Chapter Nine

2021 Words
~Faith~ I don’t know why I am so comfortable with the fact that Aiden is a werewolf. There is just something about him that keeps me calm, keeps me okay with believing what I grew up thinking was make-believe is actually real, and is now holding me. I have never let any man hold me like this ever, but then again, I’ve also never kissed anyone. I’m the awkward eighteen-year-old that never dates, but then again, I’m pretty sure Josh chases every guy that may have had interest away from me. With Aiden, he just feels right, so right that I want him. I want to feel all of him, even if we just met. The room is dark as I lay awake against him. He seems like a very tense person when awake, but right now I can tell his entire body is relaxed as his warm breath brushes against me while he sleeps peacefully. I don’t want this moment to end, but then I hear voices outside the RV. I move out of Aiden's arms while he remains asleep and look out of the window. The guys who took me are out there. I duck before they see me and go back to the bed and place my hand on Aiden and gently shake him. His eyes snap open as he looks at me, and I put my finger to my lips in an effort to tell him not to be loud. I motion to the window, and he looks out as a growl releases from deep in his throat. I guess it makes sense now why he growls. He pushes the mattress, and underneath, there is a strange compartment. He then hands me a weird necklace from his dresser. “It masks your scent. I need you to hide in here for me, Faith. I will come get you when it’s safe,” he explains and then hands me a phone but powers it off first. “The pin is 1265. If I’m not back in an hour, turn the phone on and call your friend Josh, but do not leave this hiding place until either I or Josh comes to get you, understand?” he asks. "Yes," I whisper as he helps me in and then moves the mattress back in place. It's so dark and of course, I'm terrified of dark small places, but I try my best to take deep breaths and remain calm as I hear him leave and then all goes silent. I try my best as time passes to stay calm, but as always, I start to get overwhelmed whenever this happens. I swear I hear a voice whispering in my mind, reminding me of all that makes me upset, bringing up bad memories or how I'm sick and I should just give up. Everyone would be better off if they no longer had to worry about me. I start to breathe faster as tears start to form in my eyes. I feel sick from getting worked up, but I stay still. It has to be almost an hour now as I hear commotion inside. I hold my breath as my hiding place is opened, and I look up at Aiden. His shirt is covered in blood again, and he has cuts on his arm as he pulls me out. "You're burning up," he says worried as I wrap my arms around him, and he puts his hand on my back. "You're afraid of spaces like that," he whispers against me, understanding. "I'm sorry," he apologizes as I calm and pull away. "You're hurt bad," I say. "Most of this blood is not mine. They won't be around for some time now, but it is best we head back to the apartment building. Will you be okay for the drive?" he asks me. "Yes," I respond as he surprises me by picking me up and carrying me out to his car. He then drives us away fast. "Your arms are cut," I say, but he reassures me, "It's okay, I heal real fast," as he focuses on driving. At some point, I pass out, and when I wake up, I find myself in an apartment that isn't mine, with a cold cloth on my head. I sit up and see Aiden standing by a dresser, grabbing clothing. He only has a towel wrapped around his waist. "You're awake," he says when he catches me looking at him. I quickly bury my head in one of his pillows, but I hear him laugh followed by his touch on me. "You don't have to shy away," he says. "Are you dressed?" I mutter. "No, but I have a towel on. Are you not comfortable with me like this? I mean, I did see you topless," he says. "You were checking to see if I was hurt," I mumble. "Don't you want to see if I'm hurt?" he asks. Now I feel bad because he was so concerned about me, yet I didn't think to check on him. I pull my head out of his pillows and look at him. "I'm sorry, I really should have asked," I say. "It's okay. You passed out shortly after and are just getting up," he says as I look him over. "All your cuts are gone," I say, surprised, and then I look away from him. "You really are uncomfortable with me like this, aren't you? I'm sorry," he says, getting up and leaving for a moment to go to the bathroom. He comes back dressed. "It's not that I'm uncomfortable. I've just never really seen a man undressed other than on TV," I admit. He gives me an intrigued look. "Wait, that would mean you've never slept with another man," he says in a shocked tone. "No, I have not," I admit. I swear a small smirk forms on his face. "I'm sorry I assumed otherwise," he says. "I get it. I'm not typical for my age. I haven't even been on a date before," I say as he sits down next to me. "I'm happy you're not. I don't like the thought of you being with anyone else when you're meant to be with me," he says. “You speak as I belong to you” I say. “Sorry. To be honest, I don't spend much time around humans. Our ways are different, and for my kind, we typically wait to have any sort of relationship until we find our mates. It can get messy otherwise because we naturally want to be with our mates so much that we have a physical pull towards them. If we indulge in a relationship before finding our mate, someone can get hurt, especially if we develop feelings for someone who is not our mate. Once we discover our mates and start to feel the bond, we actually feel pain when they are intimate with another because our souls are tightly connected. I don't mean to make it sound like you belong to me; it's just that you are connected to me, Faith, as I am to you," he explains to me. "I understand. This is all just really new for me. I don't even know how to be in a relationship, let alone with a werewolf," I mutter. "That's why we're going to take this slow and only go at a pace you're comfortable with. The only thing that may be different from a typical human relationship is that I ask you to stay with me. You are in danger right now, and the other wolves may have already figured out that you are my mate since I've been around you. So, it's best if we sleep in the same place. We don't have to sleep together; I just want to be near you to keep you safe. And for work, I'll ask that we work the same shifts. If you insist on keeping your cafe job, then I'll hang out in that area while you work," he explains. I nod my head. "I'm sorry I seem to be a lot of trouble for you," I apologize. "It's fine. I don't mind. Your family, I know they passed, and I'm not trying to bring up memories that will hurt you. But did they leave you any sort of support?" he asks. "No, the house and all assets were taken to pay off my father's debts," I admit. "I can't imagine the past few months have been easy for you, especially when you are so young," he says. "I manage," I whisper as the thought crosses my mind that I have absolutely no idea how old he is. "Um, how old are you?" I ask him. "Twenty-four," he responds. I give him a small smile, not knowing what to say or ask as I continue working on processing everything. I stand up from his bed, still just in his t-shirt. "Is it okay for me to go to my place and get dressed?" I ask. "Yes, I will take you," he says as he follows me out of his place. I quickly grab new clothing, but before I make it into the bathroom, Aiden stops me. "Can I check where you were hurt?" he asks. I brush my hand against my side and then nod. He gently pulls my shirt up just over where I was hurt. I don’t know why, but this time I am more nervous. Unlike last night, I finally feel self-conscious about my body as his hand brushes against my skin, removing the bandage. His fingers feel warm as he brushes them against the area. "The cut is healed but it is bruised now," he says. I move my hand to rub my head. "Does your head hurt again?" he asks with a worried look. "I'll be fine. I actually have a routine check-up today in an hour, so luckily since I'm awake, I won't miss it. I'll let them know I have a headache," I tell him. "I'll take you then," he responds. "If you need rest, Josh can. He typically does," I explain. "I will," he simply responds. "My phone has no pin. You may want to call Josh while I'm getting ready and let him know," I say to him as I go into the bathroom and turn the shower on. I try to be as fast as I can. As the warm water washes over me, I close my eyes for a moment. The whispers have returned, although that is normal when my head hurts. I've never told anyone about them, as I don't want to add crazy to my file. "Do you really think someone wants such an ugly girl, one who is bruised and broken?" the voice hisses in my mind, but I try to ignore it. "He did not even want you. No man would stop like he did," it continues. "Please stop," I cry silently as I hear my bathroom door open, causing me to startle. "Faith, are you okay? I have a strange feeling..." Aiden starts to speak, but all other sounds are cut off as the voice fills my mind again. "Soon you will be all mine." A searing pain fills my head. "Mmm," I moan, trying my best to not make any sound so Aiden does not worry, but it is too late as he opens my shower curtain and pulls me out into a towel against him. "Look into my eyes," he demands in a commanding tone. As I look at him, I feel his chest rumble as he holds me tight against him. His lips meet mine again, but this time it feels different, almost as if he's trying to make a statement. He presses me against the bathroom wall, devouring my lips, his body pressing against mine, and I can feel his arousal through his clothing. The towel drops, leaving me completely exposed to him, but in this moment, I don't mind. Just him holding me calms the pain and torment I've faced my entire life. It's like he's my cure.
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