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AXEL “This is certainly a surprise.” I chuckle, finding Alice, dressed for battle. Twin long daggers are attached to her slightly rounding hip. Smiling haughtily, she approaches while placing her hands in black gloves to keep them warm. “I couldn’t very well let both Ragnar and you appear so noble and righteous without including myself.” She responds, her dark skin a tempting vision in the morning light. I tilt my head to the side, letting my eyes roam suggestively over her curves. Her build is one I much prefer over slim, lean women. Her body speaks of hours of training and fitness that I find becoming of a woman. “Don’t give me those eyes Axel. I find that your charms have worn thin of late.” She remarks with a hint of amusement. I find my lips parting into a smile of their own accord, “War does that to a person.” “More like attention has drifted elsewhere,” she states plainly, “perhaps to Alma? It’s funny, she doesn’t seem like your type.” Alice draws. I chuckle, finding amusement in her alleged assessment, “That’s quite an accusation. Are you sure you aren’t jealous?” She chortles, “Jealousy is beneath me.” she says, placing a gloved hand on my chest. She seems intrigued with our conversation. Her interest puts me on alert, wary of what she knows. The twin buns on her head, give her such a youthful appearance while her brown eyes show wisdom beyond her years. For the first time I regret sleeping with her. She’s always been one to hold grudges and she lives for the scheming. “I see the walls going up all around you but it’s too late Axel,” She toils with a strain of my hair, “I know exactly what our time meant to you. Do you think sleeping with his wife is really a good idea?” I step away from her wondering hands, “I haven’t slept with anyone’s wife.” “Yet.” She interrupts, “But I have a feeling that you will.” Her folds her arm over her chest and presses her palm under her chin, “Only, she’s not the one you really want.” Alice smiles knowingly, “No,” she draws out, “it’s Ragnar that holds your heart.” “That’s a creative theory Alice, one people would find hard to believe.” She frowns, shaking her head, “I don’t think so. After it was pointed out to me, I spent time thinking about it. Then looking for evidence of it. Watching the two of you together, it became so obvious. I could hardly believe I ever missed it – your attraction towards our future King.” Pointed out to her? The only person I’m aware that knows is Emmaline, but she wouldn’t tell. Would she? I have my doubts. Alice and Emmaline have never been close, it seems bizarre that Emmaline would confess something so important to Alice in casual conversation. Unless Emmaline told Novena. I feel my blood still. The thought made me turn cold. She stands, regal in posture despite the combat gear, “Now the only question is whether Ragnar feels the same about his best friend? He’s a lot better at hiding any emotion expect discontent and anger. And if he doesn’t, what would he think of your affections?” I feel all the respect and affection towards Alice fade as this hellish conversation continues, “You would do all of this just because I didn’t continue coming to your bed?” She looks amused, “Don’t be so vain Axel. I need to get back in Ragnar’s good graces after I threw my support behind Novena. And since she’s no longer in the running… well, amends need to be made, or brided. Whichever gets me to my end goal. Good luck out there, you need to be alive for this.” She wonders away as the last of the volunteers arrive. I find my graze moving over the few soldiers gathered on the outskirts of the ruined city until it falls on a newly arrived figure. Ragnar moves in his black and silver combat suit like he is born to it. The material shaping his fit body so perfectly with a loosely fitting bomber jacket over for the cold. He is truly a sight, I think as he consumes my attention, standing there prepared for battle and the ever-looming death that comes with it. I cast nervous eyes at Alice who smiles at me from a distance before she too, looks at Ragnar. I wonder what she thinks when she looks at him. An unapproachable workaholic, unfit to be King, would be my first guess. I wonder if people ever look harder to see behind the mask he loves wearing. I would hate for people to know that he makes himself unapproachable because he doesn’t want to get hurt. He’s worked so hard at it; he struggles to turn it off even with those closest to him. I don’t blame him. I know what it’s like to be an influential person that people want to get close to because they think it will benefit them. I know what it’s like to worry about peoples intentions. He works hard because its expected of him. Because he wants to be perfect. The perfect son, the perfect prince. No one will ever understand Ragnar like I will and how can you love someone you don’t understand? Alma will be better off with someone else.
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