Chapter 15

1337 Words
Eva As I sat on the couch, watching Lorenzo and his father engaged in a serious conversation about business, I felt a bit out of place. Maria was in the kitchen doing preparations and Luna got a call so she went out for privacy. But before I could feel too uncomfortable, Dante appeared beside me, his eyes sparkling with mischief. "Hey, Sis in-law! Mind if I join you?" he asked, already settling into the couch beside me. I smiled, feeling a bit more at ease with Dante's friendly presence. "Not at all," I replied, scooting over to make room for him. Dante leaned back into the couch, his eyes fixed on his brother and father. "So, what's the serious talk about?" he asked, his voice low and conspiratorial. I leaned in, feeling like I was about to be let in on a secret. "Business stuff," I whispered back, my eyes flicking towards Lorenzo and his father. Dante nodded, his eyes gleaming with amusement. "Yeah, they can be pretty intense about that stuff." He turned to me, his grin infectious. Dante's eyes sparkled with curiosity as he turned to me. "So, Eva, how's Lorenzo treating you?" he asked, his voice low so that Lorenzo doesn't hear him. I smiled, feeling a warmth spread through my chest. " Enzo has been good to me," I replied, my eyes flicking towards Lorenzo, who was now watching me his father still talking to him. Dante's grin faltered, his eyes widening in shock as he stared at me. "Wait, you call him Enzo?" he whispered, his voice laced with disbelief. I nodded, confused by his reaction. "Yeah, I do. Why?" Dante's eyes darted towards Lorenzo, his expression unreadable. His eyes locked onto mine, his gaze intense. "Are you really calling him Enzo, Eva?" he whispered, his voice urgent. I felt a shiver run down my spine as I nodded, my heart racing with a mix of emotions. "Yes, I am," I replied, my voice barely above a whisper. Dante's eyes searched mine, his expression a mix of shock, curiosity, and something else I couldn't quite decipher. Dante waved his hand dismissively. "Nothing, it's nothing. Just surprised, that's all." But his eyes still held a lingering intensity, a hint of something unspoken. I raised an eyebrow, skeptical. "Really? You're not just saying that to brush me off?" Dante's smile was a bit too quick, a bit too bright. "Of course not! I'm just...interested, that's all." I wasn't convinced. My mind was already racing with questions, and I knew I wouldn't get the truth out of Dante. I'll ask Lorenzo about it later, my eyes locked on Dante's. His expression flickered, just for a moment, before he regained his composure. _____ As we explored the mansion, Luna's enthusiasm was infectious. She showed me the grand ballroom, the library, the music room, and even a garden. I couldn't help but feel like a kid in a candy store, my eyes wide with wonder. We made our way up the stairs to the second floor. As we approached Lorenzo's room, Luna's phone rang again. She sighed, her eyes apologetic. "Sorry, Eva, I need to take this. It's a friend, and I need some privacy." She gestured towards Lorenzo's room. "Go ahead, go in. I'll catch up with you in some time." Without waiting for a response, she turned and walked away, her phone already pressed to her ear. I watched her go, feeling a pang of curiosity. What was going on with Luna? But my attention was soon drawn to the room in front of me. Lorenzo's room. I pushed open the door, my heart beating just a little bit faster. As I entered Lorenzo's room, I was immediately drawn to the sense of calm that filled the space. The room was tidy and organized, with a hint of his signature scent lingering in the air. I noticed a few framed photos on his dresser, showcasing moments from his travels and time with loved ones. My eyes landed on one particular image, featuring a younger Lorenzo with a bright smile and a girl by his side. She was laughing, her eyes sparkling with joy. My curiosity piqued, I took a step closer to get a better. Her eyes seemed to hold a deep joy and contentment, and I found myself wondering who she was. I picked up the frame, studying it more closely. The girl's smile was radiant, her eyes sparkling with a warmth that drew me in. She had similar facial and body characteristics as Luna but it was not Luna because her hair was brown.Making it obvious that it was Chiara. I felt a pang of sadness, wondering what had happened to Chiara, and how her passing had affected Lorenzo's life. I stood there for a long moment, lost in thought, the photo still clutched in my hand. I heard the door open pulling me out of my thoughts making me keep the frame back. I turned around to see him. I raised an eyebrow, a small smile playing on my lips as I gazed at Lorenzo. "Hey, snoopy," he said, his voice low and teasing. "What are you doing here alone?" I chuckled, feeling a sense of amusement at his tone. "Oh, just admiring the decor," I replied, my voice light and playful. "Are you done talking to your father?" I asked. He nodded slightly. "Yeah, we're done." Lorenzo entered the room, his eyes fixed intently on me as he closed the door behind him. He walked towards me with slow, deliberate strides, his gaze never wavering. I stood still, my heart beating steadily, as he approached me with an air of quiet tension. Lorenzo's eyes locked onto mine, his gaze intense. "You look beautiful in that dress, Bella ," he said, his voice low and sincere. He stepped closer, his fingers gently sweeping a strand of hair behind my ear. His touch sent a shiver down my spine as his eyes continued to hold mine. I tried to step back, but Lorenzo quickly moved in, trapping me between the dresser and his body. His arms stretched out on either side of me, his hands grasping the edge of the dresser, caging me in. His face was inches from mine, his eyes burning with intensity. "Let me go, Lorenzo," I whispered, my heart racing. "Everyone will be looking for us." Lorenzo's eyes glinting with amusement. "You think you can just walk away from me?" he teased, his voice low and playful. "I don't think so, Bella. We're not done here." He leaned in, his face inches from mine, his eyes sparkling with a hint of mischief. I felt my face heat up. "Ah, look at that," he said, his voice full of delight. "You're blushing. You look cute when you're flustered, Bella. Like a helpless little kitten." He smiled , his eyes crinkling at the corners, and I couldn't help but feel a flutter in my chest as he smiled. It was the first time I'd seen him smile like that, and it transformed his entire face. His eyes sparkled, and his features softened, making him look almost boyish. I felt a flutter in my chest, and my heart skipped a beat as I gazed at him. I stared at him, my eyes fixed on his lips, and asked, "Are you... really smiling?" My voice was barely above a whisper, as if I was afraid to break the spell. Lorenzo's smile faltered, and his expression returned to its usual serious and introspective state. His eyes lost their sparkle, and his lips straightened into a firm line. He stepped back from me, his eyes never leaving mine, and said, "We should go." His voice was firm, but lacked the warmth and playfulness from just moments before. He turned and walked towards the door, expecting me to follow him. I felt a pang of disappointment and confusion at the sudden change in his demeanor, but I hesitated only for a moment before trailing after him.
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