She always get what's mine

1788 Words
Nora's POV For a second, my heart seized in my chest. I didn't hear it right. Maybe I was forming things in my head. This can't happen, not again, not this time. ''What are you doing just standing here? Come over here and pay your respect to beta Jayson.'' Mom's angry voice snapped me out of my thoughts. With heavy feet, I walked to them and saw the confused look on Beta Jayson's face. ''You live here?'' He asked. Obviously, he remembered me. Not like it was easy for someone to forget me. ''Yes, this is my family,'' I responded almost in a whisper and heard a soft disapproving groan from Mother. ''Nora is my first daughter; she is twin to Vera,'' Dad spoke as he would always do whenever he introduced me to someone, but Mother would never do that. ''Oh, nice meeting you again.'' With those words, he stood to his feet. With furrowed eyebrows, I watched him. He was among the few who didn't remark badly about me being twins with Vera, and it felt nice. ''A driver will come to pick you up by 12 pm. Don't keep the alpha waiting.'' With those words, he shook hands with Father while Mother and Vera bowed their heads respectfully, but I stood there numb as I watched him leave. I could feel the heartbroken spirit of my wolf, Lolita. She didn't say a word, but I knew she was in as much pain as I was. ''My dear Nora.'' Vera said as she walked to where I stood, ''I remember you said if alpha Leo really likes me as I claim, then he will find me himself….'' She chuckled and leaned closer to my left ear, ''Well, you are right. He has sent for me, so it seems I don't need your job anymore. You can keep it. Spare one.'' Her words broke me into pieces and tears piled in my eyes. Not wanting her to see me in tears, I stormed up the stairs, barged into my room, and locked the door. At a slow motion, I slid to the floor and rested my back on the wall. I dragged my knees to my chest and buried my face in between my thighs, and cried out bitterly. It's happening. She is taking what's mine, and as usual, I would sit and watch it happen. ''Maxwell!'' I called through mind link and got a response from him, ''Are you crying?'' He asked in a worried tone. ''It's happening, Maxwell, it is happening,'' I sobbed loudly. ''Take a deep breath and tell me what's happening,'' He pleaded in his usual caring tone. ''Beta Jayson was here.'' I whispered, ''Alpha Leo sent him to send an invitation to Vera. He wants to see her tomorrow at the mansion…'' I couldn't finish my words when I broke down in tears. I cried loudly, but Maxwell remained silent like he had ended the mind link, but I knew he was still with me. ''My world is crashing down, Maxwell. My only chance of happiness will be snatched away.'' I cried while my whole body shook with pain. ''Hold on,'' Maxwell said and ended the mind link. With a heavy heart, my life played in my head. As long as I can remember, Mom started acting indifferently toward me at the age of five. When she comes back from an outing, she comes with only one pack of chocolate or toys. Whatever was mine would be taken from me just by Vera asking for it. On our eighteenth birthday, Mom brought so many things for Vera, from beautiful dresses to jewelry and shoes, but what did she get me? A pair of black boots. To Mom, I was just a lump of coal, and Vera was her precious diamond, that will give her great fortune. My thought was interrupted when a heavy knock landed on my door. ''Who is it?'' I asked, trying to hide the pain in my voice. ''It's Vera. Open up,'' She demanded. With a sigh, I stood to my feet and opened the door. She walked in, closed the door, and stood before me with an expressionless look. ''You've been crying?'' She scoffed and folded her arms. ''That means what Maxwell just said to me is true.'' She scoffed and shook her head in disbelief, getting me curious, ''What did he say to you?'' I asked. ''That alpha Leo is your mate.'' She chuckled loudly, like she had just told a silly joke. My heart throbbed in pain as I watched her mockingly laugh at me until she settled down. ''This explains why he came to us. He perceived you as his mate, but when he saw you, he couldn't tell everyone….'' She scoffed mockingly and shook her head. ''Too bad, sis….'' She paused and shook her head. ''As you can see, he has already rejected you, unless you want him to do that publicly?'' She asked with raised eyebrows while I remained quiet. ''Let me give you some advice,'' She said, and took a step closer. ''Forget about him because he is mine….'' ''He is not yours!'' I cut in. ''He is my mate, and yours is someone out there,'' I yelled. ''Really?'' She asked with raised eyebrows, ''You think my mate is out there?'' She said with a soft chuckle and leaned to my left ear. ''No mate of mine would be able to match the qualities of Alpha Leo. He has all I want, and I'll do everything to have him. Not like it's hard to take something from you.'' She mocked and turned to leave, but I stopped her. ''You won't have him. This time you won't take what is mine.'' I declared those words as a promise and saw her scoff before making her way back to me. ''Really?'' She asked with raised eyebrows, ''It seems you have forgotten that I can take whatever is yours with a snap of my fingers.'' She said, hitting the tip of her fingers, ''I can take whatever belongs to you, including alpha Leo.'' She muttered with a victorious grin, turned, and left. Heartbroken, I sat on the bed and sniffled deeply, drawing back my tears. There was no need to cry; instead, I needed to do something. ''What should we do, Lolita?'' I asked my wolf and got a response. ''Maybe we should tell your father. He can report it to the wolfly.'' She suggested, but I shook my head against it. If I did that, then Alpha Leo would reject me publicly, he would never accept me, and such a situation was risky for Lolita. ''Then there is nothing else to be done than await what the goddess has installed for us,'' My wolf whimpered, causing a heavy sigh to leave my lips. Slowly, I lay on the bed and forced myself to sleep to hide away from my misery. The ringing of my phone forced my eyes to open. With a groan, I went for it and saw that it was Dora calling. Frowning, I picked up the call and placed it in my left ear. ''Were you sleeping?'' She grumbled, ''Yes, and I wished not to be disturbed.'' I grumbled with a sigh. ''You must be joking!'' Dora scoffed. ''Well, I'm already on my way to your place, so meet me at your gate in fifteen minutes…'' Without waiting for my response, she ended the call on me. ''b***h!'' I grumbled and stood to my feet. I wished I could stay in my room. In fact, I wish I could stay in my room all my life, staying away from people and the activities of life, but with a friend like Dora, I knew it was impossible. Dora was the party type and would always plead with me to join her, but I always came up with excuses that have worked until now. As I strolled toward my closet, I couldn't help but feel a little dejected. I wasn't in the mood for a party, but I knew I couldn't let Dora down. She was counting on me to go with her, and I didn't want to disappoint her. With a sigh, I opened the door to my closet and sifted through my clothes. After a few minutes of searching, my eyes landed on a beautiful red and black dress. It was a little fancy for my taste, but it was the only thing I had that would be suitable for the party. I pulled it out of the closet and examined it closely. The dress was long and flowing, with a high neck and long sleeves. Despite my lack of enthusiasm for the party, I couldn't help but feel a little excited about wearing the dress. It was beautiful and made me feel glamorous, and that was something I didn't get to experience often. I quickly slipped the dress on and walked towards the mirror. I stood before the mirror with swollen eyes, the result of crying myself to sleep a few hours ago. I knew I had to compose myself, though. I couldn't let Dora notice and start asking questions. Taking a deep breath, I reached for my makeup bag and began to apply concealer under my eyes. My hands shook a little, but I managed to hide the bags and the redness. Next, I put on foundation and a slight blush. Looking at myself in the mirror, I didn't look half bad. I still looked tired, so I decided to park my hair in a bun to give myself a sleeker look. I glared at myself one last time before going for my shoes. I put them on, grabbed my purse, and headed out. As I made my way to the sitting room, my phone rang, and I knew it was Dora, informing me she had arrived. I met Dad in the sitting room, watching a reality show. ''Going out?'' He asked with excitement. It was so unusual to see me dressed up.''Yes, you know Dora, she can be persistent,'' I said and got a nod from Dad. ''Take care of yourself.'' ''I will,'' I said goodbye to Dad and left our apartment. I left the apartment and saw Dora's car parked in front of our gate. I waved and made my way to the car, got in, and shut the door. ''Wow, girl, you look good.'' Dora praised me while I rolled my eyes and looked away. As she drove off I searched through the radio station to play some music. ''Whose party are we attending?'' I asked, still searching for radio channels. ''Alpha Leo's home welcoming party,'' She announced, causing blood to drain out of my body.
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