Chapter 11

1160 Words
Lorenzo I remember last night like a blur, the whiskey burning my veins as I drowned my sorrows. Six years since my sister's passing, and the pain still felt like a fresh wound. I didn't mean to unleash my demons on Eva, but she was there, listening, and I couldn't stop myself. Eva listened, her eyes filled with compassion, and for the first time, I felt like someone truly understood me. In that moment, I was vulnerable, exposed, and scared. But Eva's gentle touch and soothing words wrapped around me like a warm embrace. She saw the real me, the broken me, and didn't turn away. For the first time in years, I felt a glimmer of hope that maybe, just maybe, I wasn't alone in this darkness. I knew I had to keep my distance from Eva, no matter how much I wanted to be near her. My world was too dark, too dangerous, and I couldn't risk dragging her into it. I had to protect her, even if it meant protecting her from myself. I pushed myself away, physically and emotionally, trying to maintain a sense of control. But it was hard, f*****g so hard, when all I wanted to do was hold her close and never let her go. I knew I was playing a dangerous game, one that could end in heartbreak and devastation. But I couldn't help myself, I was drawn to her like a moth to flame. I hoped that somehow, someway, I could find a way to make it work, to be with her without ruining her. But until then, I had to keep my distance, no matter how much it hurt. I sat at the dining table, sipping my coffee and staring blankly at the wall. I heard Eva's gentle footsteps approaching, and my heart began to race. I knew I had to maintain my distance, but it was hard when she was so close. "Good morning, Enzo" she said, her voice like sunshine. "How are you today?" I kept my gaze fixed on the wall, my expression unreadable. "I'm fine," I replied curtly, my voice cold and detached. Eva's smile faltered, and she looked at me with confusion and concern. "Is everything okay? You seem...different." I shrugged, my eyes still avoiding hers. "Just tired, that's all." The silence that followed was palpable, and I knew I had hurt her. But I had to keep pushing her away, for her own good. Eva's voice was barely above a whisper when she spoke again. "Okay, Lorenzo. If you're sure everything is fine..." She did not call me Enzo. I nodded, still not looking at her,"It's fine, Eva." The hurt in her eyes was evident, but I had to ignore it. I had to protect her, even if it meant breaking her heart.. As I sat there, avoiding Eva's gaze, my mind drifted back to last night. She had called me "Enzo", a name only my sister had used. Nobody had dared to use that name since her passing, knowing how much pain it brought me. Whoever would say that name would always have to face my wrath. But when Eva said it, something strange happened. Instead of anger, I felt a pang in my chest, a flutter in my heart. It was as if Eva had unlocked a door to a part of me I thought was long dead. Only my sister had called me Enzo, and hearing it from Eva's lips brought back a flood of memories, both sweet and painful. Why did it feel so different coming from her? Why did it feel like a warm embrace instead of a punch to the gut? I couldn't explain it, but I knew I couldn't let my guard down. I had to keep my distance, no matter how much my heart yearned for connection. The silence at the breakfast table stretched on, heavy with unspoken words and unresolved emotions. I knew I had to keep my walls up, but Eva's presence was slowly chipping away at my defenses. And I wasn't sure if I was ready to face what lay beneath. I couldn't take it anymore. I had to escape the tension, the emotions, the memories that Eva stirred up. I needed to drown myself in work, to lose myself in the familiar routine of my mafia business. I headed to my warehouse, immersing myself in the hustle and bustle of the busy space. I threw myself into every task, every deal, every negotiation. I worked tirelessly, pushing myself to the limit, trying to exhaust my mind and body. But no matter how hard I worked, Eva's face lingered in my mind. Her smile, her eyes, her gentle touch. I couldn't shake her off, no matter how hard I tried. I growled in frustration, slamming my fist on the desk. Why couldn't I just forget about her? Why did she have to be But deep down, I knew it was more than that. I was running from my feelings, from the vulnerability that Eva exposed in me. I was scared of what she made me feel, of what she made me want. As the sun set on another long day, I realized that I couldn't outrun my emotions forever. Eventually, I'd have to face them, and face her. But for now, I just kept working, kept pushing, kept trying to drown myself in the familiar comforts of my business. _____ Eva It's been almost a week since that night. The night Lorenzo opened up to me. But since then, he's been avoiding me like the plague. He leaves early in the morning, before I even wake up, and comes home late at night, after I've already fallen asleep. We barely cross paths, and when we do, he's cold and distant, like a stranger. I try to talk to him, to ask him what's wrong, but he just shrugs me off, muttering something about being busy or tired. I know he's hiding something, but I don't know what.It hurts, knowing that he's pushing me away. I miss the Lorenzo from that night, the one who was vulnerable and real. I miss the way he looked at me, the way he made me feel. As I lie on the couch in living room watching TV , waiting for him to come home, I can't help but wonder if I'll ever see that side of him again. Or if he'll continue to shut me out, leaving me in the dark, wondering what I did wrong. Lost in my thoughts, the sudden creak of the front door broke the silence. My heart skipped a beat as the door slowly swung open, revealing a sight that made my blood run cold. He stood in the doorway, his tall frame sagging against the doorframe for support. His face was a mess of bruises and cuts, his eyes sunken and his skin pale. His clothes were torn and bloodstained.
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