idea, isn’t it?” “No Mistress, please not that,” I begged. I hated that f*****g stuff. “You think it’s a bad idea?” “Yes Mistress, I do, please.” “Hmmm, I think you’re beginning to get a bit too frisky. Getting above yourself, aren’t you?” “Yes Mistress. Sorry Mistress.” “And what’s the best cure for that?” I paused, not wanting to give the answer. “Hmmmm?” Christine prompted. “Medicine, Mistress,” I whispered. “I’m sorry; I couldn’t quite hear you slave.” “Medicine, Mistress, if it pleases you.” “Well I think it’s for the best. I’ll make sure Laura has plenty of medicine, a double dose, to give to you this weekend. What do you say?” I cringed. “Thank you, Mistress.” “OK, I think we’re done here. One last thing, I know I missed your Fire Drill last night. Laura and I were having, a bit of a disagreement. I’m sure you know what about. I’ll try to make sure I don’t disappoint you tonight. OK?” “Yes, Mistress Christine. Thank you.” She cleared the call without another word. What a dickhead, I was mentioning that stuff! What was I thinking? Christine had lulled me into a false sense of security and then pounced.
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