Chapter 3

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Mia's POV "We will try our best and see how it goes. I hope it's gonna rest soon, I mean the obstacles surrounding our relationship." I grab his statement while she is delivering them, but then this particular word catches my attention more than others. "You said obstacles, what do you mean?" I ask, directly facing him as I look up, right into his blue eyes which are shaking. "There's something going on within you, so I want to know." I insist. "And you can't know for now, it's a secret and those who are aware of this are instructed not to tell anyone, I don't see a way of you knowing it before the appropriate time." He sounds creepy, coupled with the fact that he gives a mischievous smile which isn't so wide. My eyes roll and blink in frustration and confusion. One thing I really hate is someone I love trying to keep something away from me. "We are mates, so you should be telling me everything." I say with a shrug of my shoulders, with high expectation in mind. I believe that persuasion will eventually make him say whatever he is hiding, little did I know that his mind is strong and has already been made to keep that a secret. He says nothing. Along the way of us going to walk around, he stops abruptly, creating some tension in me. "I'm sorry Mia, but I can't take you around. It would be a task for another day." My heart wants to explode inside of me, I'll really need to run a cross examination on myself, I feel like breaking his bones but why? This is not the Gavin I got from the Mayweather Pack. "Hmm," I sigh. "But why?" I wish to know why he would call off an important task around the palace, an adventure which would have helped to sooth me from the rejection and discrimination of the Alpha and Luna. I feel inclined to ask about them, but when he is starting to act all strange and aggressive all of a sudden, I find no better option than to remain silent and let whatever he is feeling inside of him calm down before he receives my next question. "You have a better task to carry out, so you should even be pitying me." Gavin responds. "And what's that?" "Your tutorials begin right away, you would be trained to act as a Luna. I wouldn't want you to behave odd, that's why I had to arrange someone who take charge of this." My tension slowly fades off, but I'm not sure if he is harsh again, I begin to wonder if this is the reason he all of a sudden canceled a short tour around the estate. "Come with me!" He orders, after I remained for some minutes without saying anything. At the same time sounding gentle, he seems so serious. I see him as persevering. A lot came to my mind while his parents were talking down on me and one of those was fear. I was afraid if he would reject me also but I like the way he stood his ground and opposed his parents. "You're going to attend a tutorial now which will have you groomed into a standard Luna. This will last for a couple of days, at the same time every day. There are a lot of questions to ask and a lot of things to learn which I wouldn't be able to take you on all of them. A woman like you is gonna do that." "Alright!" I heave and sigh, wanting to remain with him because my heart has become glued to his, it's as if leaving his side is leaving his life, most especially with the behavior of his parents, I don't want to give him a chance to consider what they had said but I have no choice right now, I have to attend this tutorial, it's the only medium to becoming what I want to become. I walk into the room directed, leaving his side for the first time since I came here but he said he will come right after and pick me. Standing before me is a woman supposed to be in her fifties. She smiles at me which I force myself to reciprocate, as I feel strange not being around Gavin. I walk towards her absentmindedly and sit on the chair before her. She has a marker in hand, and there is a white board on the wall. "Good afternoon, what's your name?" I ask straight away without any smile, laugh or simple face, I'm not just interested in this, I'm attending because I have no choice. Here, I speak to her as normal in schools. She still has her smile? What a sweet woman! "I'm Beatrice, how about you?" "I'm Mia." I mutter, looking straight into her eyeballs. "I'll be your tutor and guide for as long as the tutorial will last, don't worry, it won't take longer than......" She shrugs her shoulders. "I can't tell for now, but it won't pass... Let's just forget about the time, it's just dependent on you." The lesson starts properly. "First of all I want to introduce you to who your mate truly is?" She gives a mischievous smile, winking at me. "Why is everyone seeming so creepy all of a sudden?" I hissed, upon generalizing the whole point but Gavin seemed the same at some point. Why should my first lesson be about my mate when I was asked to learn Luna etiquette? It gives me a reason to think far, especially as Gavin seems to be hiding something. I sit up, turning a little receptive. Who knows? This could be my only chance of learning something which no one would ever tell me outside of here. After I steady, she begins. "Alpha Gavin is happy to have you as his mate because you are going to produce the long awaited heir for him. No other person can do that, because of this, he is happy." I smirk, wishing to stone her for saying this. I thought she wanted to say something secret. "But what I'm not quite sure is what will become of you when you have born his pups." Her face grows stern, she says this looking directly at me, and ends it with a heavy sigh. "What do you mean?" I twist my face, wanting her to be more open. "After I give birth to his child, what will happen next?" Anxiety flies in. Even if she didn't want to say more than she said, my repeated questions pushes her to reply. She has no choice and she is the only one with me. "No one knows what will happen to you after you give birth to his heir. He's so mysterious, I'm afraid to say this, he might kill you." I gasp, pinching myself on the hips to the point of cutting my skin without realizing. Upon feeling a warm liquid on the top of my fingers that I'm prompted to look down and behold I had cut my skin. Shock from the news about Gavin sees me staggering back from my seat which eventually lands me on the floor. Why would he want to kill his fated mate? The curiosity to see through his reasons comes up, if at all this might be true. Beatrice breathes hard, I see the concern in her eyes, she isn't obligated to say this but is just saying out of sincere love and care, even as I'm not related to her in any way. "He belongs to a deadly gang that performs regular rituals, that's why he seems mysterious and secretive at times, have you observed that?" The question suspends on my mind, which is taken far off, my lips hanging loose in the air. I'm no longer myself as I sit on the floor, it's like my consciousness has been taken away from me, motion ceases, everything stops. I never expected this from such a charming and seductively handsome man like Gavin. He's too good for that, good superficially. I lose my entire sense to thoughts, the only thing active in me right now is my heart whose pulse increases. Beatrice seeing my state moves forward in a haste to help me. "I didn't mean to scare you, please." She pleads in a shaky tone. "I hope you are okay, I don't want you to hurt yourself because of my news, the Alpha will dreadfully deal with me." She gently jacks me off from the ground, brushing my arms, hands and legs with my clothes to ward off the dust. "I was just telling you so you will be aware and not ignorant." She continues to explain but all what she says seems nothing to me. My senses are literally dead, since when I steadied my gaze on her in shock, I remain so, probably like someone paralyzed. It took me many minutes, close to an hour to realize myself but even upon this, I'm still dumbfounded, as she is talking, I return my mind back to this statement. stops to get a reply, I shakily nod my head. "I hope you believe what I tell you. Haven't you seen his secretive lifestyle?" "Of recent!" I mutter. It's what I've observed myself and even got angry and curious about. "His ex-girlfriends all went through this medium, I mean they were killed for rituals. For them, after he finished using them for s*x, to the point of satisfaction, he discarded them like used rag. It would have been better if he left them alive but sadly, he didn't." Again, the shock comes. My legs grow weak and lame that I have to sit because they can no longer carry me. It's a whole new level of shock to hear such bad news about someone you have emptied all your heart to in love. Gavin is someone I see my forever with, I saw him as my escape route from my family to a better life just to hear all these about him, which makes him even more dangerous than the family I'm coming from. Intense fear overpowers me, I sit gently on the seat behind me as my legs can no longer carry my weight. I would fall again if I attempted to stand. I ponder on what Beatrice just told me. My mind and my mind is taken faraway, not until Beatrice taps me bringing me back to consciousness. "Please don't tell anyone of this, I beg you. Do not let the Alpha know of this, I would be dead. I'm just telling you as a mother would, in case you have your own plans." I rose from my seat to hug her so tight, with a grateful heart. This tells me she has some love for me in her heart, tears cloud my eyes and starts to drip. I hold onto her so tight, wishing that as she is telling me this, she also had a remedy. "But why is he sacrificing innocent goals, what does he hope to gain?" "That's what I don't know, it's another mystery. I don't know about your case, it might be different because you are his mate, but I'm just afraid." "After he has s*x with you and is done with you totally, he kills you." I try recreating this in my heart, it turns out to make me more emotional and I'm still clinging to Beatrice's body. I never knew that Gavin who everyone saw as an angel was in fact a demon, I would have rejected him. I will still need to do something about this, just that my chances are slimmer being under his territory. As I hear heavy footsteps walking towards the room, I shriek in terror. It must be him, I almost slip and fall. Beatrice holds me immediately, so I don't. "Thanks," I mutter to her. Seeing him stand at the doorway, looking at us both with tense eyes and a quiet disposition, my brain cells reverberates. "Here comes the demon!" I imagine my wolf saying but I remember my promise to Beatrice, we must pretend as if nothing of this sort happened. Though it's hard to, I'll try. I don't want to put her in trouble, she did no wrong in informing me of what was kept as a secret from me. I wonder what I'll tell him if he asks me what I learnt today, Beatrice spent the whole time briefing me about him. I'm grateful, she has revealed the secrets I so much wanted to know although they are still some left to know. "Time up! I'll be spending some time with you now!" He growls towards my direction and walks towards me, grabbing me firmly by the wrist, turning and taking me away. I turn one last time to look at Beatrice, she gives me a wink of assurance. "Our mother, the moon goddess will surely direct you on what to do." She says to me through a quick mindlink. He lowered his face down a bit to talk to me. "Get prepared, let's go take some food and drinks, because you are surely going to serve me tonight." Fear grips me as he says this, will my fate turn out like the other girls. "Hmm," I sigh so quietly so he wouldn't know. I remember Beatrice asking me not to act in a way that might make him suspect she told me something. I summon the courage in a flash, composing myself. He grabs me by the wrist tighter, dragging me along, I trod reluctantly behind him, Imt I'm puzzled with the way he's acting that I want to ask him. "My parents repeated the same thing, that you are not fit to be my girl, but I think you are fit, your fate is different from every other girl I'd met in the past." Electricity sparks through my veins as he says something related to what Beatrice told me. Could it be that he knows about what we discussed between ourselves? Why is he saying that my fate is different and do I have to trust him?
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