Chapter 2

1936 Words
Mia's POV Upon arriving, the magnificent black and gold gate of the pack estate, which I believe whirls, opens. As the gate closes, I realize I've been closed to the old world and open to the new world which I believe would be full of surprising opportunities. My world would be full of fantasy with Gavin on my side, my mind starts attracting great thoughts as my biggest dream right now is to assume the seat as Luna. Sullivan Pack from what I've heard hasn't had a Luna for a long time. Though this constitutes part of my happiness as I'll have some power and identity to myself, something which had been denied me in my pack, more of my joy proceeds from being with Gavin. A good number of people turn out to welcome us, they look so glad seeing their Alpha return with his mate, something they must have been expecting for years now by what he said before now. We are informed of a small party that was arranged in our honor, I begin to wonder when they had the time to make the dishes and set everywhere, but then I remember that the journey from Mayweather Pack to here is about three hours, within this time, it's possible to set a whole hall with sufficient persons and tools. Gavin might have informed them on finding his mate right after we connected with each other. After the massive turnout, he calls me aside and speaks to me. "Welcome to my new world, from henceforth, you will have to abide by certain rules, my rules," he puts up a stern face for the first time, but this soon culminates into a smiling face. I narrowed my eyes amused at the style he should take in welcoming me to his pack. "You don't mean it, do you?" I tease him. "Yes, I do. Soon, you're gonna be installed as my Luna and I have to let you know much about the position you are going into." He brushes his palms over my cheeks and looks straight at me with a bit of pitiful eyes, serious but somewhat sweet. I feel the energy and interest flowing from the way he steadies to look at me. My heart can't afford but to play its love song which is beating faster than it's supposed to. ***************** In the morning, I wake up to a great luxury, I didn't expect this. But then something really important occurred while I slept. I had a dream and in the dream, it was the moon goddess speaking to me. We werewolves hold whatever the moon goddess say to us in high esteem. As I slept, I saw a light come upon me, as this came closer, the image of a radiant woman appeared before me. "Mia, please listen to me. If you want to achieve your aim in the Sullivan Pack, you've got to get rid of your angry, twisted face. It would not bring solutions to your problems, rather it would bring more trouble. Your parents are alive, they will return back to their positions soon, same with your stepsisters but the only one who will become the beginning of your trouble would be the best friend you're looking for, Emma. She's here and you would find her when you didn't expect." As I was thinking about this, I see the door opening and Gavin walks in. He stands before my bed folding his arms. "Good morning," I mumbled. "Good morning too. Get ready, we are having a party in honor of you coming here. Soon, you're gonna be installed as my Luna and I have to let you know much about the position you are going into." He brushes his palms over my cheeks and looks straight at me with a bit of pitiful eyes, serious but somewhat sweet. My face which had been stiff was gradually changing, I tried to fake it too in heart. I believed I could enjoy this luxury, being with him and still execute my revenge on him, what really made me a little retrieved in what I had in heart to do to him is what the moon goddess said about my parents and stepsisters being alive. If I had to revenge now, it would be for him raping me. I feel the energy and interest flowing from the way he steadies to look at me. My heart can't afford but to play its love song which is beating faster than it's supposed to. All through the party, my mind was swayed away, I was lost in the beauty of the surroundings, the luxury which has started buying me. It's like being in paradise for someone like me who was subdued to being a slave. After the party, he leads me by the hand as soon as the party is over. "Wouldn't you mind showing me around?" I ask him in a mild voice, I would love no one else but him, to show me around in my new environment. He smiles, but that smile doesn't lasts for long. "I would introduce you properly to my parents, the Alpha and Luna before me but I'm afraid." "Afraid of what?" "No, nothing. It's fine." He pulls me into suspense as he says this, I begin to imagine what he is trying to mean inside of me. I part my lips to raise another question but he subdues that quest with a charming smile which forces me to smile back and keep silent. Deep inside of me I feel there's something I need to know. As if he observes the trouble I'm having inside of me right now, he stops, makes me to face him. "I don't really mean anything serious, you will do yourself harm by worrying over any trivial issue. Just assume it was a slip of the tongue, I love you so much baby and would not trade you for anything in the world." He leans and kisses me again, I know he loves me but his statement is just making me view him as hiding something. "He sounds creepy here!" I say to my wolf, hoping to receive some suggestion from it. My wolf is smarter than me, it growls in acceptance of this. "I'd observed this earlier than you but he is our mate and he loves us, why worry?" "Hmm," I swallow the lump in my throat. I'm shaken off my thoughts by Gavin who playfully shakes my shoulders. "What's it you're thinking?" He gives a weird smile. "No, nothing." I smile back. I choose to let go of this. I once remember my teacher saying that to have a successful relationship, you must overlook certain things. This is just a great temptation right in front of me and it happens to be on my first day with my mate. Perhaps Gavin didn't mean anything serious, I'm the one overthinking everything and just freaking out. "I need to call myself to order," I say to myself. Gavin accompanies me in going to meet the Alpha and Luna, who have their chambers on the third floor, we have to use the elevator. I try my best to keep calm within me, as usual tension arises and I begin to fear if they will accept me. I only saw them from a distance at the party but I'm not quite sure if they were happy having me join their pack. "I would love you to put up your best confidence." Gavin tells me. By this, I realize that we are closer to meeting them. As we stand outside of the glass door of their chambers, I take a hard breath. "Let's go, I'm ready!" I say to Gavin . There in the living room, the Alpha and Luna are sitting arm in arm with each other watching TV. As we approach, we courtesy before them. "I know, mom, dad, you saw her at the party but I want to introduce her to you personally. This is Mia, from the Mayweather Pack." I was smiling, clasping my hands submissively before them. This is one way I show my politeness when I'm standing before elders. I expect them to smile back at me but I'm mistaken, they frown instead. Gavin face falls. He shakes his head in despair, I try to hide my emotions by not looking at them. They both look at each other, from my observation, they must be mindlinking. "Hello sir, ma'am." I wave towards their faces hoping they would return their attention to me. I want to act a bit cordial, not too aloof or serious. When they raise their eyes to stare at me, I nearly cringe. Their eyes turn radiant, the anger in them can't be hidden but what's the reason behind this? "Why would you go pick someone from a pack that doesn't love us?" His mom starts, Gavin freezes on the spot where she is. I can tell he didn't expect this. I widen my eyes, gasping. Though not conscious of this, I feel shocked that a Luna in the contemporary world could still be a racist, one of the most dangerous set of persons because they can't be changed. "What do you mean, mom?" "If I tell you what the Mayweather Pack did to us during our reign, you wouldn't even want to talk to her again." Gavin turns and looks at me. I begin to shake. I had dreamt of being a Luna, now his parents are bringing up a major obstacle, I can't be married and installed without the parents of the Alpha accepting it. "Are they that bad racists?" I recall I had been indirectly made to expect this from what Gavin said before reaching here but I didn't know what exactly it would be. "Yes," they are. Gavin replies in the mindlinking. "So what are we going to do now?" I ask him, a little bit panicked. I had promised never to be emotional but this is forcing me into it. I swallow the lump in my throat as I wait patiently for the next reply, my heart is eager to have some time with Gavin, somewhere far from here and quite secluded. "We don't accept anyone from the Mayweather Pack. We might marry from any other Pack but not this Pack," the Luna gives a sinister smile, she has been putting up a stern face before now, only at this time she's managing to smile and even at that, it's not really. "You may return her to the Pack you took her from." The Alpha, Gavin's dad, mocks. I close my eyes trying hard to suppress the tears that are closing in on me. Galvin turns so furious, his red eyes become more bloodshot. "What do you mean dad?" From his eyes, if his dad was a little kid or someone his age, he would have given him the greatest blow of his life. "Who cares about what you say? Do you think the moon goddess paired her with me for nothing?" He asked him and when he couldn't reply, he held me by the wrist. "I thought to do the right thing, not knowing it would be disastrous." He sighs and retrieves me out of their presence. "Let's see how she will become Luna." His mom mutters to herself, giving a bet. I shriek, what did I just hear? In my Pack, the Luna is the one who always installs the new Luna, same with every other Pack but right now, she has already declared I wouldn't be Luna.
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