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EMMALINE I lay on my back, barely conscious of my surroundings. I am dying, laying here on a hospital bed with the only person able to save me miles away. So far away… I have been found out by my own carelessness - something that I have been guarding for a very achingly long time has been exposed in a single reckless moment. It just opened right up, unleashing itself for all to witness. If I survive, it’s only a matter of time before I will be interrogated for information. They will want to know what I am, where I come from and anything else that tickles their curiosity. The Valglarians being so secretive and closed off from the rest of the world, curiosity will be running high if I reveal my connection. That and an account on my presence within the humans society. Before me, the humans weren’t even aware of our existence and then only essential personnel were privy to that information once I exposed our existence to King Tabias. The Werewolves have a much greater understanding of us, as they were the ones responsible for overthrowing the Valglarians in the first place. Much more than that, I do not know. Regardless, the Regius will expect me to know much more than I am capable of telling. And that which I do know of my kind, which I’ve but rarely met, I cannot tell. Nor can I tell of my involvement with the humans. Too much is at stake for me to save my own skin. Someone resembling a doctor checks the IV drip next to my hospital bed. My vision blurs, unfocusing and then refocusing on the figures surrounding me. A face curtained by shoulder length hair comes into view and even in the most dire of circumstances I appreciate the beauty of the man looking down at me. I see his lips move but my eyes are too heavy to watch their hypnotic movements. I lay here thinking of the consequences of my discovery, I wonder how I can possibly save myself now. I know more or less how the interrogation will go down. I have been part of many interrogations myself in service to the King. My powers of persuasion make quick work on those I use it against, unless my energy is drained. Then, methods of old are used once again until that person is broken, or I have recuperated enough to finally extract the information. No doubt the Werewolves have even more savage ways of extracting unwilling information to the surface. Every person has a limit, soon I will know mine.
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