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CORAX The Broken City is very obviously not designed for keeping prisoners. Instead of a cell for containment, I've been held in the ruins of an old house with two guards stationed at the door on the inside and out. The guards inside watch me strangely. Suspicion and disgust at what they do not understand. It doesn't bother me, nothing does other than finding Emmaline. I can feel the pull of our lifeforces, calling me to her side. Instead, I am trapped here with a chain smugly around my abused ankle. I would have just transformed into my racen form to escape except the local elders are big believers in a flower that can block magic. Its called Anemone and none were more surprised than me when I indeed couldn't use magic to transform. I've been here almost a full week. I long for the skies and the temperamental winds through my midnight feathers. Trying to speak to the guards has proven useless, however I've picked up information here and there from overheard conversations. The war is at a stale mate. Both sides taking great damages from the last battle. There is also unrest with the news of Princess Novena's disappearance. Wild rumors have sparked about her fate in the hands of the Werewolves which I doubt her brother enjoys hearing if anyone is brave enough to say a word in front of him. No one has mentioned anything about Emmaline, but I know she is alive and that will have to be enough. I look up from the chain rubbing my ankle raw to stare at the motionless guards on duty. To stand there for hours must be mighty boring, I'm thinking when the air density suddenly changes. I suck in air quickly, realising what's to follow. The very fabric of the universe seems to warp and crack startling the guards who reach for their weapons. A man with hair darker than the night steps into the room through the portal. The guards are physically shocked. Their mouths hang open almost comically while their eyes are as soon as saucepans. The King of Vetus Valglares dispatches the first guard by slamming the back of his head twice into the wall behind him. The second guard receives an elbow to the face that sends him to the cracked tiled floor in a pile of limbs. "Where is Emmaline?" Dimitri asks without so much as a hello. "Nice to see you too." I sneer. I havent forgotten what he did to me last time the three of us were together. Rattling the chain, I raise a dark brow, "Care to help?" He narrows his eyes dangerous and any smugness left on my face drains away. "Where is she?" He demands in a chilling voice. "The princes of the North were here. I did my best to keep her safe but they took her, along with the princess Novena." The King of Vetus Valglares takes hold of the chain just before it attaches itself to the wall. He makes it look too easy as he rips it clean out the wall - bits of concrete flying in every direction. "Find her." He commands before disappearing into thin air. Walking over to the two unconscious guards, I search their pockets before I find the one containing the key to this wicked lock. Freeing myself, I set out to find the only person now that might be able to help me. I don't bother with the front door where I know more guards are stationed for security. Instead, I opt for a broken window. Shifting into my raven form, the guards outside are none the wiser as I leap into the night sky. It's heavy with storm clouds, threatening violence as thunder rolls in the near distance. Suddenly, an overwhelming pain nearly has me dropping from the sky. I land ungracefully on the roof of one little house far up the mountain, where no human could travel. My beak is wide open as I try to catch my breath. Emmaline. She's dying. I shift back into a teenage boy as despair cripples me. I listen to the approaching storm as I cry and it seems only fitting that the world would mourn with me. I don't know how much time I have left, but I spend these precious moments thinking about all the possibilities we could have had. I had such high hopes that she would claim her rightful place besides her father and that I would always be by her side to watch over her and guide her. I wait to die. But it seems fate has other plans in place. So I pick myself up and return to my original mission. It takes me close to two hours of finally find him, just as the storm begins. Lightening flashes and rain descends on the Broken City, dampening the mood further. Axel takes shelter under the roof of a nearby building and lights himself a cigarette. He doesn't notice my swift approach until I'm only meters away. I shift into my human form watching for any signs of attack. He doesn't reach for his weapons, although his body tenses, ready for action. Instead, he draws on the cigarette before speaking. "You should have left while you had the chance." I shake my head as the rain rolls over my naked skin. A drop slides over my nose and drips, followed by plenty more. "Emmaline is in trouble and I need your help to save her."
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