12. The new Guardian

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Bella went back to her room and found Luca lying on top of her bed. She wore the clothes that the servant gave her and was quite satisfied with how they looked on her. However, she could not help but remember how her talk with Lucaon went. She did not want to end the conversation like that, and even more so when Lucaon left like nothing happened after kissing her like that. Bella's head was in a mess, trying to think about what Lucaon felt when he kissed her. What were his feelings for her, and how could he just leave right after doing something like that without even explaining things? Bella sighed and let her body fall onto the bed beside Lyca. A few moments of staring at the ceiling was enough silence for Lyca to not show a reaction to how weird Bella was acting. "Grr," Lyca growled, making Bella's attention switch from her thoughts to earth. "Have you seen what will happen when I meet the overseer, Lyca?" Bella asked the magical beast. Lyca just stared at Bella, but the look in her eyes made Bella certain that Lyca did. The look of discomfort was etched in Lyca's eyes as the magical beast stared at Bella. "I guess you really did see what will happen in the future." "Having the absolute eyes must be great." Bela casually commented, but Lyca's reaction made her assumption change in the blink of an eye. Lyca jumped out of the bed and took a stance as if a tiger was ready to pounce on a prey while showing its sharp teeth. Bella stopped moving for a second and smiled sadly. "I guess having such a powerful skill is still something that has a recoil." Bella stated. She thought of how Lyca must have seen many deaths of her close acquaintances and could not do anything but wait for their end. The absolute eyes was a powerful skill at first thought, but it wasn't after considering some things. Those things, including how the bearer of the Abslute Eyes could not change the future they saw nor tell anyone what the future would be, Lyca relaxed and jumped back on the bed, laying her head on Bella's stomach. Bella smiled at Lyca, who was still looking up at her, and stroked the magical beast's head. It was not even a few minutes before someone knocked on Bella's door. Lyca swiftly stood, and Bella ran to the door to open it and saw the stricken face of the same servant who brought her clothes. "What is it?" Bella's tone suddenly turned serious, and without noticing it, the air surrounding her grew hotter. "T-That... The tribe leader told you to go outside to the village's entrance." The servant sweated profusely as she stumbled on her words. "Why?" Bella asked, her heart beating wildly in her chest. "The tribe leader said to tell you that the venue of the meeting was revealed." The servant looked at Bella with terrified eyes when she noticed that the heat was coming from her. However, Bella didn't care about how the servant viewed her because her mind was busy thinking about the meaning of Matias's words. Lyca, who noticed the servant's look on Bella, bumped her big body on Bella's side to help her calm down. And with that slight action, Bella snapped out of her thoughts and looked up at the servant, who now looked like she had taken a bath in sweat. Bella took a deep breath to calm herself down. "Thank you for informing me." You can go now." Bella smiled, which made the servant even more scared. This person emits an aura like that of the sacred flame, the servant thought, but her smile is so cold. The servant curtsied to Bella before scampering away. Bella turned to look at Lyca, and the latter growled low. They were both thinking about the same thing. Bella had already figured out where the meeting's venue was. It was in Matias's village. Bella ran to the village entrance along with Lyca. It did not take them too long to arrive at the entrance, but upon arriving, Bella noticed that Matias was nowhere to be found. "Miss Bella?" She turned to the source of the voice and noticed that the village guard was looking at her. "Yes?" Bella answered. "Ah, it is you. The tribe leader told me to tell you to head to the shore with Lyca. and that he will be waiting for you there along with the others." Once the village guard finished his sentence, Bella thanked him for relaying the message, and Lyca offered herself back to Bella. She immediately sat on Lyca's back, and then the magical beast ran to the shore at full speed. Meanwhile, at the shore, right below the highest cliff, stood a crowd of six people, with a woman with long white hair standing in the middle. She pricked her finger with a knife and let the blood drip on the ground before the wall in front of them started to tremble and split in two. The five other people behind the woman gasped out of admiration at what they just saw and became wary of the woman's power. "Let us head inside and start the meeting." The woman spoke and headed inside herself first to lead the others from the front. It was not a long walk before they reached the end of the cave. The interior was not like what the other five had expected. It was filled with gems illuminating the whole place as well as a long table made of crystal as well as the six chairs. The people went to their respective seats with the woman in the middle when suddenly one of the five other persons, who were naturally the five tribe leaders of the different tribes on the island, asked a question that the other four tribe leaders were curious about. "Overseer, whose seat is the chair on the other side of the table?" "It is the new Guardian's." The woma, who was the overseer of the island, answered.
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