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In the cold night, Ava could not sleep as she lay in her bed. Hair wet, eyes tired but open, body curled up and lying across the mattress. The wind from her windows and the open balcony was tickling her bare arms and legs but she did not feel cold. She had taken a shower already and got into baby pink nighties. She did not bother going downstairs to the kitchen. Food was the last thing on her mind so preparing it was the least she had to do. He was so rude. So cold. Her stomach growled for the nth time but she ignored it again. It was empty but she was just not in the mood for food at the moment. All she could think about was the fact that he had hurt her feelings without knowing it. Or maybe, he did that on purpose to hurt her? “I hate you.” She muttered, her eyes wide open and not blinking. Someone would think of her as a woman who had just gone from a painful breakup because of how vulnerable she looked at the moment. She was not crying and she would not. There was nothing to cry over. Her feelings were just hurt but she was not going to cry just because of that. As she lay in her bed, she wondered if he was still out there. Maybe he had gone home already. It had been more than thirty minutes since she slammed the door on his face. Just maybe he had gone home already. “Ugh. Damn this.” She groaned, laying on her back and swinging her legs off the bed. She sat on the edge and lazily got up. She felt she needed to check if he was still there. She just wanted to make sure. Why? I don’t know. Just shut up. Anyway, she headed downstairs barefoot but just when she was about to for the door, she saw someone sitting on her couch. Instead of getting startled, she squinted her eyes at the man’s back. Yes, his back was all she could see, dark-haired and sexy shoulders. Was that even important? The guy was wearing a white shirt. All she could make it was his nice physique. Bare feet and without a sound, she tipped on her toes and inched towards the guy. She bit her lip, trying not to make a sound but just when she was almost to hit the guy on the head, he suddenly spoke saying, “It’s me.” Just at the familiar voice, Ava’s mood changed or rather became worse than earlier. “What are you doing here?” She asked with a grumpy voice, crossing her arms as she headed towards the kitchen. She opened the fridge and poured herself a glass of water. The cold liquid refreshingly flowed down her throat and filled her empty stomach. She let out a satisfied sigh before putting the glass pitcher back in the fridge. “Come here. Let’s have dinner.” “I’ve already eaten.” She replied and started walking back to the stairs. Just when she was about to take a step on it, his voice stopped her again. “I know you haven’t eaten dinner yet. I’ve been here the whole time.” Ava was not sure if he was already looking at her or if he was still reading that magazine. She did not wish to know. Maybe, she did but she would not turn around just to know that. Anyway, she could not also be sure if he was telling the truth. Maybe, he just said that to make her feel bad which worked a little. Don’t judge too easily. What if he was actually telling the truth? “I am not hungry.” It was obviously because she was actually hungry but she did not want to eat. There was a difference between the two. “You did not finish your lunch today. No snack. Have dinner eat least. Your intestines would be digesting nothing for eight hours. You’d wake up not feeling good. I won’t eat with you if that’s what it takes to make you eat something.” “Why do you care?” Her voice suddenly raised. What the heck is wrong with you, woman? Your good-hearted bodyguard is just concerned about you. “I look after you. Of course, I do. Not that I have to. I just do.” “Stop with that bullshit. Just go home.” She boomed and then messed with her hair. Why am I breathing hard? Ava was so frustrated and she did not know why she was being so annoyed about it. She was annoyed because Zephyr was acting like he did not say anything just forty minutes ago. He was just acting so composed and calm, like nothing ever happened. You were just taking it seriously. That voice in her head said. She hated that but it was true. Well, she took everything usually. It was a time to joke around and treat things she was doing not so seriously. Serious was when steaking kisses, muffling moans and releasing pleasure behind closed doors too? Shut up. “Stop acting like a kid.” She almost flinched at the sudden rise and strength of his voice. She did not expect that all. Surprised, she fell silent. Once again, she was hurt by his words. She should not be surprised because he was normally like that when they first met but recently, the words cut deeper into her feelings. “So, I am a kid now?” She finally found the courage to speak against him, bitterly asking him that and turning around to face him. She almost cursed when she saw him already up on his feet and staring at him. She hated her eyes for looking at his chest since two buttons of his shirt were left open. Why make it three? Pervert. “You are.” “Oh, nice. Good to hear that.” Sarcasm rolled off her tongue as she rolled her eyes after. “Fine. I’ll be a child then.” She said, turning her back to him. “You are just proving it.” She, once again, stopped in her tracks when he said that. Although she knew exactly what she meant by that, she faced him again, asking, “Proving what?” “That you’re a kid.” Gritting her teeth and glaring at him, she threw him a ‘f**k off’ look before finally taking the stairs up to her room. “Ava!” She did not stop this time and continued walking until she was finally in her room. She was closing the door behind her when it was just stopped again. Jaw clenched, she gave up, letting go of the knob and walked to her bed. She got under the comforter and curled herself up. “Can you tell me what the heck your problem is? This is f*****g insane. Why are you being like this?” She just closed her eyes and pull the comforter fully over her body. He was being more annoying. “Ava Lauren! For Christ’s sake. Talk to me.” “We were talking. I was just telling you to leave me alone.” “Really nice. If you won’t get up, I might have to carry you downstairs.” He warned. Ava scoffed. “I won’t really get up. If you’re not going to leave, at least get out of this room.” “You are really challenging me, huh?” Before she could even open her mouth to say something, a shriek was what came out when he was suddenly being lifted off the mattress and his arms. The comforter slid down her legs as she protested, twisting in his arms. “Put me down this instant, you idiot.” She hissed as she tried her best not to put her arms around his neck. “Look, who’s talking.” Zephyr just smirked at her as he continued his way downstairs. That made her more annoyed. He was being too harsh on her already and she wondered if he was even aware that he was already hurting her. Maybe, not. Helpless, she just kept quiet and gave up. Not so long after, she was being put down on the couch. When she looked ahead, her heart melted to see the round glass coffee table filled with her favorite foods. Steak, lasagna, and cucumber salad. Her eyes stayed on the plates of mouth-watering food in front of her. “Eat.” She looked up and glared at him. “I am not a f*****g dog.” “I did not say anything like that.” He frowned, sitting on the opposite couch. “You are so annoying.” “But you want to eat those.” He smirked, making her blood boil even stronger. Calm down, Ava. “f**k it.” She muttered, picking up a knife and a fork and cut through the steak. She could not care less anymore as she swallowed the delicious small piece of the steak along with her annoying pride. As she ate, she could feel Zephyr just watching her. She locked eyes with him and blushed when she saw that small hint of a smile on his lips. Damn him. She angrily thought, swallowing, and dug into the steak again. It just tasted so good that her frustration was lessened a little bit. She did not realize how angry she was when she finally finished the steak and was now on the lasagna. It was so cheesy, just how she normally liked it. He is so cheesy. And he really cares about me. Fool yourself. He would not have ordered food if he was not concerned about her. Then be kind to him. I’ll try to be.                    
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