Chapter 3- Aftermath

1351 Words
Ceaser & Sapphire were sitting on the couch crossing their legs while Ajax was standing in front of them like a convicted. Anger & disappointment were clearly visible on their faces. Specifically, Ceaser was boiling with anger. Standing on his feet, Ceaser's voice burst inside the place like an atomic bomb," Everything is ruined. My reputation, my relationship with Abram.....everything. Abram has cut all of his business deals with me. It's a matter of time I am going to see a huge loss in my weapon business." "And, everything happened because of you!! How could you even think of betraying Diana!!" Ceaser accused pointing his finger at Ajax who was controlling his outburst with great difficulty. " I never stopped you from w*****g around. You always did whatever you wanted to do. I never interrupted your life. But, the thing..................." Ceaser was interrupted by Ajax's outburst. Finally, his patience was broken. Ajax lashed out at his father," You are blaming me unnecessarily. I don't even know that woman. I am sure she is paid by our rivals to do something like that. " See!! He is still lying. He is behaving like I don't know about his womaniser nature. Ask him till now how many women he has f****d? Ask him how many bastards he has fathered?" Ceaser hissed at Sapphire who was also disturbed by all these. Ignoring her husband's words Sapphire advised her son," That woman has your child. That means she is your heir. A part of our family. I don't care about the child's mother. The only thing that matters to me is your daughter. You should think about your daughter now. As for Diana, you can ask for forgiveness from her." " What the f**k you are suggesting to me, Mom!! That kid isn't mine. I can guarantee that. I indeed have uncountable one-night stands and personal entertainers but I always made sure I used protection," Ajax let out pulling his hair behind out of frustration. Then, he said with confidence," I am being framed. I can assure you that. If that woman wanted her rights then why did she disappear without saying anything." " She wasn't asking for rights, you moron. She was here to expose what kind of irresponsible son I have raised," Ceaser shot back which made Ajax lower his eyes. Ceaser continued shouting, "Have you seen the look on Abram's face? He will definitely think of revenge. He is the most powerful friend of mine in the mafia world. Just with your one irresponsible act, you have turned him into my enemy." " The situation is sensitive. Instead of shouting and blaming we should think about a solution," Sapphire suggested. Ceaser mocked with his pissed-off voice," The only solution is doing vasectomy of your dear son so that he never thinks of producing bastards." " If your old d**k still functions then you can produce a new heir," Ajax replied rolling his eyes. Ceaser answered giving Ajax side eyes," Ask your mother if my d**k still functions or not." " God!!! would you guys just shut up?" Sapphire yelled closing her eyes with frustration. Ajax & Ceaser shut their mouths not before sharing heated glares. Then, they diverted their gaze to the only woman they fear. " Ajax, find out that girl. If you are right then we need to know who is the main culprit," Sapphire ordered Ajax who shook his head with approval. ******************** Ajax reached Diana's house to convince her and ask for some time so that she doesn't break up with him. But, the whole Jones household was so furious at Ajax that even the guards didn't let him meet Diana. He called Diana uncountable times but she didn't receive his call. Having no other choices he decided to climb into her room through the window. Entering Diana's room he found her sitting on the bed and looking somewhere aimlessly. Tear stains were visible on her cheeks and her red puffy eyes were indicating how much she has cried. Ajax felt his heart twisting inside his chest seeing her like that. " Diana," he called softly. Her pupils dilated, brows curled with sudden shock seeing him in her room. An angry expression appeared on her face remembering what happened. Disgust crawled in her whole system looking at his face. " What are you doing here?" She asked furiously. He tried to convince her," Diana, I was framed. I never cheated on you. That child isn't mine. I swear." " I don't even want to hear a single word coming out of your mouth. Please, leave me alone," She shouted pushing him behind. He tried to say something when she yelled in his face," Everyone knows about your womanizer nature, Ajax. I am not surprised to know that you have a child. I wouldn't have walked away from the aisle if you told me about the truth earlier." " I am hurt that you didn't share anything about your past relationship with me. That's where I am hurt," she spoke while breaking down into hysterical sobbing. Without wasting another second Ajax pulled her into a tight hug. He said helplessly," Diana, I love you only. Try to understand. I didn't hide anything from you. I beg you. Believe me for once." A gunshot echoed through the whole place startling them both. Diana pushed away Ajax from her and looked at the door. There was her father standing pointing his gun at Ajax. Diana gulped nervously seeing her father's rage-filled eyes. " I won't kill you if you leave my house silently," Mr Jones threatened pointing his gun at Ajax. Ajax tried to convince," Mr Jones, try to understand. It's a misunderstanding." " Another word! I will shoot you right between your eyes. Get lost and never try to meet my daughter," Mr Jones yelled shaking with anger. Ajax knew that he has lost Diana already. There is no point in staying here anymore. Giving Diana a sorrowful look he left her house with a heavy heart. Coming out of Diana's house Ajax was seeing everything red. His blood was boiling with rage and his mind was full of vengeance. He swore that he won't spare that woman who is behind all this humiliation and his break up with Diana. Veins of his neck popped out recalling Rosaline's face and her words. Taking out his phone he called someone. " Mr Hiddleton, meet me tomorrow. It's urgent," Ordering that he cut the call without waiting for an answer. Mr Hiddleton is a detective. For the last 20 years, he has been working for the Hernandez and has a very good relationship with them. He is a good friend of Ceaser as well. " b***h, once I get you in my clutch. I swear I will make you regret your every word. That's my promise to you," Ajax promised while a sinister smile danced on his lips. Creating havoc in Ajax's life, Rosaline was busy sipping on her cold coffee while the child with her was munching on his burger happily. Rosaline was sitting in a cafe enjoying her time while looking at the TV. Ajax Hernandez and Diana Jones wedding were called off by unfortunate circumstances. Who is this Rosaline? Is she really Ajax Hernandez's wife? Rosaline chuckled seeing the media broadcasting her images. She heard people whispering about this news but nobody realized that Rosaline was sitting among them. How can they recognize her? After all, she went to break Ajax's marriage putting a ton of make-up on her face. She was enjoying the news when her phone beeped. Taking the phone in her hand she looked at the screen and a smirk formed on her lips. It's a text from her bank account. Your account is credited by ** millions Her face fell looking at the amount. She was expecting more. Immediately she called someone. A lady voice spoke," Hello." " It's only half of the amount. You promised more," Rosaline said lowering her voice. The other person replied," You will get the rest of the money soon."
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