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The elevator door woke Lance from his sleep. The room was bright with sunlight, wasn’t it dark just a moment ago? Lazily he pushed himself up and watched as Cassia pushed open the doors and came in. “Morning sunshine.” She said coming his way. “Sleep well?” What was she doing here he didn’t recall making plans for this morning. Lance heaved his body off the couch and flinched at the pain in his neck. He should have never fallen asleep on that damned thing; now he was stiff all over. “Did you sleep on that couch?” She asked noticing how stiff he was. “What are you doing here?” He outright asked. “I thought we could look at the pictures you took yesterday?” It was a reasonable request. Lance retrieved the photos from the darkroom and laid them out on the light table. Cassia looked over the pictures absentmindedly pushing her short hair behind her ear. A strange sensation washed over Lance. He wanted to touch her hair, what was that about? Lace frowned. He had conflicting feelings around this woman. Lance rubbed his sore neck as she poured over his work. Cassia turned her gaze to his discomfort. “If you want I could help you with that stiff neck.” She offered. “No.” He protested as she shoved him into a seat. “I said no. Don’t touch me.” “Quit being a baby about it.” She said coming behind him. Her finger began to rub his neck and shoulders firmly. Her hands worked magic and Lance almost purred. No one had ever touched him this way. There was nothing s****l about it but never had a woman’s touch felt so good. Lance closed his eyes surrendering to the relaxation she inflicted. “You’re good at this.” “Well, I got my Daddy and four brothers that work the fields. They come home at night rather stiff and sore. So, it’s a fine art you learn. There isn’t that better?” It was Lance had never felt as relaxed as he did at that moment. “You son of a b***h!” A shrill voice caused him to tense once more. Lance shot to his feet to find Cindy storming off the elevator. “How did you get in here?” He barked back. Cindy reached into her pocket and threw a key at him. “You gave me a key, you asshole.” “Get out.” He ordered picking up the key from the floor. “You’re no longer welcome here.” “You stole my contract.” She accused. “Did I?” He asked with a smile. “Who would have thought I could do that?” “This is all because I won’t sleep with you anymore?” “Don’t flatter yourself, honey, you weren’t that good.” He hissed. At that point Cindy noticed Cassia. “Oh, is this my replacement? A word to the wise… run, now before he sinks his hooks into you. He’ll skin you alive the first chance he gets. You’re a bitter man Lance, a bitter, mean pathetic little man that’s going to die alone.” “Maybe so but trust me when I say you’re headed back to the trailer park. You’re nothing but w*********h. The fancy clothes you wear won’t change that.” Cindy rolled her eyes. “You can’t play with people’s lives.” “Funny I’m doing fairly well I think. I’m going to ruin you faster than you can say sabotage.” Cindy waved a warning finger at Cassia. “Don’t let him fool you; the man is a snake.” She then looked at Lance. “Stop stealing my bookings, or I swear I will make you regret messing with me.” “I already regret messing around with you, but I see you clearly for what you are now. The only way you can get bookings is on your back. Now get out of my studio.” Cindy just glared at him and stormed out of the loft slamming the elevator door behind her. Lance held his key in his hand; that would be the last time he gave his key to anyone. “Well, she seemed pleasant,” Cassia said breaking the silence. “She’s a vicious bitch.” He said tossing the key on the table. “Tomato-Tomato.” Lance laughed, Cassia was taking it well. “You know she is right about one thing.” “Oh?” “You do have a knack for being mean. Sometimes you seem a little blunt and hostile.” Lance sighed she was probably right. People often called him mean, but what was he to do, he couldn’t fight his nature. Changing the subject Lance picked up one of the pictures he had developed and handed it to Cassia. “This is your copy add it to your portfolio.” “So, we’re just not going to talk about what happened?” “What is there to talk about?” Cassia’s dark brows lifted. “The screaming woman that barged into your home.” She reminded him. “There is nothing to talk about.” He said cleaning up his pictures. “Well, it’s just that-” “Why don’t you take the day off? We’ll pick this up when I get the dresses delivered.” “Oh, so it’s going to be like that, you’re just going to dismiss me.” He simply looked at her. He had no intention of discussing Cindy. “Ok, we don’t have to discuss her.” She said throwing up her arms in surrender. “But I’m not leaving. There has to be something we can do.” She said looking at the picture in her hand. “This turned out good.” Lance just looked at her; of course, it was good he took it. Lance had the Midas touch everything he touched was golden. “Ok, you want to do something?” He looked down to see what sort of shoes she was wearing. She looked good in her new clothes and heels. She had chosen a pair of white jeans, a stylish black t-shirt with No:1 written across the front, and black leather boots. “Ok.” He said dropping down into an armchair. “Walk.” She cringed. “Can’t we do something else?” “Like?” “Anything. I still have blisters from the last time.” “Walk through it.” He said dismissing her concerns with a wave of his hand. “Walk.” Rolling her eyes, she strutted from one end of the room to the other, paused, posed and walked again. “Don’t roll your eyes darling. You must always be pleasant, poised, and accommodating. The customer sees more than you think, and they will book you on personality.” For an hour he watched her walk slowly making progress. Their lesson was interrupted by a buzzer. He came to his feet and walked over to the intercom. Lance pressed the button. “Hello.” A static voice came back. Lance buzzed them in and opened the door for the elevator. The door slid open and in came three men carrying six white dress bags. He instructed them to hang them up on an empty rack he had standing by the umbrella lamps and then he signed a digital clipboard and the three men left. “Well let’s see what Briar sent us.” He smiled unzipping the first bag and revealing a royal blue gown with a scooping neckline and an empress waistline. He then unzipped the next bag. A yellow silk gown with a tight black velvet sash at the waist. “She sent her best.” He said unzipping the third bag. “Feel like working?” “Yes.” She said taking a seat. “Anything to stop walking.” “Sissy.” He laughed. “Don’t we need a hair and makeup artist?” “Sure do.” He said taking out his cell phone and making a few calls. *** In less than two hours Lance’s studio was bustling. A full team of makeup and hair had arrived with all their supplies. Cassia found herself seated at a mirror with four people fussing over the way she looked. She didn’t even want to move as they teased her hair and applied her eyeliner. She was surprised about how hands-on Lance was as he micromanaged every aspect of the shoot from the lighting and set to the way she looked. He had brought in an eighteenth-century white settee with gilded mouldings. She wore the blue dress first dripped in jewels that probably cost more than his car. She wasn’t sure where they had come from. They had just appeared along with everything else. After the third dress, Lance frowned and looked at one of the lighting guys. He was young and attractive. “Get him in one of my suits.” He ordered, and the poor boy was whisked off and dressed up. Before either of them realized it, he was posing with Cassia. “Show some love,” Lance said on bended knee. “I want romance.” Cassia felt awkward with her new counterpart, and she did her best to portray love. “I said romance Cassia, not gas.” Lance snapped standing up and walking over to her. “Can you do this or not?” He demanded. “No, I can just give me another shot.” She said draping one arm over the male model’s shoulder. She looked deep into his eyes and leaned into him as he held her. “Damn it Cassia; I’m not feeling it.” Lance hissed passing his camera to an assistant. “Hold this.” He ordered coming over to her and repositioning her. He captured her chin between his fingers and looked her right in the eyes. “Cassia it is painful to shoot you right now. If I don’t see lust or passion right away, I will replace you with the makeup girl.” Annoyed Cassia jerked her head out of his hand and looked back at the male model. She needed to show him she was capable of doing this. She needed inspiration. She watched Lance return to his camera and waited. He wanted lust. He wanted romance. Fine. Cassia grabbed hold of the male model and planted a kiss right on the mouth. “Beautiful.” She heard Lance and the shudder of the camera. The male model kissed her back, and she felt his hand move lower down her back. “It’s romance Victor, not porn, keep the hand above the waist.” Lance snapped when he got too fresh. She was thankful he had said it. “Ok we got it next dress, and does anyone have flowers?” Lance barked, and everyone ran. Cassia was standing there with her arms out as two women peeled one dress off her and helped her on with another. By the time she reached the settee, a woman was tossing red rose petals everywhere to accent her red strapless gown. Lance sat Cassia down and moved the male model behind her. “Now this time, I want scorned, show me a lover’s spat, but in your face don’t hit him.” He made it clear. “Last model I shot slapped the poor guy.” He mumbled to himself and changed the lens of his camera. “Ok scorn.” The entire shoot lasted five hours, six costume changes, two male models, three dozen roses, and six rolls of film. When Lance finally called it, Cassia was grateful. She was tired. The wardrobe ladies helped her out of her dress and Cassia had changed back into her jeans. She had never been half naked in front of anyone, and today it had been a reoccurring event in front of almost fifteen strangers. Lance wasn’t kidding when he said she had to get over her bashfulness. Dressed in her street clothes, she took a seat at the island, and one of the lighting models came up to her. “So now that we’re done working you want to get something to eat?” He asked with a smile. “Nope,” Lance answered for her shoving the other guy away. “I need her focused.” He said waving a warning finger at her. “No fraternization. Sign this.” He said sliding a six-page document in front of her. “What is it?” “Your contract with Briar. It states you will do the shoot and she will pay you for your services.” “Shouldn’t I have signed this first?” “It just got here. It’s a standard contract, sign it.” “Shouldn’t I read it first? How much am I getting?” “She is paying you three thousand dollars.” Cassia was stunned. “Really?” “Yes.” He said very matter of fact. Cassia looked at him questioningly. “How much is she paying for your services?” Lance flashed her a devilishly handsome smile. “Considerably more.” Cassia took the pen he offered and signed the document. Then he slid another document her way. “What’s this one?” “Our deal. It states I will act as manager and you will own me fifteen percent of your earnings.” Cassia looked up at him. “Isn’t fifteen percent a little high?” “Do you want my help or not?” “Yes.” “Then you owe me fifteen percent I’m not doing this for free.” He said pointing to the bottom line. “Right there.” “Can I read it first?” “If you like.” He said. Cassia took time reading the six-page document in full it was all he said it was. “Satisfactory?” She nodded yes. “I have no reason to rip you off.” He sounded offended. “No, I didn’t think you would I just-” “I can make my own money I don’t need yours too, but I shouldn’t have to work for free.” He went on. “I didn’t say you would.” “Sign it. I have other things to do.” Cassia quickly signed the document and sat there quietly as Lance took out his chequebook and started writing cheques to each of the fifteen people that helped with the shoot. “You pay them personally?” She asked as he handed over the first cheque. “Someone has to.” He said passing out the next cheque and thanking them for their time. “Besides it’s from my corporate account. I keep my finance separate.” Ah, that was right Lance Sanchez was a trust fund baby. “Do you even have to work?” She asked as he handed out two more cheques. “Sure don’t.” “But you do?” “What else am I supposed to do with my time?” He asked paying the last group of people. “I don’t know travel?” She suggested. “I do travel.” “For work?” “Yes.” He said escorting everyone out. “Why are you still here?” He asked taking the two signed contracts from her. “Do you want me to leave?” “Yes.” He said cleaning up. “Why?” Lance stopped and walked back to her. He looked her dead in the eyes. “Because we have a business arrangement. We are not friends.” “Why can’t we be friends?” She asked with a sly smile. She didn’t know too many people in LA and frankly despite his bad temperament she liked Lance. Her question gave him pause. “I could always use more friends.” “I have enough.” He snarled. “Show yourself out.” “Are you nice to your friends?” “No.” “And they like you anyway?” She teased. Lance turned around and glared at her. “I’m a likeable person.” “No, you’re not.” She chuckled. “You’re mean. Are your friends mean too?” He was silent for a long moment, and then he frowned at her. “I’m not mean.” “Oh yes, you are. I think it would physically pain you to say something nice.” She teased standing up. “It would not.” He snarled. “See even your tone is mean.” “It is-” he paused mid scowl and forced a polite, calm smile, “not.” “Go on,” Cassia said moving closer. “Try saying something nice.” Lance just watched as she moved closer to him the smile on her face was cocky. “You did good work today.” Cassia chuckled. “Now says something nice that doesn’t involve work.” She dared him standing toe to toe. He looked down at her his voice caught in his throat. She was getting to him she realized proudly. She had him flustered. “I…” He paused as if stuck for words. “You can’t do it.” “I can too.” He snapped and immediately reclaimed his cool. “I can too.” He repeated softly. He was thoughtful for a moment. “I like the way you bake.” He finally spoke. “What else?” She purred. “You want more?” He scowled. God help her she did, she wanted so much more at that moment. She wanted him to smile, to look at her with kindness in his eyes. She wanted… Cassia reached up, and her hands framed his face, and she kissed him. Lance was stunned silent as her lips pressed against his. It only lasted a moment, and he didn’t kiss her back. Her lips lifted and her eyes opened. Oh god, what had she done? Why had she kissed him? It was stupid. He just looked down at her silent and confused. Cassia lowered her arms, and things couldn’t have felt more awkward. She had been fearless when she should have been reserved. She never had in her life made the first move, and now she wished he hadn’t “I’m sorry. I don’t-” Without warning, Lance pulled her into his arms and kissed her, a soft tender kiss that wasn’t like him at all. Her arms twined around his neck and Lance backed her up against the island. His kiss deepening and his tongue dove past her lips. Their timid connection soon became frantic as Lance’s hands moved over her back holding her closely against him. Her hand plunged into his dark hair pulling him down to meet her hungry mouth. Suddenly Lance released Cassia and held her at a distance. “No, I can’t do this.” He breathed. “Why not?” She asked feeling breathless. She wanted so much to kiss him again. “Am I doing it wrong?” “No,” he sighed, “you’re doing just fine. I just… can’t sleep with another model.” He groaned. “Why not?” “Because we shouldn’t mix business and pleasure. It never works out.” He stressed. He took her hands and looked her dead in the eye. “You have to trust that I know what is best for your career. You don’t want to be one of those models that only gets booked because you’re sleeping with someone.” She supposed he was right she wanted to build her career on her merit and not on her back. His respect touched her. “Ok.” She said taking a breath to squash her baser urges. She supposed a schoolgirl crush wasn’t worth her future. “Just so we’re clear you and I…?” “Aren’t going to happen.” Yeah, that was what she thought. “But if you trust me I’m going to make you a supermodel.” She supposed she could live with that. “I’m going to leave.” She said heading for the door; she felt awkward at the moment. “Cassia.” She heard him call to her. She paused and looked back over her shoulder. “I have a lunch engagement with the editor of Venus. I want you to come with me. Wear something trendy. She loves violet so maybe that short little purple sundress and the yellow sash and sandal heels.” “Is this going to be the norm? You are dressing me every day.” He flashed her a devilish smile. “Only until you get the hang of it.” She didn’t know whether to laugh or be offended by his lack of faith in her. “Trust me. I’m going to make you star.”
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