Not what I wanted

1974 Words
Leo's POV ''Stop the car,'' I told Jackson, my personal driver. ''Is something wrong?'' Jayson, my Beta, asked. ''Mate!'' Ethan howled in my head, causing my breath to seize in my chest. In a swift motion, I held the handle of the car, opened it, and got out of the vehicle. As I stepped out of the car, I felt anticipation wash over me. I could sense my mate was nearby, but I couldn't pinpoint exactly where. I cast my gaze around the crowd of students yelling my name, searching for any sign of her. ''There.'' My wolf pushed me towards a direction. With quick steps, I began walking in a certain direction filled with students. As I approached the path where my wolf was leading me, I couldn't help but anticipate what she would look like. Beautiful sets of sea-blue eyes, smooth and flawless skin, perhaps blond hair, but all that doesn't matter; what matters to me is her body figure. She would probably have a sexy, slender body that would make any man drool. ''Stop!'' My wolf instructed, and I did as told. I have waited to meet her for the past ten years, since turning eighteen, and I couldn't wait to meet and hold her in my arms. ''Alpha Leo!'' I heard the loud yells from the students, but all that didn't matter. I only wanted to spot her in the crowd, my perfect girl. ''Your right-hand side,'' He directed, and I did as told. I turned to my right side and began walking In front of the students, who wore smiling faces. I believe some were curious why I had left the car instead of driving into the university. ''Where is she?'' I asked impatiently as my heartbeat rose and fell. ''Six more steps,'' Ethan urged, and I did as instructed. I was about to complete the last step when the alluring scents of honey mixed with nutmeg hit my nose. ''Mine!'' My wolf howled and halted my steps. Anxious, I moved my gaze to the ladies standing before me, anticipating who it was, when suddenly I locked gaze with her. ''Mine!'' My wolf announced, draining all the blood in my veins. I held her gaze and noticed she had a stunned expression on her face. Just like me, I assumed she had gotten the signs from her wolf. ''Mine!'' My wolf howled in my head, causing a big frown to appear on my face. She was the opposite of what I dreamt of my mate. She has a thick curvaceous figure with full round hips and an ample bosom. She was curved, too chubby for my liking. She had black hair that was packed in a bun, she had precisely the eyes I wished for my mate, but her body was a big, no, for me. I went further and peered at her clothes. She wore the ugliest clothes I'd ever seen on a lady. She was dressed in baggy jean shorts and a big blousy dress. ''No!'' I rejected her to my wolf and composed myself, so people wouldn't notice what was actually happening. ''Is something wrong?'' Jayson whispered into my ear while I shook my head and moved my gaze to the young lady who stood beside her. She had long black hair that was left loose on her shoulders, sea-blue eyes, and a fair, slender body. She wore a short skirt that stopped just above her knees. Her dress was cropped, revealing some part of her stomach. She matched her dress with a pair of black boots. She held my gaze and flickered a cute smile, and I had to return it, so people around wouldn't notice it. ''Hello, beautiful one,'' I said and went for her hand, which she gave me. ''You are beautiful,'' I complimented her and placed a kiss on her hand. She giggled and smiled broadly, revealing her beautiful set of arranged teeth. ''Can I see you later?'' I asked and quickly got a nod from her. ''Great,'' I said and turned to leave, but met the stunned gaze of my supposed mate and glanced away. I made my way back to the car while a few students tried to get to me, but Jayson and a few security men blocked their way. I got into the car and began unbuttoning the button on my jacket while rage enveloped my entire being. ''This is not possible!'' I yelled inside the vehicle, causing Jayson to turn and hold my gaze with worried filled eyes. ''No, no, no!'' I yelled and angrily ran my fingers through my hair. ''This can't be possible. You are mistaken,'' I told Ethan, but got a disapproving groan from him. ''I can never be wrong in this,'' He responded while I vigorously shook my head, ''This is a mistake; she is a mistake,'' I argued with my wolf, and the car stopped. Before the driver could open the car for me, I arranged my hair and composed myself. The car opened, and I stepped out. ''Welcome, alpha Leo.'' Few men and ladies whom, I believed, were the school board members stood before me with welcoming smiles. ''Thanks for having me,'' I responded to their greetings, and a man in his early fifties brought forth his hand for a handshake, which I took. ''It's a privilege to have you in our midst,'' He said and respectfully lowered his head. ''The pleasure is mine,'' I responded firmly, ignoring the angry howl of my wolf in my head. ''Permit me to lead you inside,'' He said, while I nodded and let him lead the way in. I followed in and took the seat that was kept for me. The meeting began, and I was lost in thoughts, accusing my wolf of picking wrongly, but he stood his ground that she was our mate. Gratefully, Jayson was there, and he did most of the talking. The meeting ended, and I shook hands with them and was being led away. I walked out of the conference hall and made my way to my car when I noticed the young, beautiful damsel I had talked to a few minutes ago standing beside my car. The students had gone to their lectures, and only a few loiter around. I reached where she stood and got a bow from her. ''Greetings, alpha Leo.'' She greeted, giving me the opportunity to hear her sweet, melodious voice. ''What's your name?'' I asked while shoving my hands into my pants pockets. ''Vera, alpha.'' She responds shyly. ''Vera.'' I called her name, and just when I was about to say a word, my wolf cut me off, ''Mate is here!'' He howled in my head. With a groan, I moved my gaze and spotted her a few steps away. She stood beside a tree and held my gaze with eyes filled with confusion and curiosity. ''Is something wrong?'' Vera asked as she moved her gaze towards the direction of my gaze, ''Apologies, alpha, that's my twin sister.'' She announced, stunning me, ''She follows me around like flies.'' She said with nervous chuckles, while I moved my gaze back to Vera before moving it back to the girl who stood few steps away from us. ''Twins?'' I asked with a frown, wondering how two twins could look so different. ''Shocking, right? You are not the first person shocked about it.'' She spoke proudly, while I still held the gaze of my supposed mate. ''Is something wrong?'' Jayson asked protectively as he stood before me. He knew I was the type who doesn't stand in public and talk to ladies, so he was worried something could be wrong. ''Everything is fine.'' I told him and moved my gaze back to Vera, ''I would like us to meet.'' I muttered and got a quick nod from her, ''Give my beta your contact.'' I said and got a grateful smile from her. ''See you soon,'' I said my goodbyes and got into the car already left open for me. As I got into the car, I looked in the direction my supposed mate was standing and realized she was gone. I gritted my teeth as I reached the doors of the grand mansion. The thought of her made me angrier. With a heavy sigh, I put on a brave face, pushed open the doors, and stepped inside. ''Is everything okay?'' Jayson asked as I made my way to the sitting room, ''Get me a glass of wine.'' I told a servant and collapsed on the couch. Tiredly I massaged my forehead, ignoring howls of Ethan. ''You finally met her?'' Jayson asked and got a nod from me, ''Definitely not the girl you were talking to.'' He said while I responded with a sigh. ''Yes!'' ''Why didn't you speak to her?'' Jayson asked, ''Because I couldn't.'' I sighed heavily and shook my head. “No, she's not the one. She's not my type at all.” I looked up at Jayson with a raised eyebrow. “I won't accept her as my mate. She just isn't whom I'm looking for.” I looked away, feeling frustrated and exhausted. “What do I do now? Where do I go from here?” I asked no one in particular. Jayson kept silent for a moment before speaking, ''Why don't you talk to her?'' He asked. “That's the last thing I want to do!” I snapped, feeling my anger rise. “No, I won't even try. I would rather not waste my time with someone who isn't even my type.” I ran a hand through my hair, feeling tired and annoyed. “There's no point in talking to her, especially when I'm definitely rejecting her,'' I said and sipped my drink. Pictures of her flickered in my head, getting me more annoyed. ''Should I say something?'' Jayson asked, but I shook my head. ''I wish to be left alone,'' I told him and emptied my cup. In a swift motion, I stood to my feet and decided to take the stairs to my room. I climbed the stairs, my gaze fixed on the ornate carpet as I went. My mind was still swirling with thoughts, and I felt a sharp sting of anger as I walked. Despite my anger, I forced myself to calm down and kept an emotionless face. I reached the top of the stairs and opened the door to my bedroom, and stepped in. I didn't turn back to look at Jayson, even though I knew he was standing at the bottom of the stairs. I had already made up my mind, and I wanted nothing to change it. I sat on the bed and took out my phone, which had been ringing since I got out of the car, and unlocked it - to a flood of missed calls from my mother. Curious as to why she was calling, I dialed her number and put it to my ear. ''Alpha Leo.'' She spoke as soon as the call was picked, ''You should stop calling me that, mother.'' I grumbled and went for my shoes. ''Well, I'm not in the mood to exchange words with you. Guess what?'' She asked. ''Go straight to the point mother, I'm not in the mood,'' I grumbled. The line went silent for a while before she spoke, ''Since you cannot find your mate, I thought it wise to send a marriage proposal to Lycan Anthony's daughter. You remember Anabelle, right.'' She spoke excitedly, ''You've got to be joking, mother?'' I asked, tensed. I can spend my life with any other woman, but definitely not Anabelle. “It's no joke, son,” she replied, refusing to be deterred. “I'm sending the proposal….” I cut her off with a panicked, “No! I've already found my mate!''
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