Chapter 2- The Wedding Breaker

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" He is a cheater," The lady again said pointing her finger at Ajax who couldn't hear anymore. Raising one palm he shouted at the top of his lungs," Enough." The whispering stopped instantly along with the lady's words. Ajax thought looking at his pissed-off expression and burning eyes the lady will get scared. But, to his utter surprise, there wasn't a single bit of fear in her eyes. She was looking so calm like she knows what will be his next move. " First of all, who allowed you to enter here? Where is the security? Security........Security......" Ajax's annoyed voice echoed through the whole area like a thunderstorm. Soon, two security guards rushed towards the place when Ajax ordered the security guards," Throw out this crazy lady outside." Holding her tightly one of the security guards started dragging her towards the exit while another one held the little girl's hands. No sooner had the guards started dragging the little girl than she shouted ' Daddy' looking at Ajax. His eyes widened in shock after hearing the word. Ajax's family members looked at him with disbelief. Ajax isn't scared of his family's reaction to this matter. The only thing that matters to him is Diana. With nervous eyes, he looked at her and found her already looking at him with disbelief. " You can't do this to me. Tell the world who am I to you. Tell the world that I am your wife," the lady screamed trying to free herself from the guard's tight grip. Before the guards could throw her outside Diana's voice echoed through the whole area," Stop." The guards looked at Ajax for his permission when Diana yelled," Didn't you hear me?' Ajax signalled the guards to leave the lady which they obliged instantly. With slow steps, Diana walked towards the lady and looked into her eyes. Diana tried to find malice and lies in the lady's eyes but there was nothing except truth and pain. Diana already guessed what can be the matter but still, she wants to know everything properly. " Who are you? How do you know Ajax? What's your relationship with him?" Diana asked the lady who looked at Ajax with nervous eyes. Realizing her inner fear, Diana assured the lady," Say everything without any hesitation. No one will harm you." Licking her dry lips the lady introduced herself and the little girl," My name is Rosaline and this is my daughter Violet." " I know Mr Ajax Harnandez for the last 7/8 years. I met him in a nightclub where I used to work as a stripper. I was his personal entertainer for 6 months. Slowly we developed feelings for each other and one day he proposed to me. I didn't refuse him since I was in love with him too. We did a court marriage where his family wasn't present. He said that his father will never accept a stripper as his daughter-in-law. Ajax promised that he will convince his father somehow and introduce me to his family. But, he never did it. Whenever I asked him when he will announce our marriage officially he would always ignore me. His indifferent behaviour increased after my daughter's birth. He stopped contacting me when my daughter turned four. I was trying to contact him when I got to know that he is going to get married. I tried a lot to contact him but didn't get any chance. Having no other choices I had to come here. He cheated on me. He is an oathbreaker. If you marry him you will never be happy. He will never be faithful to you," the lady finished saying her whole perspective and burst into tears. It's not needed to describe what kind of look Ajax got from his family members. Specifically, his father. Diverting his eyes at Diana he gulped down nervously. Her unstoppable tears and red eyes were telling him how hurt she was. He shook his head in the negative but in response, Diana only closed her eyes. She wouldn't be that hurt if he told her about all this earlier. When she asked him if he had any girlfriend or past relationship he said that he was never been in any serious relationship. He never told her that he has a wife and a child too. " Liar!! Everything is lie. This woman is uttering rubbish and you are hearing her silently!" Ajax asked Diana and then walked towards Rosaline. Grabbing one of her arms he growled in her face," What the f**k did you just say? I don't even know you!! How can you be my wife!" " You are having difficulties recognizing me, right? Let's show you something," Rosaline said putting her hand inside her purse. Taking out some papers she threw them on Ajax's face. The moment his eyes fall on a paper his eyes literally bulged out from his sockets. Sweat beads started forming all over his forehead and his hands started shaking. He couldn't believe his eyes. It was a marriage certificate. " Aren't you recognizing your signature as well?" Rosaline asked. Snatching the papers from Ajax's hands Diana looked at the papers and burst into hysterical sobbing. Placing one hand over her mouth she looked at Ajax with hurtful eyes. The betrayal was way too much for her to handle. " No, you are trying to frame me!! It can't be possible... I don't even know you. I never meet you!!" Ajax hissed at Rosaline. Surprising him more the little girl hugged his waist tightly and said innocently," Daddy, don't scold Mommy. Are you angry with us?" " What!! Leave me. I am not your father," Ajax screamed throwing the girl away from her. Before the girl could fall to the ground her mother caught her and looked at Ajax with hurtful yet angry eyes. Gritting her teeth she shoved her hand inside her purse for the second time. Taking out some photos she threw them in the air. The photos scattered all over the ground catching everyone's attention. Ajax blinked his eyes to understand when did all this happen. In all the photos he was with Rosaline and they were looking way too romantic together. In all the pictures, either he was kissing her or holding her possessively. " Do you need more proof?" Rosaline asked Ajax picking her daughter up. Ajax was going to say something when Diana grabbed his collar tightly. He looked at her with helpless eyes. He shook his head in the negative trying to tell her that he never cheated on her but Diana wasn't in the mood to hear anything. " How could you do this to me? I thought you are a gentleman but you are nothing but a betrayer. An asshole!!" Diana screamed slapping him repeatedly. Ajax responded trying to free his collar from her tight grip," I swear I don't even know this woman. She is lying! I am sure she took money from someone to frame me." " It's you who is lying. That signature is yours. Do you deny that? Do you?" Diana questioned. Ajax replied with confidence," Someone copied my signature. I never married that woman." Diana & Ajax's arguments were turning worse when their family members came forward. They tried to calm down them but Diana & Ajax weren't in the mood to hear anyone. Pictures after pictures were taken by the media while everyone started gossiping about the situation. While everyone's eyes were glued on Diana & Ajax, Rosaline was looking for a chance to escape this place as soon as possible. Her job is done and it's high time she leaves this place. Inside her mind, she was screaming for help and asking God to help her escape this place. It seems like God heard her prayers. A masked girl approached Rosaline and grabbed one of her hands. Rosaline was startled by the sudden touch but she took a relaxed breath looking at the person. " Let's go," the girl whispered and very soon Rosaline was away from the drama she created. Getting inside the taxi she removed the wig from her head. Letting out relaxed breathing she took out a wet tissue along with a makeup remover. She started wiping the makeup away when she felt a little tug on her dress. She looked beside her only to find her daughter looking at her with questioning eyes. " Xeni, remove it from my head," the girl whined pulling her hair. Pulling the wig away from Violet's head Rosaline said laughing," You did so well as a first-timer, Dimitri. I am proud of you."
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