Hill of Venus

2669 Words

The evening unfolds perfectly. Henry gets along well with everyone. I focus on every detail of the man, luxuriating in lechery: his smiles, his manner of speaking, his mouth... as if I had become a collector drinking in the beauty of her latest acquisition. Sitting side by side, our legs touch and fingers brush against each other at times. Electricity is hanging over our heads, but Noel’s elbow digs ruin our game of seduction a little. “Does that mean we finish at Night and Day?” Penny asks innocently, much more interested than she seems. “Not for us, sorry!” Noel says clinging to Chris. “Harper? Please...” begs my friend. Personally, finishing at the boys’ club doesn’t tempt me. I look to my right: I would rather finish the evening in a whole new way... “What’s this club?” he asks.

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