Chapter : 12. Our first Christmas Eve..

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Jake just misunderstood me with one of my classmates. He thought I was cheating on him or that boy was flirting with me, I exactly don't know. But one thing I know for sure is that he's hell angry at me for trying to save him. Right now he is looking at me with eyes full of rage and on the other way, I'm shaking in fear. After that, he did something I would never have thought about it before this day. He slapped me with his full force, making my vision darkened and my head buzz. Then he holds my hair again and took my face near him. “Don't ever take anyone else's side again with your f*****g mouth. Understand you b***h. I'm warning you. If I ever see you near another man again, I'll f**k you so hard that you won't be able to move out of your bed for a week.” He shouted at me so loud that I flinched in scare. “You're mine, you'll always be mine. And if anyone dares to come between us I'm going to destroy that person.” He grabbed my jaw tightly and shook it before pushing me more into the ground. Then he left me there. I was in that empty class alone, shaking and crying my eyes out. I had never thought he would hit me one day. First my dad and now Jake. Does my fate is sealed to be abused by everyone for the rest of my life? What should I do now? Should I leave him? No, I can't. I love him too much to live without him. I don't want to lose another person in my life, whom I love so much. I have to bear everything. A part of my heart just broke. But I won't break. I'll be strong, and I'll prove to everyone that I'm not weak. I will love him until he fully trusts me again. The next day I searched for Ethan in the whole school but didn't find him. Later, Sammy found out that he is currently admitted to the hospital with a broken leg and broken rib cage. I felt so guilty for his pain. He has gotten punishment just for talking to me. The whole school fears me and hates me now. When I told Sammy what Jake did to me, she tried to convince me to break up with him. But I told her that I won't. I would fight for his love. She was angry with me and didn't talk to me for the next 2 days. But finally, she said that it was my life, so I have to solve it by myself. Days passed by and Jake started to go further away from me. He was back into his bullying acts like he was before starting a relationship with me. He doesn't hang out with me very much but invites me to his house once or twice a month. His kisses are not loved ones anymore. It was more like he wants to remind me of his claim on me. He bites my lips and gives hickeys to my neck. Maybe he does this to show people that I'm only his property. He hits me often now, even the smallest mistakes can be the trigger to my torcher. But I take it all inside me silently. Maybe this is my fate and I have to compromise with it. The sooner I accept it the better for me. At least he loves me… And that's enough for me. But one day that part of my trust also broke. I saw him with Cristy, making out inside an empty class. I didn't believe my eyes first, so I was standing there watching them kissing and touching each other's forbidden parts. After a few minutes, I couldn't take it anymore. I ran away from school until I reached my home. I locked myself in my room and cried for hours. My eyes got red and my face turned pale. I looked like a zombie by the end of the day. Sammy called me in the evening. “Kizie we need to talk.” She sounded serious. “Umm… What is it?” My throat feels dry from all the crying. “Not like this. You have to come to my house. Right now.” She ordered me. “Ok, I'm coming.” When I reached her house she literally dragged me to her room as soon as I reached her house and closed the door. “Is everything between you and Jake good?” her first question was that. “Yes…” I answered in a whisper. “Well, I don't think so. Believe me Kizie, he is cheating on you.” My eyes got wide. How did she know? “Are you sure?” I asked her quietly although I know the answer. “Yes. I saw him a few times flirting and touching girls. But today's incident was out of my imagination. I saw him making out with Cristy and I know, it is going on from a long time between them.” So she saw them too. “I think you need to final things between you two. I'm calling him here, and I need you to ask about what's going on, and what does he want…” I just nod to her. Then she called him and put the call on speaker, so I could hear their conversation. “Hey, miss smarty-pants, what's up? It's been a while you haven't called me…” Is it just me or does it sounded more like he was trying to flirt with her. “Jake we need to talk. Can you come to my house now?” she asked him. “Yeah, I'm coming.” He said hurriedly. “Ok. Kizie's already here so come quick.” Her phone got silent for a moment before he replied. “Actually you know what Sammy, I'm a little busy right now. I would meet you guys later.” What? Is he avoiding me now? I felt a little pain in my heart. “Don't f**k with my patience. I want you here right now.” When Sammy starts cursing, you don't wanna mess with her. “Ok fine, I'm coming.” He hung up the phone. After 15 minutes he is in Sammy's room. “So what do you want to talk about?” Jake asks Sammy. “It's not me. Kizie wants to ask you something. Go on now babe…” she replied. “Jake we both saw you hooking up with Cristy today. And Sammy told me that you were flirting with girls before. Are you cheating on me, Jake?” I asked him after taking a deep breath. “What. No… Baby girl. I love you. I won't cheat on you. You're my future wife, how can I betray you? You know girls from our school are crazy over me, specially Cristy. She came onto me, you know how she is… Why are you doubting me?” He came closer to me and hold my hand. “Trust me, baby girl. I will never leave you. You are my addiction and my obsession. I can't even think over you. I promise you, you will be forever with me until my last breath.” He said that and cupped my cheeks, wiping my tear that was now falling uncontrollably. “Please Jake, don't leave me. I love you and I don't want to live without you.” I told him while sobbing and hugged him. My life is now based on hope only. Hope that one day this will all change. Hope that one day I will be only his, and he will be only mine. Hope that I'll finally get the love I always desired. Hope that my fate will give me the happiness I deserve... It's been nearly a year since Jake and I are together. In one month I'll be 18 years old and in two months we will be graduating and going to college. Well in my case getting married. He promised me that he's going to marry me after we graduate. And I'm excited to start our happy married life. Things between us are going pretty well now. I'm more like a wife to him instead of a girlfriend. He hits me if I made him angry, and he coos me the next moment. His mom still doesn't like me much, but now she's comfortable around me. I cook for both of them whenever I'm there, and they like it. It's Christmas today, and he invited me to spend the evening with him. His mom is out of town and his servants are also taking a day off, so he asked me to go because he didn't want to be alone on Christmas Eve. Well, I don't want to be alone today either. Every Christmas my dad locks me in my room and doesn't even give me food, instead of the fact that I cooked those special meals for them. I planned to cook the meals before going and come back home before dinner. It's everyone's favorite holiday, so I thought to wear something nice today. I went shopping earlier and bought myself a nice crop top with a blue jacket and tight blue jeans. I put them on and wear a little makeup. I let my hair loose but pinned up both sides to avoid loose stands falling in my eyes. My outfit is looking sexy today, so I didn't were my glasses to ruin it and got out to have a happy memorable night. It's my first Christmas with him...
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