Chapter Five

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~Aiden~ I watch as she gets lost in the movie. I make sure she does not notice all my attention is really on her and my mind is far from what we are watching. Instead, I keep pondering why the hell she is given so many meds and the fact her friend is pushing her to take them has me concerned. I doubt it is solely for her wellbeing or at least that's what my instincts are telling me. I have a feeling she is being drugged up. I have no idea why someone would do that to her but I can tell at the bar that guy Josh is no good. Even the doctor at the hospital does not sit well with me. And the werewolves that seem to take an interest in Faith, what do they all really want with her? "Do I have to keep reminding you, mate is special," Fang mumbles in my mind as someone knocks on her door. Faith pauses the movie and I get up to grab it, knowing well it's the pizza. Once I close her door, I put the pizza on her counter. "Thanks for the food," she says as I open the box and we both grab a slice. She opens her fridge, offering me either a soda or water, and I take a water as I watch her open one of the pill bottles. But then she shakes her head and puts the cap back on, deciding against it. I respect her ability to think for herself and second guess things. She at least has a head on her shoulders. After we finish a slice, Faith looks at me. "You don't seem into the movie. I have a few board games, an old gaming system, or we can talk," she offers. "Ok then, tell me all about yourself," I say to her. She laughs, yet it sounds so friendly and soft. "I was thinking more along the lines of you starting to tell me about you. You already know one of my big secrets and we've only just met," she says. "My life is far from exciting," I mutter. "Where did you move here from?" she asks. "A cabin in a secluded spot in the mountains. It's on a good amount of property and almost an hour from any town or big store," I explain. "Sounds relaxing," she says. "It was," I admit. "That guy Josh, how long have you known him?" I ask her. "My whole life. We were neighbors growing up, although he didn't really become a friend until I started ending up in the hospital a lot. I think his family pushed him to be my friend at first, but then we became inseparable," she admits. "Inseparable almost sounds like the two of you dated," I say to her. "He asked at one point, but I told him I do not want to destroy the friendship," she admits to me. Fang growls in my mind, not sensing good things from Josh. But I am also happy to know she turned him down, although I'm sure she has been with others. As much as I want to know the answer, I am not going to push for it. I am also worried that if I learn she has, I may make a mistake with her. Fang is already insistent on leaving our scent on her, hoping it will tell others to leave her be, that would require me at least kissing her. Faith shifts a little on the couch and then gets up. "I'll be right back," she whispers. But I can sense something is wrong as she gets up and then goes into her bathroom, closing the door. I wait on the couch, but after more than normal time passes, I start to worry about her. So I walk to the bathroom door and knock on it. "Sorry, coming," she says as she opens the door. But she looks pale compared to how she looked on the couch. "I think I may need to go back to the hospital," she whispers. "Don't take her back. They did this to her," Fang growls in my mind, sensing something off. The doctor had given her medicine prior to us leaving, and I agree with Fang. Her sudden change, I think, has to do with that starting to kick in. Faith takes a step forward but stumbles. Luckily, I am able to catch her as I pull her against me, stabilizing her. "Can you tell me when you first felt sick?" I ask her. "The movie, I had a headache, but I get those often when I come back from the hospital," she admits. "Is this normal, you getting a fever?" I ask her, still holding her against me. Luckily, she seems to calm a little and does not ask for me to let go of her. "No, but it's happened before. Josh has taken me back a few times," she whispers. Whatever is happening to her is making her weak. With her closer, I can take in more of her scent. As Fang predicted, something is off. I am not catching onto the scent of human medicine, yet she has a faint scent of a mixture of herbs. I start to think witchcraft is involved. "Your medicine is doing this to you," I curse out loud as I lift her into my arms and carry her to her bed. "I'll take you to the hospital if you get worse. I know we are strangers, so I doubt you trust me, but allow me to try one thing first. I think I have something that will help you," I say to her. "Okay," she murmurs in her bed, and I quickly make my way to her door so I can get something out of my apartment. I scan the hall before going into my place and dig through one of my bags, grabbing a necklace that used to be my mother's. It was made by a witch and detects the use of witchcraft. Then I go back to her place. Fang is on edge as I go to her bed and notice she is on the verge of passing out. I place the necklace down by her, and sure enough, a faint glow emits from it. Whatever she has been given at the hospital is without a doubt laced with witchcraft. The question now is why. Why is a human being messed with? "I don't want to go back there," she mutters in her bed as I hear a knock on her door. "It's probably Josh," she murmurs. I have to hold back a growl as I go to check on who it is, and sure enough, she is right. "What are you doing here?" Josh snaps as I answer the door. "Joe from the bar told me to look after Faith," I explain, not that I even need to give a response. "I've got her from here. You can go home," he says as he tries to push his way in. "I'm fine watching her," I respond as he pushes his way in. I want to block him, but I also don't want to cause a scene and startle Faith. However, there's no way in hell I'm going to allow him to leave this apartment with her. "Why the f**k didn't you take her to the hospital?" Josh snaps as he goes to her bed. "Damnit, Faith, you clearly didn't take your meds," he says as he goes to the counter. But I stop him. "You're not giving her any of those," I snap at him. "I've been with Faith her whole life, I know what she needs," he states. "Don't care," I say as Faith calls Josh over to her bed. He goes over immediately, but his eyes stop on the necklace I placed by her, and then his eyes immediately make contact with mine for a brief moment. "Faith, I'll be right back, I need to speak with Aiden," he says as he points to the hallway door. I follow him outside in the hall. "Who are you?" he asks me. "You already know my name, the bigger question is why are you using witchcraft on Faith," I say to him. "It's best you leave this alone, and leave her alone as well. She doesn't need any more attention," he sighs. "That does not answer my question," I snap at him, doing my best to stay calm. "And you really do not want to deal with me when I'm angry. Why are you using witchcraft on Faith? Why are you intentionally making her sick?" "It's for her protection," he replies, his tone serious. "And it's not making her sick. I cannot say more for her safety." As he speaks, he slides up his sleeve, revealing a triangle with a witch symbol. He is a member of a coven that specializes in maintaining peace amongst species. While they claim to be incapable of dark magic, I can't help but feel uneasy. "You know what this symbol means," he says. "And you are a wolf, are you not? So tell me, what is your business with Faith? Your kind does not simply sit and help a human. Are you involved with the other three wolves hanging around?" "I'm someone who won't let any harm come to Faith," I assert firmly. "I have no involvement with the other wolves, and I am also someone who won't let you take Faith. I will handle her from here." "Don't let him touch our mate," Fang growls in my mind, his protective instincts kicking in. Josh studies my face, and then his expression changes. "My father wanted me to follow you," he admits, his voice softer now. "He questioned how you got her so calm and how she healed fast. But now I understand. She is your mate, isn't she?" he asks me, realization dawning. “You don't even need to answer, I already know it's true by how protective you are being of her. If you want what's best for her, you will leave and let us handle her,” Josh says. “Not happening,” I say as the door cracks open with Faith standing in the doorway, her scent strange. “What's going on?” she mutters as I watch her face go paler. Luckily, Fang senses she is passing out, allowing me time to catch her as she goes limp in my arms. “I'm not leaving her, so I suggest you tell me what the f**k is wrong with her,” I growl as I carry her in. Josh follows and opens his phone, making a phone call. I do not focus on him at all since Fang is a mess over Faith. Once he hangs up, he says, “Very well, I will tell you, only because my father believes you to be safe. And once I do, you must at least help me give her the meds she has.” he explains. “Fine,” I say, keeping her in my arms. “Faith is human, as you can tell and I'm sure smell. But I'm sure being a wolf, you can tell something is different about her. Her parents were not her real family; they took her in since her birth parents died. There was a huge incident near this town a little over eighteen years ago involving a very strong coven with a very powerful witch named Mira,” he starts. "I know that name, she is said to be the most powerful but also someone who uses black magic, but she was finally dealt with," I say. "Yes, she is," he responds. "My family, along with several other branches of protectors, trapped her. However, during the process, she managed to make her way into a small house outside of town while fatally injured. She saw an opportunity in a newborn child, and the parents fought to protect their child when they realized the threat. But they were no match for Mira, even in her injured state. Before we got to her, she cast one final spell, or more like a curse, and merged her powers and essence with the newborn infant. That infant is Faith. Due to her being human, her body is in no way equipped to handle a supernatural power, let alone one of the most powerful essences. But that is one of the reasons Mira casts the spell, making Faith basically a vessel. Her power slowly eats away at Faith's life, and as it does, it helps revive Mira. And if weakened enough, Mira can then take her body. So yes, the pills she takes are made with witchcraft, but they are to keep her alive. Basically, Faith's body is like a prison for Mira because we have been stopping her spell from completing. She was raised without any of this knowledge in order to protect her and was adopted out to a normal family with the understanding that she was an orphan with health issues. The only reason she is not being forced under our protection currently is to try and avoid raising suspicion of who she is. Instead, I have been tasked, as well as a few others like Joe the bar owner, to keep an eye on her," he explains. The entire time, she remains sleeping in my arms, but I can also sense she is calm again. "My father's observation was correct, although I guess it makes sense. You being in close contact with her seems to be calming the power in her, and by doing that, it stops eating away at her. But to be safe, we should still give her meds," Josh suggests. "You take one first, then you can give her one," I say. "Fine, although it makes a person groggy for a short while, so I will be staying here as well," he says as he grabs a pill bottle and takes a pill. He shows me that he took it and then hands me one to give to Faith. It is not easy, but I manage to get her to swallow it while she is sleeping. "So, wolf, are you going to accept having a human as a mate? Because if you are not, I suggest you let us handle Faith. She does not need more trouble, so you best make up your mind," Josh says as I look at Faith sleeping against me.
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