1070 Words
AXEL The sparking stars and silver half-moon were the only light guiding us to the territory Kallipo. A total of thirteen persons agreed to go on this suicide mission. Dividing into six teams, a group for each location, one with an extra person. We had set off as the darkness had descended upon the land. As we neared what we thought is the first of the locations, the groups had spilt. That was four hours ago. According to William, Kallipo isn’t solely one location but a series of clustered homes and buildings within the territory of Kallipo. We had all chosen our designated areas. Cloaked in the cover of the dark and shrubs, Ragnar and I remain silent and watchful in the cold. I wasn’t the least surprised when Ragnar had chosen me to be his partner and neither was anyone else. Crouching next to Ragnar, we aren’t touching, yet I can still feel the heat from his body and see his exhaled breath in the icy night. Winter is fast approaching and the Continere is beginning to feel its bitter bite. The trees had long ago turned all shades of orange and brown. Now, their leaves had hardened and dropped from their branches. It makes our mission all the more harder. The Werewolves have superior hearings, requiring a more delicate approach to the targeted areas. It has almost reached five in the morning, our time of attack. Ragnar’s army would have started their attack around a half hour ago. A half hour after we had approached our chosen location within Kallipo. Even with our human eyes and the disadvantage the darkness presented, we could still make out the dimly light community, for that is how I would describe what I am seeing. As we had scouted for a target, I noticed what appeared to be well built houses, made from stones and bricks, are designed around an impressively sized Mansion. Outwards past the houses are the more industrialised areas, still not how you would imagine a modern, humanized industrialised area. It’s too clean and simple, no large buildings making up a concert jungle. Instead, the whole community seems environmental conscious. Even right up to the Mansion, Kallipo appears almost connected and apart of the wild nature surrounding it. My first thought had been of how much it resembles Sunpoint City and its love of greenness, but now I think it far surpasses Sunpoint City efforts. Shifting uncomfortably from foot to foot, I watch breathlessly as a tall grey wolf marches a small distance past us. Ragnar holds his breathe beside me, clutching at his sword resting on his hip, his weapons belt adored with throwing knifes and a silver gun. The wolf doesn't catch our scent and we relax as it passes on without trouble. We had chosen this spot to hide after finding trucks as well designed as any human model stocked with supplies. No doubt heading towards Stone City and their waiting forces. As the clock hits five on my watch, Ragnar nods. Checking first, we emerge from our cover. Keeping low, we swiftly cross the exposed area between our hiding spot and the tucks. I don’t have time to consider my pounding heart and sweaty hands as we crouch at the belly of the first vehicle. Shrugging the black pack off my shoulders, I unzip it as quickly as my frozen fingers will allow and pull the small bombs from within. They will go off in exactly twenty minutes after being activated. Silently handing two to Ragnar, he melts into the shadows as I place my charges as far beneath the truck in front of me as I can reach. Then slipping quickly to the next truck, I repeat the same actions, meeting Ragnar in the middle of the stationed vehicles. He leans in close, his lips almost touching my ear as he whispers softly. “Best we leave while our luck still holds.” I couldn’t agree more. My legs are burning as we stay low, using the metal framed trucks as cover. Ragnar takes the lead, his back pressed closely against our cover until he reaches the last truck. He breathes deeply in, exhaling quickly before he slowly leans forward to see past the truck. A sudden bang has him retreating swiftly backwards. “The cargo is fully loaded and ready to leave when the light raises, Alpha.” “I am pleased. I’ve just received word that the humans have attacked. I’d thought the death of their King and imprisonment of their Princess would have forced the Prince into submission. Clearly his family is not as important to him as Prince Zelus thought.” I watch Ragnar’s body stiffen through my lashes. Ragnar might have had a falling out with his father before he was captured but Ragnar has always adored his father. Unlike me and mine. We cannot afford for Ragnar to lose it now. I reach out for him, my ringed fingers finding his padded shoulder through the dim dark. I feel him jump under my hand as I press myself against his back. “Mourn later, live now.” I whisper against the back of his neck. They continue to discuss the battle raging on the brink of Stone City ruins as their voices begin to fade. Slipping past Ragnar, I take the lead, peering past the front of the truck to see the two werewolves disappearing into the distance. The relief is a physical feeling. I step into the open, spotting the first signs of morning lighting the blackness of the star lit night. We don’t waste time waiting for the explosions, whether they detonate or not, our mission here is over. The sooner we are safely across the border the better. Ragnar follows close behind, his steps slightly sluggish as we move into the heavily wooded forest. After twelve minutes of moving through the wilderness, we hear the bombs go off. We both come to a halt, looking over our shoulders and into the distance shrouded in the early morning light. The forest rings again, with the sound of another two explosions, one at a distance to our left and another further back. We stand frozen, a few steps away from one another, waiting for the other three to go off. A moment later a fourth one goes and then there is a long silence throughout the forest.
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