
1852 Words
Nora's POV As I struggled to control my panting breath, I shut the door behind me and rested my back on it. ''Take a deep breath,'' Lolita urged, and I did as instructed. Slowly, I sucked a deep breath and shut my eyes in panic. I was suffering from a panic attack, and I was doing my best at controlling it. ''You will be fine.'' My wolf, Lolita, encouraged me despite the fact that she was in so much pain. After a few minutes, I was able to steady my racing breath and open my eyes. Tears freely fell down my cheek, and I didn't bother to hold them. I knew what had just happened, and I didn't need him to say it to me. I knew he had already rejected me even before getting to know me. Of course, how could he accept someone like me? ''Maybe he is just confused and surprised.'' my wolf tried encouraging me with those words, and I responded with a bitter chuckle. I knew how one would react if they met their mate. Usually, they showed the world right away by kissing the person in front of everyone and announcing her to everyone present. Some may lose control and mark their mate right then and there, but mine ignored me and instead smiled at my sister, as if I didn't exist. I knew he was embarrassed to tell everyone that he had come for me, and the thought broke my heart. The restroom's entrance door opened, and a few footsteps entered. ''Is it true?'' A girl asked. ''About what?'' Another asked, ''That Vera might be alpha Leo's mate.'' the first voice said, causing my heartbeat to pound rapidly. ''I don't think so. He would have to announce it to everyone.'' Another voice spoke with a hit of disbelief in that voice, ''Maybe he wanted to do it ceremonially, or how on earth can you explain why he would leave his car and walk straight to her?'' The first girl asked, while the others agreed with a hum. With a deep sigh, I opened the door. I stepped outside and faced the group of girls who were discussing the matter. The moment they saw me, they rolled their eyes and looked away. Ignoring their attitude, I approached the exit door, ''That's the spare twin.'' one girl mocked, causing me to halt my steps. I turned angrily and faced them. ''Who do you call a spare twin?'' I asked furiously, ''You, and what would you do about it, fat girl!'' She spat. That word, that word that kills my morale. ''Girls, we should stop it; you know her sister might be our future Luna. You don't want us getting punished….'' I cut her off before she could finish her words, ''My sister is not the Luna of this pack and will never be!'' I yelled and ran out of the restroom. I ran out of the college gate, totally ignoring the calls of the gatekeeper. I raced back home with my heart clenching with pain. It was a cold winter morning, yet it felt like the air was burning my skin as I kept running. The streets were deserted, with no one around to stop me or ask where I was running off to in such a hurry. I kept racing, and it felt like I would collapse, but I didn't stop until I got home. In a swift motion, I opened the entrance door and dashed into the living room, only to meet father seated on the couch, typing on his computer. ''Father!'' I yelled and ran to him. Without waiting for him to talk, I hugged him from behind and rested my head on his shoulders. ''Father!'' I cried out with panting breath. It felt like I was going to die, and this was my last moment on earth. ''What is wrong, my dear?'' Dad asked as he stood to his feet and held my gaze. ''Father!'' I cried and rested my head on his chest. ''It's okay, I'm here.'' He spoke comfortably and began stroking my hair while I cried loudly and hiccuped on his chest. Profound sweat dripped out of my body, and my sight became blurred. The pain I felt in my heart was unimaginable, and it felt like I was going to die. ''It's okay, my dear,'' Dad said those comforting words while I huffed and stopped crying. With a gulp, I moved away from his chest and held his gaze, which was filled with worries. ''What happened?'' He asked, and all I could do was shake my head. I couldn't say it. I couldn't tell dad that I might have met my mate today, and he had already rejected me. ''Do you wish to talk about it?'' he asked, but I shook my head and took a step away from him. ''I wish to be in my room,'' I told him, and made my way to the stairs. As I climbed the stairs, my legs became weak as I struggled to lift them up. Dad followed me up the stairs and grabbed my shoulder. ''It's okay, my dear,'' He mumbled. He hugged me and I let the warmth of his embrace wash away the pain. ''I'm here if you ever wish to talk about it,'' He said, and I nodded. We reached my bedroom, and I made my way to bed. I lay down and Dad tucked me in. He held my hand, and I felt a sense of security. ''It's okay,'' He said again, while I nodded my head and closed my eyes. I heard dad's footsteps as he opened the door and closed it behind him. Slowly, I opened my eyes and let the tears flow freely on my cheeks as I played today's events in my head. ''Lolita!'' I called out my wolf, but she was silent. I knew she was also going through pain. ''What should we do?'' I asked with a sob and got no response from her. The buzzing of my phone got my attention, and I went to it, so I could end the call and switch off my phone, but when I picked up the phone I realized it was Maxwell. I knew Dad must have told him about my situation. I watched his call ring, and it ended. With a deep sigh, I wanted to drop back the phone, but his call came in, and I knew he would be mad at me if I didn't pick up. With trembling hands, I picked up the call and placed it on my left ear. ''Nora?'' He called out and got a soft sob from me. The line went silent for a moment before he spoke up. ''Will you talk about it with me?'' He asked in his usual caring and supportive voice that always strengthens me. ''It's all over, Maxwell, it's over.'' I cried out bitterly, ''My only chance for happiness is gone.'' I cried with a hiccup. ''Breathe, Nora, breathe,'' He urged from over the phone. ''Take a deep breath.'' I followed his instructions, feeling my heart rate slow down. The line went silent for a moment before he spoke. ''You have met him.'' He didn't mutter those words as a question. It was surprising how he knows me so much. ''He rejected me, he doesn't want me.'' I cried out while my heart clenched with pain. Maxwell was silent, absorbing my words, until finally, he spoke. ''It's okay, my dear,'' He said in a gentle voice. ''It will get better, I promise you.'' His words of comfort made me feel a little better. ''Just know that I'm here for you,'' He comforted while I drew back my tears. ''I want you to take a deep breath, close your eyes and go to sleep. Once you are awake, give me a call, I'll be waiting for it. Okay?'' He asked while I nodded my head despite the fact he wasn't seeing me. ''I will,'' I whispered weakly, ''Alright, I'm ending the call now, go to sleep.'' He urged. I took a deep breath and ended the call. I kept the phone beside me and tightly shut my eyes, forcing myself into a deep sleep, hoping that when I woke up, all this would be a dream. ''Nora!'' Dad's soft whisper woke me up from my sleep. I blinked my eyelashes repeatedly before holding dad's gaze. ''It's past 7pm, and I was wondering if you would like to have something.'' He asked, but I shook my head. Everything was reality, it was no dream. ''Are you sure you don't want to have anything?'' Dad pleaded, but I shook my head and looked away, not wanting to hold his gaze. ''A letter came for you from the agency, and I think it's concerning the job you applied for.'' Dad's words forced my attention back to him, ''Here, have it.'' He stretched out the envelope to me, which I reluctantly took. ''I will be downstairs In case you need me.'' He kissed my forehead, stood to his feet, and left my room. I stared at the envelope in my hand, wondering if it contained bad news. A month ago, I applied under an agency for the post of librarian in the States library, which was in our pack. I loved reading books, and when I heard they might need workers, I applied since the work shift wouldn't affect my schooling. With a deep breath, I unsealed the envelope and began reading the letter's contents. Dear Nora, We would like to thank you for your application for the position of Librarian at the state library. After reviewing your credentials and qualifications, we have made our final decision and regret to inform you that you have not been successful in your application. However, we are pleased to inform you that we have offered you an alternative opportunity to work as a Library Keeper at the esteemed Luciano's mansion. This is an exciting prospect and one which we are sure will be an excellent match for your qualifications. We expect that you will be able to start your new role at the Luciano Mansion within four days. Please let us know as soon as possible if you accept this position so that we can begin the necessary preparations for you and make sure that you are fully informed of your responsibilities and other relevant details before you begin your new post. Once again, we thank you for your interest and wish you all the best in this new opportunity. Sincerely, Chris Morgan, Senior library clerk. ''Luciano's mansion?'' I spoke out, wondering where I must have heard that name, ''Luciano mansion.'' I called out while cracking my brain, but couldn't pick where I'd heard such a name. Filled with curiosity, I picked up my phone and went to the goggle bar and searched for it. '' Luciano's Mansion.'' I read, ''One of the biggest mansions in California, home to the alpha of the full moon pack, alpha Leo Luciano…'' My breath seized, forcing me to drop my phone.
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