14. The Dillon tribe's Chief

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"Bella?" Matias abruptly stood up from his chair right after he saw Bella appear from the corner of the room. The other tribe leaders snapped their heads toward Bella too as soon as they saw Matias stand up. "How did you get inside?" "I'm sure the entrance closed behind us earlier." Matias had a deep frown on his forehead as he walked toward where Bella was standing. However, no matter how many questions Matas asks her, Bella's attention is focused on the woman sitting in the center of the crystal table with her back facing her. "I'm sure that is the overseer." Bella thought to herself while still staring at the overseer's back. "Bella?" Matias called out to her once and finally got Bella's attention. She looked at Matias, who was now standing in front of her without noticing. "I asked, how did you get inside?" Matias repeated his question. "Oh, uhm..." Bella's eyes flew back to the overseer's back. Somewhere in the room, Bella heard Lyca growl, and right after that moment, she heard the overseer's voice. This time, it was clearer than before. The strange feeling she has been having ever since going into the path became even more intense and made it difficult for her to breathe. "Now, didn't I tell you to be respectful of the new guardian?" The tribe leaders, excluding Matias, gasped from shock after hearing what the overseers had said. but even more so after they took another look at Bella. No matter how hard they thought about it, she looked like an outsider wearing the Emmett tribe's clothes. "The new Guardian?" One of the tribe leaders whispered. The overseer stood up from her seat and turned around, which made her action allow Bella to see her appearance for the very first time. "Forgive me for their actions, dear Guardian of the Island of Akku. "I have been waiting to meet you for a long time." The overseer bowed down to Bella. No, it was not just any bow but a kowtow. The tribe leaders' eyes grew wide at the sight of the revering overseer kowtowing to someone like an outsider. "U-uh..." Bella did not know what to say or do in this kind of situation. In the end, Bella sighed in resignation at not knowing what she should do. "First of all, please stand." Bella pleaded, and the overseer immediately stood up. "Please sit at the end of the table, Guardian, as that seat was only for you." The overseer said, and Bella complied with much oblige. She felt like her knees would give out from the sudden treatment she's having from the person she originally thought of as intimidating and imposing. "As I have written in my letter, The real purpose of this meeting was to talk about the appearance of the chosen Guardian. "And since the new Guardian has arrived, we will now start the matters regarding the succession." The overseer stood at the other end and looked at the tribe leaders one at a time. Her gaze was telling them to fix themselves and show the respect she had asked of them to the Guardian. With that stare alone, it was enough for the tribe leaders to comply with the overseer's order. In this short moment, Bella had seen how much the tribe leaders respected and feared the overseer at the same time, as they did not dare defy her orders even for a second. "Yesterday, before the earthquake had hit the island, I heard a voice saying to prepare for the re-emergence of the protector of the Isle of Akku. And so, I have sent a letter to each of you informing you of the appearance of the new Guardian. The overseer started her explanation. "As you can see," the Guardian is an extraordinary person. She is from the outside; however, that does not change the fact that Akku has chosen her to be its own protector. Bella listened well to the overseer's words, hoping to gain some new information he could use to achieve her real goals. "Nobody knows what form Akku takes. However, the Guardian is an exception to this rule. In order for Akku to pass along its judgment over the new Guardian of the island, Akkuu itself needs to face that person. And as such, after the succession is finished, the new protector, the Guardian, is bound not to speak of Akku's true form. With the overseer's words, Bella recalled the blue flames that were absorbed into her body. "Are the blue flames that Akku is talking about really there?" Bella thought to herself. "The Guardian is not bound to one role but bound to many." "And that includes healing the island's wounds." Bella's eyes grew wide at the overseer's words. She had no idea what the overseer meant by "healing the island's wounds," but she was sure that she had no power to do something like that. The blue flames came to mind, however; how could flames heal wounds? It did not fit Bella's knowledge at all. But she soon shook the thought away after the overseer said something else. "The Guardian is also someone who becomes the person with the same status as Akku after the succession." Once the overseer ended her explanation, one of the tribe leaders spoke. It was a woman with a huge build. It was the tribe leader of the Hyali tribe, Malari. "Then, does that mean that the Guardian becomes Akku itself?" "That is one way to think about it, but that is nothing but a theory from hundreds of years ago." The overseer answered. "Interesting." Bella heard a whisper beside her and saw that a man in his fifties who has shoulder-length hair with some gray strands on it was smiling at her with amused eyes. Bella frowned at the man sitting beside her and looked at Matias, who looked like he could not believe what he was hearing right now. Bella felt sorry for deceiving him, but she could not do anything but keep what happened a secret. And just then she heard the man beside her mutter something under his breath, but she could not make out what it was. "I would need to talk to Wyatt." That man was the Dillon tribe's chief.
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