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The event was packed with those most influential in the fashion industry. Everyone from designers to magazine editors. Every important face was in attendance, and Cassia looked wonderful in the red gown he had bought her. She was a vision in liquid fire with the way the silk draped her curvy body. Her hair was pinned up off her pretty face, and she looked every bit the model she wanted to be. They sat up front watching the show as the models strut their stuff in what was to be this season’s most coveted items. It amused Lance to watch the amazement and excitement in Cassia’s face. She didn’t hide her naivety well, but he found it sort of endearing. Once the show was over, they mingled Lance intended to introduce Cassia to some of those he was already in bed with. People that held his opinion in high regard. She was nervous he could tell, but she smiled and shook hands with each of them. They were about to take leave when Lance felt arms wrap around him from behind. “Now I know you didn’t think you could run away without seeing me tonight.” A sweet voice came from behind. Lance smiled. “How could I, you know where I live.” He teased turning around to see Briar smiling back at him. She was much older than him, the adopted daughter of a family friend. She was as beautiful at thirty-seven as she was at sixteen, with her long dark hair and those big dark eyes. She dressed in one of her designs. A long black off the shoulder number. A red rose in her dark hair. “And you know I would hunt you down.” She said offering him a chaste kiss. “The show was superb as usual.” Lance praised her fine designs. Then Briar’s gaze turned to Cassia. “I see you’re here with a new face.” Cassia was beaming at being noticed. “Let me introduce Miss. Cassia Dillinger.” He said nodding at Cassia. The two women shook hands. “She’s a model.” “And a beautiful one,” Briar said looking over Cassia’s dress. “One of mine?” “I would never allow her to wear anything but the best.” Lance grinned. “Allow?” Briar said leadingly. “Are we representing now?” “I have decided to branch out.” He informed her. “And you know me, only the best.” “Well then…” Briar took a closer look at Cassia who had yet to say a word for herself. She gestured to Cassia’s hair. “Is this your doing?” Lance nodded. “You’ve always had such good taste. I like it, very sheik.” “I hear you are looking for a shoot?” Briar’s face lit up with excitement. “Are you looking for a contract?” She asked hopefully. “I’ve wanted him to shoot for me for years, but he has this thing about working for friends.” She told Cassia. “I may reconsider if you let me select the model.” “Ah, you want to book this pretty young thing.” “The thought has accrued,” Lance admitted. “I was going to use this one model from PSI. You know her I think. Miss Cindy Ratter. I hear she is very good.” “Trust me when I say Cassia will represent you better.” “Will she?” Briar asked considering the substitute. She bit her bottom lip and studied Lance closely his expression unwavering. “Ok, she’s booked if you shoot her.” “Consider it done. Just send the garments by my studio, and I’ll have proofs for you by Saturday.” “I’ll have the contract drawn up in the morning. I will have to let the other model know she’s lost the contract.” Lance couldn’t fight the smile he felt. The only thing better would have been telling Cindy himself, but he supposed he couldn’t get everything he wanted. “I look forward to working with you.” Lance kissed her cheek and said good-bye. He took Cassia by the arm and escorted her outside. “Did I just get booked?” She asked unsure of what had just happened. “No, I got booked.” He said walking to the car. “You got noticed. It’s a good thing. You’ll sign the Creek’s contract, and she will refer you to another designer.” “What about the other model?” “What about her?” He asked opening the door for her. “Will she get other work?” “Not if I have anything to say about it.” He said getting into the car. “Why is that?” Lance sighed. “It’s personal.” “You’re blackballing her, aren’t you?” Cassia asked knowingly. “Why?” “My reasons are my own.” He said wanting to put an end to it. “What did she do?” “You mean who?” He snapped a little harsher than he had meant too. “Oh, I see. She jilted you.” Lance didn’t answer. “I know I’m right I can see it in your jaw.” She teased. “It gets all tight and twitchy when you don’t want to talk about something.” “Then let’s not talk about it.” He insisted pulling out onto the street. “Did you represent her too?” She asked watching him closely. “Were you in love with her?” Lance could feel his teeth clench grinding with each spoken word. “You did.” She said as if she could read his mind. “That’s why you have that ring. You were going to marry her.” Lance pulled over on the side of the road and turned off the engine. He then turned to Cassia with rage in his eyes. “I have gone to painstaking lengths to keep my personal life personal. No one else knows about my affair, and I would like to keep it as such.” “Because she made a fool of you?” Again, his jaw clenched. “If my personal life comes to the light of day-” “You’ll blackball me too?” She pre-empted his threat. “I have the power to ruin lives, and I have no qualms about doing so.” He warned her. Cassia shook her head with pity in her eyes. “Why are you so hateful?” Her question took him back. Was he hateful? “Somebody hurt you, didn’t they?” Her line of questioning had become very uncomfortable. Then she reached out her hand and touched his cheek with her fingertips. Her touch was feather light. “I won’t hurt you.” What the hell was she talking about? Lance slapped her hand away and turned on the engine once more. “Don’t ever touch me again.” He snapped. They rode the rest of the way in silence. When they reached the lofts, Lance didn’t bother to wait for her. He went inside and pressed the buttons to the elevator watching the doors slide shut as she walked in the front door. *** Cassia watched the elevator door slide shut. She should have been insulted by his treatment, but she was beginning to expect it. Lance Sanchez was a bitter man, and now she knew why. It was the fault of a woman, maybe more than one. He had put himself out there and only been used. Kicking off her shoes Cassia took the stairs up to her loft. Cassia was hoping everyone would be asleep, but she wasn’t so lucky. She barely had the door shut when Kimberly stood up from the couch in her pj’s. “Wow look at you?” “Where were you?” Olivia asked looking over the gown she was wearing. Cassia couldn’t claim she was at work, not in this dress. “I had a date.” She lied. “With Adam?” Cassia considered her answer; would they believe her if she said yes? “No, just some guy I met on the beach.” Yeah, why not? “Where did you go looking like that?” Again, she considered her answer. “Wedding?” “Isn’t that a big date for someone you just met?” Olivia asked. “I think you’re lying.” Sabrina jumped in. “I think you did meet the guy upstairs and I think he took you out. That explains the dress.” “And all your new clothes. He’s rich, and you got a sugar daddy.” Kimberly teased. “So, when do we get to meet the guy?” “You don’t he’s been adamant about that.” She said heading for her room. “Who is he?” “Just some guy.” “Some guy with money.” Sabrina pointed out as they followed Cassia to her room. “I can’t say,” Cassia said shutting the door in their faces. She wasn’t sure how long she could hide just who Lance was. *** Lance took the pictures from the wash tub and hung the new pictures up in his darkroom. They had turned out nicely with the sunset in the background. It had taken some money, but he had transformed Cassia into something extremely marketable. His gaze went from one picture to the next. There was something in her eyes that drew him to her picture. She took a strong picture. Lance shut out the light and left the darkroom. He needed a drink. He entered the kitchen to raid his liquor cabinet when he paused at the pie. His mouth watered at the memory of how good that pie had been. He should throw it out. Lance reached for a fork and picked up the pie. He should throw it out, but he was going to eat the whole damn thing. So, with wine in one hand and a pie in the other Lance retired to the living room where he watched the news and polished off his late-night snack before he dozed off.
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