Chapter : 11. Everything changed..

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At this moment, I was in Jake's room and having my first kiss. I've never kissed anyone before so, I didn't know how to kiss him back. I was just standing there still, while he was nibbling my lips. Suddenly he bit my lower lip hard, making me gasp. He took the advantage and slide his tongue in, to explore my mouth. He was dominating inside my mouth when he all of a sudden took my breasts in both of his hand and started squizing it hard. A whimper came out of my mouth, and it made him more aroused. He pushed his body so tight to me that even air can't pass between us, and started to rub his bulge in my stomach. I pushed him away from me and we both started panting in lack of breaths. “What? Now I'm not allowed to touch you or what?” He asked me angrily. “Jake I'm sorry, but I can't do this now. I want to wait for our marriage before getting intimate with you. I want my first night to be special. Not only that, but I want to be called legally yours before having s*x. Please try to understand me…” "But you are going to be mine no matter when. So what is the pont in waiting?" "It does matter to me. s*x before marriage is not something that people likes. If anyone finds out, they would call me with bad names. And I don't want that. Can't you wait for me?" “Ok fine. I'll wait for you. You have no idea how much hard it'll be, but I'll try my best. Now, later, whenever it will be, you'll be mine. You ARE MINE. As soon as we graduate, I'll make you legally mine baby girl. I'll wait for that day when you will be under me, and I will f**k you hard all day and night.” With that word he kissed my lips again but this time it was soft. After our little make out session we came downstairs and sit on the couch. It is nearly lunchtime. “Do you want to eat something?” I ask Jake. “Yeah, I would like to. You just remembered me that I'm still feeling a little hungry. Maybe I haven't eaten you enough.” He answered and I smiled to hear him. “Well then I'm going to make something for us.” I tried to hide my blushing face. “Baby girl, you don't have to do that. There are maids to do that.” he holds my hand when I tried to get up. “It's ok.. I like to cook. And I would love to cook for you. I'll be back soon.” He agreed to that, and I went to their kitchen. It's big and full with different kind of kitchen equipments. I checked their fridge and found everything I'll be needing. After half an hour I made some chicken fried noodles with salad and served in two plates. I took them to the living room where Jake was waiting for me and handed him one. He took the first bite and moaned out loud. “Wow, I didn't know that you can cook so well. It's tastes like some chefs' food…” he said with mouth full of noodles. “Thanks, I've been cooking for too long. So I think my technic might have improved with time.” I was laughing by seeing his acts. “I think I'm going to gain a few pounds after I marry you baby girl…” he really knows how to make me laugh. After our launch he dropped me to Sammy's house and asked me if I will be coming to his house again or not. Of course, I'll be going. I'd like to spend some quality time with him too. I went to Sammy's room and changed my clothes again. Sammy asked me how was the meeting. “Well, it's confirmed that Jake's mom doesn't like me.” It was my first comment. “Don't worry about her. She is always rude with everyone. She only behaves good with high class peoples. Ignore her...” I nod at her. “Sammy can I ask you something.” “Yeah babe, of course. Go on…” “Umm… If… If someone kisses you how do you kiss back?” I ask her. “What? He kissed you? How? When?” She freaks out. “Umm… Today! After his mom left, he took me to his room and...” I was talking when she stopped me. “Stop, stop, I don't want to know the details.” Her face became sad. “So, will you tell me how to kiss?” “The next time he kisses you just follow his lead and do what he's doing.” She shied and replied to me. What's wrong with her? Why is she behaving like this? Maybe she's feeling lonely cause now I have a boyfriend, and she doesn't. Maybe I should hang out with her more to freshen her mood up. I wish she had a boyfriend too to take care of her, and we four could hang out together. She deserves some wonderful person in her life. It's been three months since me and Jake are together, and everything can't be more perfect. I have been to his house a few more times but only when his mom was not there. I like to feed him, and he likes to eat my food. So whenever we're there, I made him something special to eat every time. We've kissed every time we're there. We had some of our romantic moments there too. And to my surprise he never tried to get intimate with me again. I'm glad that he respects my thoughts. FLASHBACK :- “Come on baby girl lets dance.” He played some romantic music on his sound systems and took out his hands in front of me to hold. “But… I don't know how to dance.” I told him. “No problems. Give me your hands and follow my movements.” Then he took my hands in his, and put one of it in his shoulder. His one hand is in my hand and another one is in my waist when he started to move. “Left foot, right foot, again left foot, right foot and now spin. Very good. Now from the start…” he started to teach me step by step and in a few minutes I knew how to dance. We were both dancing happily when he kissed me. I put both of my hands around his neck and kissed him back, just how Sammy told me to. “Wow baby girl, you're a fast learner. I'm glad to be your teacher...” I blushed at his comment. “I love you Jake.” “I love you too baby girl.” FLASHBACK ENDS :- No matter how messed up my life was, I was happy with him. He made me laugh and forget about all worries in just a second. I loved him so much that I never thought that he could ever think about hurting me. But I was wrong. My whole life began breaking apart in front of my eyes and I couldn't do anything about it. It started in our school. I was getting out of my class when Ethan, my classmate called me. He was almost like me, nerd with glasses. “Hey Kizie, can you give me yesterday's notes? I am a little behind in my math notes.” Ethan asked me. “Of course. Here is it.” I gave him my notes and was showing him the pages when Jake came there. I didn't notice that I was standing too close to Ethan. Jake took my hand and started to drag me out of there and ordered his friends to beat Eaten. I was startled by his sudden actions. He took me inside an empty class and pushed me on the ground. “Jake… wh… what's wrong? Why… why are you doing this…” I got scared from looking at his angry face. He sat In front of me and hold my hair tightly. “How dare you to cheat me?” He shouted at me and I looked at him in shock. “Jake… You're misunderstanding. I wasn't cheating on you. He was just taking some note. I swear Jake I didn't do anything wrong.” I try to explain. “Do you think I'm a fool. I was there. I saw you getting close to him. I'm going to kill him for trying to flirt with you.” He looked serious, so I try to make him calm again. “Jake trust me. He was not flirting with me. Please leave him alone. You know, that I will never even think about cheating on you. Believe in me.” I started sobbing. “I know you won't. But that bastard was doing exactly what I think. He's going to pay for his crime.” He said with an evil smile. “No Jake. You are not going to hurt anyone. I am not letting you do anything wrong.” I said with a strong voice. He just looked at me, his eyes turned all black in anger. And then, he did something I would never have thought before this day. He did something that broke my heart into pieces.
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