Chapter 16

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Eva The dinner table was filled with sound of lively conversation with Dante teasing Luna who playfully rolled her eyes and give him witty replies. Maria laughed and playfully scolded them both while Mr De Luca smiled and noded along. Lorenzo was sitting besides me not engaging himself in any conversation. He was quiet the whole dinner just answering if somebody asked him anything. I tried to ignore his lingering gaze on me the whole dinner. I was now with Maria helping her to serve the dessert. Everybody were out in the lawn enjoying the night. "Eva, is everything all right between you and Lorenzo?" she asked, her eyes filled with concern. "You two seem a bit... off." I hesitated, unsure of how to respond. "He's been good....." I began, choosing my words carefully. "But, suddenly, he just distances himself from me. It's like he shuts down, and I don't know what's wrong." Maria's expression was filled with understanding. "Eva, I know it's hard to deal with Lorenzo sometimes, but you need to give him time and be patient with him. He's been through a lot in his life, and sometimes it takes him a while to process his emotions." She paused, her eyes filled with a deep love for her son. "Lorenzo has his struggles. He needs someone like you, Eva, someone who can understand and support him through the tough times." Maria's eyes sparkled with knowing as she leaned in closer. " tesoro, I can tell you that Lorenzo is totally taken with you. The way he's been looking at you throughout dinner, and even before... it's like he's besotted." She smiled, her voice filled with warmth. "I've seen the way he gazes at you, with such intensity and adoration. He's smitten, Eva. And I think he might even be a little scared of his feelings, which is why he's pulling back." Maria's words sent a flutter through my chest, and I felt a surge of hope. Her words were like a balm to my soul, soothing my frustrations and worries. _____ I slammed the door behind me, grateful to finally be alone in my room. The silent car ride home had been suffocating, Lorenzo's occasional glances burning a hole in my skin. I couldn't bear the thought of talking to him, of pretending everything was okay when it wasn't. I flopped onto my bed, staring blankly at the ceiling. My mind raced with thoughts of Lorenzo's distant behavior, his mother's words echoing in my head. Was he really struggling with his emotions, or was he just playing games with me? I rolled over onto the middle of the bed, burying my face in my pillow. I didn't want to think about it anymore, didn't want to feel the ache in my heart. I just wanted to escape, to forget about Lorenzo and his mixed signals. But deep down, I knew I couldn't avoid him forever. _____ I lay on the chaise lounge, my book abandoned beside me, as I gazed up at the star-filled sky. The night air was crisp and cool, and I had wrapped my thin robe over my short night dress around me, but my legs still felt bare and exposed. I sighed heavily, my eyes scanning the darkness beyond the pool area. The sound of crickets were the only breaks in the silence. I felt alone and vulnerable, my mind racing with thoughts of Lorenzo and where he could be. He was not home the whole day. I felt a sudden chill run down my spine as I sensed someone's gaze on me. I turned to see who it was, and my heart skipped a beat as I met Lorenzo's intense stare. He was leaning against the doorframe a glass wine is his hand, his eyes fixed on me with an unnerving intensity. My exposed legs, seemed to be the focus of his gaze. I felt a flush rise to my cheeks as I quickly pulled my robe tighter, trying to cover myself. Lorenzo's eyes never wavered, his gaze still fixed on me with an unspoken message. I felt like he could see right through me. The silence between us was heavy with tension. Lorenzo finally broke the silence, his deep voice low and smooth. "Why are you alone out here, Bella ?" "I was just gazing the stars," I replied turning and leaning back into my lounge again, trying to appear nonchalant. But I could feel Lorenzo's eyes still on me, his gaze burning into my skin. After a moment, he stepped further into the pool area, his eyes still on me. He settled himself into the other lounge chair beside me, spreading his legs out in front of him and leaning back. He sipped his wine, his eyes still fixed on me. As he finished his wine he kept the glass on the floor. And in one swift motion his hands wrapped around my wrists like cuffs, pulling me from my chair with a sudden, forceful motion. I gasped, my breath catching in my throat as I felt myself being pulled and positioned onto his lap. My legs straddled his hips, my body tense and rigid as I struggled to process what was happening. "What are you doing?" I asked, my voice barely above a whisper, my heart racing with surprise. I tried to pull my wrists free, but Lorenzo's grip only tightened, holding me in place. I felt a flush rise to my cheeks as I realized the intimacy of our position, my body pressed close against his. As I relaxed slightly, Lorenzo released his grip on my wrists, but instead of allowing me to pull away, he placed both of his hands on my waist, his fingers wrapping around me like a vice. He pulled me closer to him, my body inching nearer to his, our faces drawing closer together. I felt a jolt of electricity run through my body at the touch, my heart racing as I was drawn into the warmth of his embrace. My hands, now free, rested on his chest, my fingers spread across the contours of his muscles. I felt the steady beat of his heart beneath my fingertips, and I couldn't help but notice the way his chest rose and fell with each breath. The proximity was intoxicating, and I felt my senses begin to swirl as Lorenzo's eyes locked onto mine, his gaze burning with an intensity that left me breathless. Lorenzo's eyes never left mine as he asked, his voice low and husky, "Are you angry with me, Bella?" His hands remained firmly on my waist, holding me close. I hesitated for a moment, before answering truthfully, "Yes, I'm angry." I tried to turn my head away, not wanting to meet his gaze, but Lorenzo's hand quickly shot up and grasped my chin. He turned my face back towards his, his eyes boring into mine with an intensity that made my heart race. "Look at me, Bella," he commanded, his voice firm but gentle. His eyes softened as he spoke. "Sorry, Bella. I'm so sorry for my behavior yesterday. I didn't mean to upset you, I was just...overwhelmed." His voice was laced with regret, his eyes pleading for forgiveness. I felt my anger and hurt beginning to dissipate. "What do you mean, overwhelmed?" I asked, my voice still guarded, but curious. Lorenzo's hand on my chin relaxed, his thumb tracing a gentle path along my jawline. "Yesterday was the first time I smiled since my sister passed away," he revealed, his voice cracking with emotion. "And seeing you, feeling happy made me feel guilty. Like I was betraying her by moving on." His eyes were gloomy, he took a deep breath before continuing. "I didn't know how to process it all, and I thought running away from the situation would be the best solution but clearly it was not. I'm truly sorry." My fingers spread across his heart. "Lorenzo, if your sister were here today, she would never want you to be suffering like this," I said, my voice filled with conviction. "She would want you to be happy, to move on, to live your life to the fullest. She would never want you to feel guilty for finding joy again." Lorenzo's eyes welled up with tears, and he nodded slowly, as if my words were piercing through his grief. "You're right," he whispered, his voice cracking. "She would want me to be happy. She would want me to let go of the pain and find love again." I smiled softly, my heart aching for this broken man. "Then let her memory be a blessing, not a burden," I said, my voice barely above a whisper. "Let her memory inspire you to live, to love, and to find happiness again." I gazed into Lorenzo's eyes, and my heart skipped a beat as I saw the tears streaming down his face. This was a moment of raw vulnerability, a crack in the armor of the strong and stoic man I thought I knew. It was the first time I had seen him in tears, and it shook me to my core. I gently reached up and wiped away Lorenzo's tears with my thumbs . Without a word, I leaned in and wrapped my arms around him. My head rested on his chest, and I could feel his heart beating rapidly against my ear. Lorenzo's arms encircled me, holding me close as he buried his face in my hair. I felt his body relax into mine, his tension and grief slowly releasing. His hands slowly slid from my waist to my bare thighs, his fingers wrapping around them, pulling me even closer still straddling him . I felt a rush of heat at his touch, but I didn't pull away. Instead, I held him tighter, offering what comfort I could. Our hearts beat as one, our breathing synchronized, as we held each other. The world around us melted away, leaving only the two of us, lost in the depths of our emotions. The warmth of his body, the comfort of his embrace, and the tenderness in his eyes all combined to create a sense of safety and security, a feeling that I was home.
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