CHAPTER FORTY: silent confrontation

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Evening came faster than Ava expected. She was now cleaning up her desk and organizing her things in the office. Someone was waiting at the door for her. The day passed by in a blur without them talking. After the board meeting, he did not say a word to her. It made her heart feel heavy. When Zeus was leaving, she hurried back to her office and away from the guy when she knew he was going to kiss her cheek again while Zephyr was right behind. Her chest felt so tight every time the thought of Zephyr popped into her mind. All he did throughout the day was just stand there. He did not even eat lunch with her at the same table at the company canteen. She lost her appetite and did not finish her steak. While he was still eating, she left the canteen. She felt even worse when he just stopped eating and ran after her, taking the bottled mineral water with him to the elevator. The deafening silence was all that surrounded the atmosphere. Who was to blame? This is my fault but I won’t walk up to him and talk first. She angrily put her phone in her bag before walking towards the door. Her pride was too high and she was not denying that. She hated giving in. She would never confront a person even if she was at fault. Even though her heart was not in the best situation, she could still be so egoistic and never talk to the person she had a problem with. If he wants to talk to me, he will come to me. She confidently thought, feeling so full of herself until she had finally walked out of her office and her eyes landed on the person she could not stop thinking about during the day. She hoped the guy would just leave her mind so she could peacefully at night. She looked up at him and almost muttered a profanity when he did not even say a thing and just stood there like a statue with his hands clasped together in front of him. She wanted to get mad at him, but she remembered all he had been doing was standing at her door throughout the day, guarding her. His legs must not feel good by now. She thought. She hated to admit that she was worried about him but it was not etched on her face. She did not want him to see that she was actually a soft-hearted person. I’d be hard on you. She thought. But… Why do I feel like I am just punishing myself? Passively, she breathed out, came out shaky, and then started heading towards the elevator. She knew he would follow right after. When they were in the elevator, the same thing happened. Silence surrounded the two. The tension was there, she could obviously feel it like an iceberg. So cold but ready to break down soon. She looked down at her feet while the lift was taking them to the basement. She could not find it interesting to look at the moment. Well, he was interesting but her pride was taller than her. She did not want to look at him because she knew she would just give in. She would end up swallowing her pride and shout at him to just talk to her already. That sounds… desperate. Ava frowned at herself, thinking how stupid it was to beg someone’s attention and words. She was not the type of girl, as she claimed though. Don’t give in, Ava. He will come to you. She reminded herself when she felt so tempted to break the silence already. It was killing her. Closing her eyes, she took a deep breath and it came out shaky for the nth time. It was always like that when her chest felt so tight. It goes for others too. Just swallow your damn pride and explain things. Explain things? I am not desperate and I will never try to make a fool of myself to believe that he has feelings for me. Isn’t this already believing that he has feelings for you? That voice in her head was just so annoying that she could not help but argue back, at least just in her head. Why is he ignoring me then? Can’t it be that he is just being professional? Professional, my ass. Her inner battle ended when the lift finally stopped. Zephyr walked out first but when they reached the car, Ava opened the door herself and got inside. With a passive face, she buckled up and just casually sat in the car. Not so long after, Zephyr got inside the driver’s side and started up the car. The drive back to her place was filled so damn cold silence. It was chilling up to her bones and she was dying to open her mouth and ask him what the heck his problem was and why wasn’t he talking to her. He’s jealous. Keep dreaming. It’s obvious he’s jealous. Then, why do you want to know the reason if you think it’s really what it is. Ava almost groaned in frustration when she could not seem to understand herself anymore. Her mind could not be at peace and it was irritating her a lot, distracting her so much that she might shout at him to pull over and talk to her already. Desperate b*tch. Her mind was just so bold to think that but she knew to herself that she could not do that because of her pride. Passively sulking, she just looked out the window, watching the mesmerizing city lights. As if he knew she was enjoying the view outside, he slowed down a little. She swore her heart moved with that simple act. Assuming. B*tch, it’s the red light.  She rolled her eyes and slumped deeper into the seat. Tired, she kicked her heels off and put her feet up on the dashboard. She thought she saw him glanced at her for a while but he was so focused ahead and even more focused when the light turned green. Helpless, she just waited for them to arrive at her place. She thought about what to have for dinner, but she lost her appetite. Actually, she was not in the mood for food since morning especially now that she knew she was going to eat alone again.   Why isn’t she talking to me? Maybe because you are not talking to her too? The voice in his head was sarcastic as if it was telling him ‘you know exactly why, fucker’. No, I don’t. She just went through the day without talking to me. Women are so damn pain in the ass. Women are heroes. Fine. While keeping his hands on the steering wheel, he secretly looked at her. She looked so casual and comfortable with her feet on the dashboard. It was just a good thing that her dress was fitted. It would be very difficult for him to drive if she was wearing a flowy skirt while putting her feet up on the dash like that. Her feet were cute. A fetish. Realizing that he looked like a creepy bodyguard secretly staring at her, he focused ahead. He made a turn when they finally reached the building and drove down the basement. Zephyr parked her car along with her other cars and did not bother to hurry out of the car when he saw her getting out on her own after wearing her heels. They headed towards the elevator, got inside, and rode up to her unit. The most thrilling part came when the lift finally stopped and they walked out and stopped in front of her door. Ava stood there, clutching her bag in front of her while staring at the door. He was just right behind her, waiting for her to say something at least. He was not sure if he was welcomed into her house. “You can go home now. I’ll be fine on my own.” Her mouth seems to be working now. Zephyr ignored his sassy self and took a deep breath before responding, “I’ll guard outside.” “Just go home to Xavier.” “He’s got a dorm.” He replied quickly. Then there was silence again. He was not lying. Zephyr finally granted his brother’s request of wanting to live independently in a dorm at the university. He could not say anymore because it was what Xavier really wanted and it was also because of his mission as a bodyguard. It seemed like Ava did not know what to say and Zephyr wondered what he was thinking about. Maybe she thinks I am just lying so I’d stay. Dude, she wants you away. Oh. “You can go home now. I will sleep early.” She finally said after two long minutes. It seemed like forever for him already. “How about your dinner?” He asked. Why is my voice so soft? Zephyr frowned, wondering why he sounded so calm and soft. Weird. I am so weird. This is just so not me. “I am sure I know how to cook for myself.” She responded, turned her head to the side, and looked at him with an attitude. “I was just asking, not offering to cook for you.” It was too late for Zephyr to realize what he just said to her. It was too late for him to stop her from finally opening the door and slam it right on his face once she got inside. “Shit.” He muttered, rubbing his hands across his face in frustration. Great. Just great.    
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