Chapter six

1875 Words
~Faith~ I typically feel chills when I have a fever and when I wake up I am sore and honestly wish to be asleep, but this time is different. I feel warm, I feel comfortable, so much so that I want to keep my eyes closed. I worry that this is a dream and when I open my eyes, reality will kick in. But the sound of voices unfortunately pulls me more out of my sleep. "Looks like Faith is waking up," I hear Josh say. Then I feel my body move, the warmth vanishes, and although I do not feel any chills, I miss the comforting warmth. As I open my eyes, I see Josh standing by my bed with a bottle of water in his hands. Then I turn my head to see Aiden sitting next to me in the bed. What the hell is he doing in bed with me? Instinctively, I move away and mumble, "What's going on?" I feel Josh place his hand on my shoulder in an attempt to calm me, but as he does, I cannot help but notice Aiden's angered expression. But then it changes as his eyes lock with mine, his eyes are so strange. "You passed out, Aiden caught you. You had a fever and only seemed to stay calm in his arms, so he stayed with you in bed just until you were better," Josh explains. "How long was I asleep?" I ask. "A little under an hour," Josh explains as I look at Aiden. "You held me the entire time?" I ask him. "Yes," he simply says as he gets off my bed. My face flushes with embarrassment. "Sorry, you're new to town and it seems I've been nothing but trouble for you," I whisper. "I don't mind," he says as he walks towards my door and then looks at Josh. "I have to grab a few things and then I can handle Faith from here out," he says as he leaves. "Handle me," I mutter. "I don't need a babysitter," I say under my breath as I get up. "Josh, you can leave. Thanks for your concern about me, but I can handle myself," I say to him as I open a drawer and pull out some money. "Give this to Aiden when you leave for the pizza he got. I don't need anyone handling me," I say to Josh, causing him to sigh. "You passed out, Faith, so you have a choice. Either I take you to the hospital or you stay home with Aiden monitoring you for the rest of the day." "You are out of your mind, you don't treat me like a friend, you treat me like a controlling parent, no one is monitoring me," I say as I head to my bathroom and slam the door. My bathroom window leads to a fire escape. I shake my head. I've never felt like I have had to run from my own home, but I am done with Josh being controlling. The way Aiden said he would handle me also upset me. He is a stranger, and although he has been helpful, this whole situation leaves me with an awkward, uncomfortable feeling. I make my way down the fire escape with a pair of flip flops from the bathroom and then run from my place. I need to get away for now. I make my way to a small diner that I know of and go in, grabbing a table. I luckily have a small amount of money in my pocket, enough to get a coffee and at least sit here and clear my mind. It is raining outside, so my clothing is wet, and I'm sure my hair is a mess. As the server comes over, I order a coffee. The waitress bends down and asks, "Are you okay, sweetheart?" I nod and say, "Boy trouble." She nods in understanding and then comes back with my coffee. I'm sure Josh knows I left by now and that Aiden does too, but I left my phone at home, so I have no clue. Time seems to pass as I drink a few cups of coffee, trying my best to calm down. Then I see the three men from the bar enter the diner, and they lock their eyes right on my table, coming over and sitting in the booth with me. I move to make a sound, but then I feel a cold object against me. "I suggest you stay put and act normal," one says as I look down at a knife pressed against my side. What the hell do they want with me, and what is with my luck? I sit still and nod. "Good girl. In a minute, once we settle your bill, you are going to come with us, and you are not going to make a scene," he says. "What do you want with me? I have no money, and I'm sick, so my body is no good to you," I whisper. "You will learn soon, don't worry. We have no interest in your money," he says, causing me to swallow as the knife is still pressed against my side. Once the bill is settled, I walk out with them. The man holds me in a way that makes the knife not noticeable, and they start to lead me down the street towards a parking lot. "I smell the Rogue. Take care of him," the guy holding me says to the other guys with him, and soon they separate. I cannot let him take me. I have to fight back, even if it means getting stabbed. I move against the man, trying to break free. "Don't even try," the man says, a low grumble sounding in his chest as the knife grazes my skin. I do the only thing I can think of and bite his arm, causing him to curse as I break free and try to run, causing him to growl, startling me. I hear someone running towards us, and the man tries to grab me again. He is unnaturally fast, and I fall to the ground, trying to dodge him. Just as I think he will get me, another person comes at him so fast I cannot even process what is going on. I get up and run down the block, trying to get away as I hold my hand against the area the knife grazed me. Once I am a safe distance, I stop and pull my hand away to see a good amount of blood. The sound of someone running again reaches my ears as I move to take off again. "Faith, stop," the voice calls, and I recognize it as Aiden as he catches up to me. His shirt is covered in blood as he grabs hold of me, but I try to pull away again. "Don't touch me," I snap, and he takes a step back. "I'm not going to hurt you, Faith, but I need to get you out of here. Those men, two of them got away and they will be back," he says. "I don't even know them, I don't really even know you. For all I know, you are with them," I say as I keep my hand on my side. His eyes seem to flicker a weird Amber hue again as he looks at my side. "They hurt you," he says, his fist clenching. "My car, it's down the street. I know you don't trust me, but you are in danger. I don't want to force you to come with me, but I will if you refuse for your own safety. Those men, they will come back after you," he says. I turn to look around and then look at him again. I feel like I'm out of my mind, but for some reason, I do trust him even if he is a stranger. "Fine," I say as I follow him to his car and get in. He gets in, not saying a word, and starts driving away fast. "Just what I wanted, to go back to the hospital," I mutter. "I'm not taking you," he says, surprising me. "I'm bleeding," I whisper. "I'm well aware. I'm not letting you get hurt," he says as he releases one hand from the steering wheel and surprises me as he pushes it against my side, keeping pressure where I'm bleeding. I watch as we leave the town. "Where are you taking me?" I ask, getting nervous, but he does not respond. After several more minutes, he pulls into a large parking lot with several RVs and parks the car. He unlocks an RV and helps me into it. "Is this yours?" I ask. "Yes," he responds as he leads me to a couch and directs me to sit down. I watch as he pulls his shirt off and tosses it to the side. I try not to look at him, but hot damn, he is well-toned. I shouldn't be thinking about that when he just took me away from town. He then bends down next to me. "I'm lifting the side of your shirt to see how bad you are hurt," he says. Before I can respond, he pulls my shirt up. His facial expression is tense as he gets up again and goes into a small bathroom. He comes back with a wet cloth and places it against me. "You fell, did you cut yourself anywhere else?" he asks me. "My knee hurts, but I don't think I cut it," I respond. "Can I see it?" he asks me as I look down. The pants I have on are tight. The only way I can show him is by taking them off. "I can check if I can use your bathroom," I say, and luckily he seems to understand as he gives me privacy to check. I go in and slide my pants down. Luckily, I have no other injury. Once I open the bathroom door, he is standing right by it. "I have to stop the bleeding on your side, and then we will stay here for the night," he says. "Shouldn't we be calling the cops and reporting those guys?" I say. "They won't help," he mutters as he guides me back to the couch. "I won't stop bleeding fast. I need a hospital," I admit. "I already got you to heal once," he says, confusing me. He then gets up again and walks away one more time and then comes back and hands me water. "Thanks," I whisper as I take several sips, and he places the cloth against my side again. My head starts to feel really foggy. Did he do something to the water? "Aiden," I mumble. "I'm sorry, Faith. You need to sleep," he says. My eyes get too heavy, and I close them. I feel him lift me. I want to say no, but I can't talk. I'm on the verge of blacking out completely. I then feel myself being put down on something soft, followed by a warm sensation on my side. It almost feels like lips against my skin just as everything fades away.
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